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issue 1 writer: rawlock design
: rawlock writer: your name here!! scene pirates its a check out on great sc
ene people and artists around the world. you can find one scene pirates issue in every opium release. In the scen
e pirates im going to write small articles about great artists or scene people that i really think deserve it. so if you find your own
name in here sometime you got all rights to be happy. the people that im writing about doesnt necessary have to be active on the scene just
for the moment. i can write about everything from old lay-backed scene seniors like myself to rookies that only have been
around for a couple of months. in some issues there is going to be interviews and in some issues not. i take me the right to pub
lish material about people without asking them first. no one have to worry because im only allowed to write good thi
ngs about every person that im presenting under the
scene pirates label. well enough about this lets go over to the first check out. before you read the check out
i want you to remember the following: being much is better than having much. over to the check out. The exclusiv
e Da Bonehead Interview Somewhere in the beginningstory im sure about that someone figured out that
it should come a puppy-eyed boy to the world and give happiness to everyone else with his artwork and existing. that puppy-eyed boy must in
any case be da bonehead. So if you are feeling a little bit happy when you see that boys art i can promise you that you are not alone.
rl!: for how many years have you been around on earth dbn eighteen yea
rs rl!: yeah... so youre a real man now rl!: where do you come from and where are yo
u grown up?
dbn i come from a small village called Garpenrock in Dalarna, Sweden. Garpenrock is also the place where i grew up.
rl!: when did you start using computers? dbn about 10 years ago.
i used my fathers old 8088. : rl!: how did you start make art?
dbn ive always been kinda interested in drawing, so is my two brothers. brothers i belive that its my d
estiny. I started out drawing ascii, but later i found out that vga was the art for me.
rl!: what motivates you to keep doing art? dbn everything i see. im saying like you: everyt
hing is art, and
everything should motivate me rl!: yeah!.. i really like those words. i think i look like an ansi
rl!: wich artists in the scene are you looking up to?
dbn cyberise, and mongi are two real great artists, cyberise is also the the one tha
t thougt me the basics of photoshop.
rl!: do you think the scene is a better place now than it was for a couple of years ago?
dbn no, the scene was far much better a couple of years ago, just look at the dying of fuel and alot of great grou
ps. rl!: my personal oppinion is that the scene stinks for the moment, id never ever spend it so much ti
me that i did before.. hrrmh. back to the interview.... are you happy with the groups you are in now ?
dbn yes. most of them.. rl!: count up three animals
dbn monkey, cat and dog
rl!: i dont know if this is true but the 1st animal is how you see yourself the second animal is how others sees you, and the third
animal is how you really are :
rl!: fauvorite things to do when youre not using your computer? dbn i enj
oy snowboarding and skateboarding. i also like playing volleyball
rl!: i know that you like music. what favourites do you got? dbn wu-tang-
clan is the favourite, method mans the greatest of them all rl!
: count up three good things in life
dbn peace, love and respect rl!: what is your personal oppinion about irc and the internet?
dbn irc is good, you can meet alot of artists and stuff. The www is also good for hir
ez artists to show out there work. rl!: what happens in the future?
dbn well, i think im going to study design, and maybe become a webdesigner
rl!: what do you think about releasing check out stuff like this?
dbn its good, you can see what other people think etc.
rl!: name someone that you think should be in the next issue of scene pirates
dbn i think you can check out the leaders of the old groups like ice, acid, they managed to stay alive in the scen
e from the beginning rl!: yeah.. lets see what the future hides.... no one really knows. well thank you for taking
you time to do this interview and good luck in
the future.... i guess thats all for this time folks. if you feel that you have some-
thing to offer me, or if you want to write an own article under the
scene pirates label just mail me on rawlock@hotmail.com and ill give you all
the place in the next issue that you need. If someone out there feel that they want to draw a scene pirates logo that i can use in the
next issue, i would be very glad. sorry for all spelling and grammatical
errors and remember to drink all the booze you can lay your filthy hands on. see you next issue.
regards from your loving rawlock.
: rawlock writer: your name here!! scene pirates its a check out on great sc
ene people and artists around the world. you can find one scene pirates issue in every opium release. In the scen
e pirates im going to write small articles about great artists or scene people that i really think deserve it. so if you find your own
name in here sometime you got all rights to be happy. the people that im writing about doesnt necessary have to be active on the scene just
for the moment. i can write about everything from old lay-backed scene seniors like myself to rookies that only have been
around for a couple of months. in some issues there is going to be interviews and in some issues not. i take me the right to pub
lish material about people without asking them first. no one have to worry because im only allowed to write good thi
ngs about every person that im presenting under the
scene pirates label. well enough about this lets go over to the first check out. before you read the check out
i want you to remember the following: being much is better than having much. over to the check out. The exclusiv
e Da Bonehead Interview Somewhere in the beginningstory im sure about that someone figured out that
it should come a puppy-eyed boy to the world and give happiness to everyone else with his artwork and existing. that puppy-eyed boy must in
any case be da bonehead. So if you are feeling a little bit happy when you see that boys art i can promise you that you are not alone.
rl!: for how many years have you been around on earth dbn eighteen yea
rs rl!: yeah... so youre a real man now rl!: where do you come from and where are yo
u grown up?
dbn i come from a small village called Garpenrock in Dalarna, Sweden. Garpenrock is also the place where i grew up.
rl!: when did you start using computers? dbn about 10 years ago.
i used my fathers old 8088. : rl!: how did you start make art?
dbn ive always been kinda interested in drawing, so is my two brothers. brothers i belive that its my d
estiny. I started out drawing ascii, but later i found out that vga was the art for me.
rl!: what motivates you to keep doing art? dbn everything i see. im saying like you: everyt
hing is art, and
everything should motivate me rl!: yeah!.. i really like those words. i think i look like an ansi
rl!: wich artists in the scene are you looking up to?
dbn cyberise, and mongi are two real great artists, cyberise is also the the one tha
t thougt me the basics of photoshop.
rl!: do you think the scene is a better place now than it was for a couple of years ago?
dbn no, the scene was far much better a couple of years ago, just look at the dying of fuel and alot of great grou
ps. rl!: my personal oppinion is that the scene stinks for the moment, id never ever spend it so much ti
me that i did before.. hrrmh. back to the interview.... are you happy with the groups you are in now ?
dbn yes. most of them.. rl!: count up three animals
dbn monkey, cat and dog
rl!: i dont know if this is true but the 1st animal is how you see yourself the second animal is how others sees you, and the third
animal is how you really are :
rl!: fauvorite things to do when youre not using your computer? dbn i enj
oy snowboarding and skateboarding. i also like playing volleyball
rl!: i know that you like music. what favourites do you got? dbn wu-tang-
clan is the favourite, method mans the greatest of them all rl!
: count up three good things in life
dbn peace, love and respect rl!: what is your personal oppinion about irc and the internet?
dbn irc is good, you can meet alot of artists and stuff. The www is also good for hir
ez artists to show out there work. rl!: what happens in the future?
dbn well, i think im going to study design, and maybe become a webdesigner
rl!: what do you think about releasing check out stuff like this?
dbn its good, you can see what other people think etc.
rl!: name someone that you think should be in the next issue of scene pirates
dbn i think you can check out the leaders of the old groups like ice, acid, they managed to stay alive in the scen
e from the beginning rl!: yeah.. lets see what the future hides.... no one really knows. well thank you for taking
you time to do this interview and good luck in
the future.... i guess thats all for this time folks. if you feel that you have some-
thing to offer me, or if you want to write an own article under the
scene pirates label just mail me on rawlock@hotmail.com and ill give you all
the place in the next issue that you need. If someone out there feel that they want to draw a scene pirates logo that i can use in the
next issue, i would be very glad. sorry for all spelling and grammatical
errors and remember to drink all the booze you can lay your filthy hands on. see you next issue.
regards from your loving rawlock.
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