this image contains text
OuTrAgEoUs PrOdUcTiOn TrAdErS - tHe iTaLiAn KoNnEkTiOn
.oO March ArT PaCk Oo.
The OPTiK Pack is a set of all the best artwork produced by OPTiK artists
during the month that gives the name to the pack. All our major releases
are included here.
Notes on this info file. Everything listed in this txt, is displayed in
strict alphabetical order. OPTiK doesnt like the hyerarchy bullshit found
in other groups. We think that it is only a bureocratic way for some people
to do little for the group while getting high recognition. Bureocracy free
activity is the ONLY way to guarantee 100 freedom of expression in a group.
The sysops section of this .NFO file, is atypical. It doesnt only contain
the names of OPTiK members who also run boards, it contains the names of ALL
sysops that contribute to the spreading of our work. We think that this is
a right reward for all the help theyre giving us. Thanx to all of you.
The courier section contains only the names of the official couriers of our
monthly pack. Ive seen lotsa people Uploading our works on many boards.
Out thanks goes to all of you.
Please read the other NFO files for more informations about OPTiK.
Thats it for now. Enjoy the pack.
DiGiTaL PiXeL - 3D Gfx MULTiMEDiA CreaTor
FlAvE - ANSi/ASCii/RiP Wiz
NuKe - ANSi/VGA/MoD GuRu
ParseC - MoD Master
BarTeNDeR - AuSTRaLIan Ruler SySoPs
Beastie - Channel Zero Man
Devils Spawn - SouTH of HELl leAdER
DoC BoBo - The FiRM SyS ADMiN
ThE G-MaN - ThE SaNiTaRiuM BoSS
Grifter - The Eleventh Hour Master
* MiNd-NRG - TEMPlE oF KnoWledgE ZyZop *
Neurotic - Programmed Illusion Ruler
Six Pack - The Keg Dood
WedGiE - PyroMaNiA KiNG
NapalM - FaSt As LighT
PaPa-T - PuBlIc ReLaTiOnS AdministratoR
WARRiOR - SpreadiN WidE
Channel Zer0 +1-714-532-5950 2 714 OutPost
DigItAl OxyGeN +1-214-414-5041 3 SouthCtr HQ
The FiRM +49-40-648-2146 3 German HQ
PYroMaNiA +1-317-335-2182 1 317 OutPost
PoWeR GrID +1-813-481-6539 1 SouthEst HQ
SaNiTaRiUM +1-371-PRI-VATE 2 NorthCtr HQ
SouTH of HELl +1-305-360-0575 1 305 OutPost
TeMPlE oF KNowlEdGe +39-6-546880 1 World HQ
The Eleventh Hour +1-415-855-9657 1 415 OutPost
The Keg +1-914-234-9674 1 Courier HQ
Programmed Illusion +1-613-824-7375 1 613 OutPost
ThE ProPhEcY +39-6-71510364 1 +39 OutPost
TeQUilA SuNriSE +617-801-4446 1 Austral. HQ
Before the greetings, wed like to say something to our usual outside-Italy
contacts. Were sorry, but we cant get in touch with you at this time, as
there is a situation over here that makes calling other countries far too risky
or far too expensive. Well get back to all of you as soon as things get
Shoutin outloud to the followin folks:
G-Man - Thanx man, your help is really appreciated over here.
Yakumo - Coolest spreader on earth...
Dreadnought - Hey man... it seems we just cant get in touch.. meet ya on
IRC so we can have a talk.
The Duelist - Hey, guess I wont be hearin from you in a while...
too bad...
Neurotic - Your new alias is cool.. Ill find a way to let you have your
updated ansi.
HOPTiE - My article! How the fuck am I gonna get it to ya?!?! Oh, Ill
figure out a way...
Every one else I forgot at the moment... sorry, Im just too obfuscated
to remember you now... greet ya next time.. promise....
GrEEtings Time ....greeting goes to:
RaD Man : Yo dude ...good chat last time..meet u on IRC
G-Man : Coolest guy around....thankz for invaluable support
Sharp: SYSOP IS NOT HERE, well perhaps around here... ! g
FC: keep on the fine work dudes...
WeDgie: Welcome into OPTIk !!
KlF : Whos the Music leaders round world ? U know..
TiMO of Xography : nice chat with u mon
Pows of TCB : Great Sysop !
Dax Silk of TCB : Ncestaimai ! :
All IRC dude that know me : l8r on chat
Greets goes also to everbody involved in Computer Art
keep on creating new sensations dudes....
Fast lightning greets out to:
Mike Philips Great board. Did ya like my sampler in the ansi?
Minus Habens records Gimme my money.. NOW!
Hacker Art BBS Virtual gallery.. nice, wouldnt it be?
Bits Against The Empire Say hello to mr Brigadiere inside joke
Bartender of Future Crew
Daredevil of Renaissance
everybody in CDN *
everybody who nows me except lamers/idiots
Jinks of /CiD
Killer Loop of Soft-One Productions *
Midnight Sorrow
Nuke / Papa-T / Napalm of OPTiK Productions -
POWS and Dr.Dax of TCB
SiN for cracking my DizUp! and spreading it very fast!
The Duelist
The racle of MAUi
Greetz to the following dudes...
Cobra / Razor
Royal Knight / Alpha
Tempman / Alpha
Janno / Razor
Blaster / Razor
Pows / Tcb
Check out the other .NFO files for more infos bout OPTiK,
file descriptions, applications infos an lotsa other interesting stuff.
This NFO file was made by lv
.oO March ArT PaCk Oo.
The OPTiK Pack is a set of all the best artwork produced by OPTiK artists
during the month that gives the name to the pack. All our major releases
are included here.
Notes on this info file. Everything listed in this txt, is displayed in
strict alphabetical order. OPTiK doesnt like the hyerarchy bullshit found
in other groups. We think that it is only a bureocratic way for some people
to do little for the group while getting high recognition. Bureocracy free
activity is the ONLY way to guarantee 100 freedom of expression in a group.
The sysops section of this .NFO file, is atypical. It doesnt only contain
the names of OPTiK members who also run boards, it contains the names of ALL
sysops that contribute to the spreading of our work. We think that this is
a right reward for all the help theyre giving us. Thanx to all of you.
The courier section contains only the names of the official couriers of our
monthly pack. Ive seen lotsa people Uploading our works on many boards.
Out thanks goes to all of you.
Please read the other NFO files for more informations about OPTiK.
Thats it for now. Enjoy the pack.
DiGiTaL PiXeL - 3D Gfx MULTiMEDiA CreaTor
FlAvE - ANSi/ASCii/RiP Wiz
NuKe - ANSi/VGA/MoD GuRu
ParseC - MoD Master
BarTeNDeR - AuSTRaLIan Ruler SySoPs
Beastie - Channel Zero Man
Devils Spawn - SouTH of HELl leAdER
DoC BoBo - The FiRM SyS ADMiN
ThE G-MaN - ThE SaNiTaRiuM BoSS
Grifter - The Eleventh Hour Master
* MiNd-NRG - TEMPlE oF KnoWledgE ZyZop *
Neurotic - Programmed Illusion Ruler
Six Pack - The Keg Dood
WedGiE - PyroMaNiA KiNG
NapalM - FaSt As LighT
PaPa-T - PuBlIc ReLaTiOnS AdministratoR
WARRiOR - SpreadiN WidE
Channel Zer0 +1-714-532-5950 2 714 OutPost
DigItAl OxyGeN +1-214-414-5041 3 SouthCtr HQ
The FiRM +49-40-648-2146 3 German HQ
PYroMaNiA +1-317-335-2182 1 317 OutPost
PoWeR GrID +1-813-481-6539 1 SouthEst HQ
SaNiTaRiUM +1-371-PRI-VATE 2 NorthCtr HQ
SouTH of HELl +1-305-360-0575 1 305 OutPost
TeMPlE oF KNowlEdGe +39-6-546880 1 World HQ
The Eleventh Hour +1-415-855-9657 1 415 OutPost
The Keg +1-914-234-9674 1 Courier HQ
Programmed Illusion +1-613-824-7375 1 613 OutPost
ThE ProPhEcY +39-6-71510364 1 +39 OutPost
TeQUilA SuNriSE +617-801-4446 1 Austral. HQ
Before the greetings, wed like to say something to our usual outside-Italy
contacts. Were sorry, but we cant get in touch with you at this time, as
there is a situation over here that makes calling other countries far too risky
or far too expensive. Well get back to all of you as soon as things get
Shoutin outloud to the followin folks:
G-Man - Thanx man, your help is really appreciated over here.
Yakumo - Coolest spreader on earth...
Dreadnought - Hey man... it seems we just cant get in touch.. meet ya on
IRC so we can have a talk.
The Duelist - Hey, guess I wont be hearin from you in a while...
too bad...
Neurotic - Your new alias is cool.. Ill find a way to let you have your
updated ansi.
HOPTiE - My article! How the fuck am I gonna get it to ya?!?! Oh, Ill
figure out a way...
Every one else I forgot at the moment... sorry, Im just too obfuscated
to remember you now... greet ya next time.. promise....
GrEEtings Time ....greeting goes to:
RaD Man : Yo dude ...good chat last time..meet u on IRC
G-Man : Coolest guy around....thankz for invaluable support
Sharp: SYSOP IS NOT HERE, well perhaps around here... ! g
FC: keep on the fine work dudes...
WeDgie: Welcome into OPTIk !!
KlF : Whos the Music leaders round world ? U know..
TiMO of Xography : nice chat with u mon
Pows of TCB : Great Sysop !
Dax Silk of TCB : Ncestaimai ! :
All IRC dude that know me : l8r on chat
Greets goes also to everbody involved in Computer Art
keep on creating new sensations dudes....
Fast lightning greets out to:
Mike Philips Great board. Did ya like my sampler in the ansi?
Minus Habens records Gimme my money.. NOW!
Hacker Art BBS Virtual gallery.. nice, wouldnt it be?
Bits Against The Empire Say hello to mr Brigadiere inside joke
Bartender of Future Crew
Daredevil of Renaissance
everybody in CDN *
everybody who nows me except lamers/idiots
Jinks of /CiD
Killer Loop of Soft-One Productions *
Midnight Sorrow
Nuke / Papa-T / Napalm of OPTiK Productions -
POWS and Dr.Dax of TCB
SiN for cracking my DizUp! and spreading it very fast!
The Duelist
The racle of MAUi
Greetz to the following dudes...
Cobra / Razor
Royal Knight / Alpha
Tempman / Alpha
Janno / Razor
Blaster / Razor
Pows / Tcb
Check out the other .NFO files for more infos bout OPTiK,
file descriptions, applications infos an lotsa other interesting stuff.
This NFO file was made by lv
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