this image contains text
, 7 , , 7
, , s 7bs, s s l
s ,s l, *,,s :l bs, ,s s,,s : , :l l: 7bs, s
, l 7,l:
, l l7 :CN : ,* ::: : :: :: :: : :: ::, .,l ,lP: :: :l::: ::, :: ,7 l ,dP ,l *, 7 s
,s 7l, ,* , s, ,
s ,* sd , oIl.. s, ,s
,s l s
,s 7l *
y0 all sup .. this is 9lives here.. tyme to give ya the newest
news on oil.. and whats happening.. i told of few of you that
something was going to happen.. welp.. me and inner vision both
talked it over and we thought it best to kill oil for the time
being.. one.. hes never around to run the group.. and im quiting
the whole group thing.. so im basically going freelance er whatever
so for all those who lubbed the oil paks.. ya never know.. iv may
just bring oil bak later.. i dunno.. i prolly wont have much to do
with it tho.. so after this pak ill have one more thing to do with
oil.. which will come out in a week or too after this release.. and
then im gone..
oN the other hand.. we did get some new members.. for at least
this month :P .. hopefully them and the other oil membs will go
off and get better and become all kick ass and shit so i can go
they started in oil ya know er some lame ass shit like that.. but
till then .. im out.. thanks for the phat 6 months of oil.. peace
oh.. and btw.. i wanna give a shout out to cain for drawin this
cool ascii header at short notice.. tho i think he only did eet
so i would release the pak :
, , s 7bs, s s l
s ,s l, *,,s :l bs, ,s s,,s : , :l l: 7bs, s
, l 7,l:
, l l7 :CN : ,* ::: : :: :: :: : :: ::, .,l ,lP: :: :l::: ::, :: ,7 l ,dP ,l *, 7 s
,s 7l, ,* , s, ,
s ,* sd , oIl.. s, ,s
,s l s
,s 7l *
y0 all sup .. this is 9lives here.. tyme to give ya the newest
news on oil.. and whats happening.. i told of few of you that
something was going to happen.. welp.. me and inner vision both
talked it over and we thought it best to kill oil for the time
being.. one.. hes never around to run the group.. and im quiting
the whole group thing.. so im basically going freelance er whatever
so for all those who lubbed the oil paks.. ya never know.. iv may
just bring oil bak later.. i dunno.. i prolly wont have much to do
with it tho.. so after this pak ill have one more thing to do with
oil.. which will come out in a week or too after this release.. and
then im gone..
oN the other hand.. we did get some new members.. for at least
this month :P .. hopefully them and the other oil membs will go
off and get better and become all kick ass and shit so i can go
they started in oil ya know er some lame ass shit like that.. but
till then .. im out.. thanks for the phat 6 months of oil.. peace
oh.. and btw.. i wanna give a shout out to cain for drawin this
cool ascii header at short notice.. tho i think he only did eet
so i would release the pak :
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