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Ok, folks, here we go with some news.
-*New Members*-
Another MoD Wizard has joined our group. His names Parsec. Hes Italian,
and he has a really personal style in making MoDs. Youll like him a lot.
We just lost our Finnish HQ. For some odd reason Fairlight just couldnt
stand having an ANSi group on one of their boards. Well. Maybe its better
this way. Just cant stand these K-Rad assholes who think that theyre
everything in the scene. Get a life.
-*Various News*-
Youre gonna see an ANSi by Nuke in this monts iCE Pack. Check it out.
New affils for OPTiKs WHQ, Temple of Knowledge +39. It became DiE Italian
HQ, Lapse Italian HQ and the possibly first DLC European Distribution
Nuke just became a DLC staff writer.
Flave Just released a CD under the Minus Habes label. Its his first hardcore
production. Grabbit if you see it on the shelves. Its totally awesome.
It is currently being distributed in Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany and UK.
Nukes girlfriend is currently behaving like a total bitch! ahem .. better
rephrase that... Nuke just had an argument with his girlfriend now.. that
sounds better. Hes now gonna have lotsa more time to do ansis and all.
Nuke and his girlfriend are back together.. forget your requests....
Papa-T got his driving licence.
24 people were killed in a car accident yesterday. Reports say that the
disaster was due to a car with a bright Papa-T bumper sticker.
-*End Part*-
Allright, Thassit for now. Catch ya next month with yet another OPTiK pack.
Cya all,
-*New Members*-
Another MoD Wizard has joined our group. His names Parsec. Hes Italian,
and he has a really personal style in making MoDs. Youll like him a lot.
We just lost our Finnish HQ. For some odd reason Fairlight just couldnt
stand having an ANSi group on one of their boards. Well. Maybe its better
this way. Just cant stand these K-Rad assholes who think that theyre
everything in the scene. Get a life.
-*Various News*-
Youre gonna see an ANSi by Nuke in this monts iCE Pack. Check it out.
New affils for OPTiKs WHQ, Temple of Knowledge +39. It became DiE Italian
HQ, Lapse Italian HQ and the possibly first DLC European Distribution
Nuke just became a DLC staff writer.
Flave Just released a CD under the Minus Habes label. Its his first hardcore
production. Grabbit if you see it on the shelves. Its totally awesome.
It is currently being distributed in Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany and UK.
Nukes girlfriend is currently behaving like a total bitch! ahem .. better
rephrase that... Nuke just had an argument with his girlfriend now.. that
sounds better. Hes now gonna have lotsa more time to do ansis and all.
Nuke and his girlfriend are back together.. forget your requests....
Papa-T got his driving licence.
24 people were killed in a car accident yesterday. Reports say that the
disaster was due to a car with a bright Papa-T bumper sticker.
-*End Part*-
Allright, Thassit for now. Catch ya next month with yet another OPTiK pack.
Cya all,
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