this image contains text
Descriptions of files at the
----- OutWorld Arts -----
anonymous ftp server
List of Files and Descriptions
filedesc.zip 7k
File Descriptions
This text of files and their descriptions
on my web page and at the OutWorld Arts
ftp site, in .ZIP format
filedesc.txt 17k
File Descriptions
This text of files and their descriptions
on my web page and at the OutWorld Arts
ftp site.
Web Pages and Graphics
merlinn.zip 30k
Merlinn Font
This is the font I use here and there on my
OutWorld Arts web site.
burnt.zip 213k
Burnt Paper Web Page
An entire web page complete with buttons,
horizontal rule, background, other
assorted graphics.
colorspl.zip 83k
Color Splash Web Page
Another web page for anyone who wants to use.
Lots of colorful graphics and buttons.
darkrose.zip 100k
Dark Rose Web Page
An entire web page complete with buttons,
horizontal rule, background, midi and other
assorted graphics.
sflower.zip 53k
Sunflower Web Page
An entire web page complete with buttons,
horizontal rule, background, the usual
assorted graphics.
a2e-v-12.zip 15k
Ansi to Exe v1.2
Change ansi.ans files to executable.exe files.
a2r103.zip 18k
A2R v1.00
Ansi to Rip conversion
utility. Converts ANSI screens to
RIP format for use with new RIP
standard terminals. Fully functional
user supported software. 20.00 US
a2rip110.zip 97k
Ansi 2 Rip
A conversion program which
will convert your ANSI menu screens
into RIP graphics format. You may edit
the converted screen files with any RIP
graphics editor to add a more
professional touch.
adraw120.zip 75k
ACiDDraw v1.20
ACiDDraw v1.20 is the latest drawing
utility which allows creation and
manipulation of ANSI/ASCII images.
/C/ASM/COM/BIN/PCBOARD save formats.
ACiDDRAW also has the follow features
4 editing pages at 1000 lines each, 160
column editing mode, VGA viewing,
text justification, and much, much
more. Try it for yourself!
c1995 ACiD Productions
acidview.zip 160k
This is just a simple command line viewer.
Works well in DOS and Win95. For a more
comprehensive viewer, download Acidview 4.32,
ansiopt.zip 21k
Ansi Optimizer - Version 1.1
Get rid of unnecessary ANSI sequences
arnfont.zip 53k
Fonts for TheDraw
AVD-432.ZIP 190k
ACiD View - Enhanced File Viewer V4.32 f/DOS
The most comprehensive graphical art viewer
in production. This innovative program is
capable of displaying ANSI, BIN, GIF, JPG,
RIP, and XBIN graphics. In addition, the
viewer has been designed with a special
interest for those who multi-task. ACiD
View utilizes its own internal ANSI engine,
making capable of viewing ANSI without a
seperate device driver. Other features
include slideshow, GIF screen capture,
and modem emulator.
colly12.zip 8k
Logo Colly Maker Thing v1.2 by Bleak
Makes logo collections fast and easy.
dpain40.zip 495k
Dead Paint version 4.0 shareware
The easy to use and easy to own RIP
paint program is back uncrippled,
and its packed with features!
Save/Load, Objects Copy/Paste/Delete/
Move, All draw tools, Button/Icon,Full
buttons styles support, Text import
PCX import, Windows .ICO, and more!
dwhtml3b4.zip 640k
DerekWare HTML Author 3.0 b4
Fully 32-bit Windows 95 application
Supports all HTML 2.0 tags and Microsoft
Internet Explorer 3.0 extensions. Intelligent
tag formatting, allowing the user to select
the text to be formatted and click a button.
Tag Wizards for the more complicated tags,
including font changes, extended horizontal
rules, images, dynamic images, links, marquees
and forms. A customizable tag list, allowing
the user to add, remove and modify user-
defined tags.
fxwaves.zip 750k
Waves for FX Sound System
All the Waves for RIP Games
BBSs that use the FX System!
RIPterm 2.2 users can now RIP
Games and Graphics with Sound!
Experience LORD Vampires and
more with 168 bit Sound!
Unzip into your main Icons dir
FX Sound System by Midnight
freevi12.zip 129k
Freeview 1.2,
An awsome command line *.RIP
file Viewer! **FREEWARE** Supports
displays every RIP command. Great for
viewing RIPs in messages with an offline mail
reader. It has a trace mode for finding
problems with RIPs. Requires EGA or better
graphics and 300Kb free memory. Supports VGA
and Adlib sound.
gifansi.zip 101k
ANSIrez 1.0
Converts GIFS to ANSIcode. Image
processing allows you to boost, scale,
filter and paint before converting to
ANSI. VGA and MOUSE required.
By Fred Bertagnolli
ico2ans.zip 11k
ICO2ANS v1.00
ICO2ANS is a simple application to convert
Windows 3.1 icons to ANSI graphic files.
iz1.zip 139k
iZ 1.0 Official Release
iZ 1.0 lets you to encrypt Zip files into your
Jpg images. At the end youll have a Jpg file !
Consider it as a normal Jpg image file and at
the same time as a normal Zip archive.
jd42.zip 231k
JDraw Pro v4.2:
The most advanced RipScrip draw package.
Supports full Ripscrip 1.54 specs. Features
Object oriented editing, drag, resizing, list
editor, etc. Generates C/Pascal source code.
jmedia20.zip 372k
JMedia v2.0:
The ultimate graphics program for creating
presentations, demos, magazines,tutorials,
and RIP BBS menu screens. JMedia is a
complete authoring system. It comes complete
with an Integrated Development Environment
IDE allowing you to edit, test, and debug
your applications.
jview60.zip 183k
JView v6.0:
A RIP Scrip viewer. Fast and reliable. View
files with the file selector or by command
line. Also views Windows 3 ICO files. Also
includes file tagging/viewing and slide show
mode. Text Window, Ansi Graphics and music.
mclip40.zip 67k
MegaClip v4.0:
Screen clipping utility. Supports standard
EGA/VGA and SVGA modes. Open/Save PCX, BMP,
RIP Icon Files, and edit palettes. Includes
zoom mode editor/viewer.
pcxicn30.zip 10k
Pcx2Icn v3.0:
Converts PCX files to 16 color RIP Icon ICN
pcxrip30.zip 36k
Pcx2Rip v3.0:
Pcx2Rip v3.0: A true PCX/BMP/ICO to RipScrip
converter. This is NOT a PCX/BMP/ICO to RipScrip
icon converter. It converts PCX/BMP/ICO files to
actual rip codes. FREEWARE!!!
quickres.exe 40k
Win95 utility from Microsoft that allows you to
change your resolution without rebooting. It
comes in handy for web design, you can test
your web page in other resolutions so you
dont get any unpleasant surprises.
ragev99a.exe 290k
RAGE v.99a Rapid ANSI Graphics Engine 08/94
The most powerful ANSI art program available!
Draw your art creations in EGA mode, and save
them in ANSI format. Features include: Great
icon driven environment, full sprite editing
routines flip, rotate, copy, etc., zoom
mode, converting parts of PCX files, regular
and external font capabilities, re-sizing
routines, color replacement and more! A must
have! EGA+/Mouse Required. Registration - 20
ripconv.zip 2k
Text File for Converting WMF to RIP
Instructions on useing WMF2RIP program
to convert Windows Meta Files to RIPScrip
For RIP screens not Icons
ripmagic.zip 50k
A RIP file manipulator that SCALES,
objects from existing .RIPs.
ripsk111.zip 160k
RIP Sketch v1.11 -
Easy to use RIPscrip editor for creating and
editing online RIP graphics and menus.
Requires EGA or better and a mouse. Supports
Adlib sound.
spoon213.zip 26k
Spoon II - SAUCE Description Editor V1.30
SPOON II - the most configurable SAUCE editor
ever. Through its INI file, one can custom-
ize things such as file sorts, the name of
their organization, and up to 100 abbreviated
strip7.zip 7k
Strip7 -- Take the 7h thing out of ansi
made with the unregistered version of TheDraw
Take the 7h thing out of ansis
tbrsh102.zip 87k
TheBrush -- Ansi editor that can convert
.BMP or .PCX files to ansi. Freeware
tckrtp10.zip 34k
Tickertape v1.0
A text to RIP tickertape conversion utility.
Converts any existing text file to a RIP
tdfonts.zip 35k
Fonts for TheDraw by various artists
tdraw463.zip 283k
A text-oriented screen design tool. Similar
is some regards to a graphics paint program.
Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful
Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS,
pulldown menus, full mouse support online
help. Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR,
C/Pascal/QuickBasic, and source code in Asm
Pascal and C formats. Registr: 22-25
tomb-200.zip 177k
Tombstone Artist v 2.0 - RIP Draw/Paint.
Tombstone ArtistTA is a powerful RIPscrip
paint program, fully featured for creating
editing RIP graphics. New in this version,
of TA is command line file loading, pie
slices, and a snap-to grid. With TA, a sysop
can easily design high-quality graphics for
their BBS, including buttons and mouse regions.
Uncrippled Shareware. Registration: 30
vansi45b.zip 219k
vANSI v4.05b3 c
Now with an animator,
New color selection,
Loadfile, and more!
800 Lines Edit Space,
12 Load/Save Formats,
Win95 Long Filenames,
SAUCE, VGA Viewing...
winrip.zip 142k
Winrip v1.0
The RIP Graphics Conversion Utility is a
Windows program which converts images from
many graphics formats to the ICON format used
by RIP Paint, RIP Term and the RIPScript
language. This program supports the GIF, PCX,
BMP, DIB, TIF and TGA file formats and creates
the ICN file format. This program was written
in Visual Basic 2.0 and requires the file
VBRUN200.DLL to operate.
wmfrip.zip 13k
Windows Meta File to RIPScript Converter
Converts .WMF to .RIP Files
MAX Graphics BBS Utiliteez Software
MXTB205.EXE 421k
MAXterm b2.05, The way to give any BBS a
640x480x256 SVGA graphical user interface
complete with full digital sound. No need
to switch to a new BBS package to keep up
with the times! MAX Graphics is a drop in
addition to any BBS that gives your users
capabilities and features IMPOSSIBLE with
other graphical terminal emulations! Best
of all, the MAXscript language is humanly
readable unlike RIPscrip! MAXterm is now
even faster than before, more compact and
uses less memory than ANY other graphical
terminal program! Best of all MAXterm can
be used as an external protocol as well!!
MXTP205.EXE 270k
MAXterm Plug-Ins b2.05 is an archive that
contains plug in modules for use with the
MAXterm SVGA terminal program. Contained
in this archive is a MAX screen viewer, a
MAX icon editor, a MAX v1.XX to MAX v2.XX
screen file convertor, and a complete MAX
tutorial/reference file. Installation is easy,
just copy all of the files in this archive to
the MAXterm program directory.
MXPB203.EXE 464k
MAXpaint 2.03 is The MAX screen, icon,
image, and mouse cursor designer program.
So many functions that its impossible to
list them all in this limited space. Main
features include Full mouse navigation,
256 color mouse cursor designer, graphics
image slicer, MIF MAX Image File saver,
MAX icon editor, and a high quality MAX
screen editor with intelligent MAX syntax
checking. Now even faster than before, NO
MORE BGI GRAPHICS CODE! Now operates more
like MS Windows or IBM OS/2 complete with
a drag and drop graphical user interface.
Just an all around better paint program!!
RTOM203.EXE 158k
RIPtoMAX v2.03 is designed to convert RIP
screen files to editable MAXscript format
screen files. Keep in mind that there are
vast differences between RIP and MAX so a
converted screen file will require a fair
amount of editing before use. New utility
included to convert RIP icons to a PCX or
MAXGFX MIF image file. Processes one file
at a time, or will process an entire file path.
And as always, its 100 FREEWARE!
VIEW110.EXE 66k
VIEW.EXE v1.10 - is simply a command line
driven GIF/JPG/PCX/BMP/MIF/FLI image file
viewer. Built in support for 31 different
video resolutions from 320x200x16 all the
way up to 1280x1024x16.7-Million. This is
a basic, but ever so useful utility. Good
for people making MAX screens who want to
view MIF images outside of MAXpaint. Yes,
in the spirit of defeating otherwise over
priced software, this utility is FREEWARE!
MAXED203.EXE 73k
MAXed v2.03 works with any ANSI BBS door
and lets it run in a window in MAXterm as
if the door already has MAX capabilities.
Allows you to specify a custom MAX screen
file on the command line, or you may also
use the internally generated screen file.
No configuration files needed at all, the
program is fully command line driven, and
has built in support for UART, DigiBoard,
Fossil communications, non standard IRQ
port addresses supported as well. FREE!
MXCV110.EXE 238k
MAXchat v1.10 - is a fully MAX compatible
multi-node chat door, with full local MAX
Graphics support. FREEWARE, complete with
full TDK and MAX-GUI source code. Makes a
great example program for those learning
to write MAX Graphics doors. Also makes a
great novelty door for sysops who like to
watch their doors run in local SVGA mode.
MXUV203.EXE 319k
MAXupdate v2.03 - is a FREEWARE door
that automatically updates a callers MAXterm
terminal program, and graphics resources. This
program eliminates the need for you to notify
users to download new versions of the terminal
program, or to download a new graphics resource
.PKG file when ever you change your screens or
add a new door to the system. MAX-Update can be
run as a regular door, or can be run in Front End
Mode between your BBS and Mailer. Program now verifies
resource CRC32 values before updating and TDK source
code is included, as well as a BBS waiting for caller unit.
Ripterm Communications Software
riptm154.exe 611k
Ripterm v1.54
The first version of Ripterm. This is the version
of RIP that the .rip graphics in my artpacks are.
rt22001.exe 2000k
Ripterm v2.20.01
RIPterm 2.2 communications software lets
you use online multimedia in a new way.
With transmittable pictures, digitized
sound, unlimited number of fonts, high
resolution graphics, and millions of
colors, and even ANSI/ASCII text, you have
all the capabilities at your fingertips for
creating a robust online multimedia rich
This is the comm software you use to call
a bbs that is equipped with FX Sound System
for LORD, Vampires and ROK.
Compression/Decompression Software
pkz204g.exe 203k
PKWare Compression/DeCompression Software
This is the software I use
to archive my files. You
probably already have it.
rar202.exe 274k
The RAR archiver v2.02 release for DOS
Integrated archive manager
- full screen interface / command-line driven
- tight general and multimedia compression
- recovery record option
- alternate Installation SFX, OS/2 SFX
- management of non-RAR archives
- RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool
- FREE unRAR utility
- ANSI color comments, volume labels and more..
Doorgames using OutWorld Arts graphics
av077wb3.zip 147k
Avalon v0.77 Wide Beta 3
Many have thought they
have seen all there is
to BBS door-gaming....
*** THINK AGAIN! ***
Avalon creates an entirely
new world with explosive
options, game-interaction,
and an awesome story-line!
Live The Epic...In AVALON!
drake30.zip 207k
Drakeville v3.0
The exiting 4 player engine RPG
gets even better. You can now play
evil parties. Superb combat! IGM
support ,ansi bulletins and much
more. Who will be the first to
kill MALAKY or the COUNCIL!
gothik16.zip 346k
G O T H I K v1.6
G O T H I K v 1.6 -- Shareware Release
Copyright C 1997 AQUARIUS Software
GOTHIK is a BBS door RPG game with a
modern gothic vampire setting.
hrpg160.zip 259k
* Hackers: the Role Playing Game v1.6*
Are you tired of playing those
old medieval role playing games
where you fight in the forest
amd level up, or how about space
exploration role playing games?
Well, Hackers: The Role Playing
Game is neither of these! Why
not leave the dragon killing and
space exploration up to the wenies,
and hack like the big boys do.
Download and play Hackers: The Role
Playing Game!!! Copyright 1997
Talon Software.. Shareware 10.
hrpg2pb4.zip 144k
Hackers: the RPG v2.00 Public Beta Release 4
A hacker type BBS game where you secure your
system and break into others, along with other
companys systems. Your goal is to gain Hacker
Experience and become the first Hacker GOD.
It is not as easy as it sounds.
loov12.zip 146k
Legends of Ole v1.2
BBS Online RPG style Door Game! Set back in the time
of Knights, the King has chosen you to become the
ultimate Knight, with the help of the Knight Master.
Battle in the Arena, battle other players, send
messages, including previous message quotes and
much more. Fully multinode, non standard IRQs,
fossil driver support and much more.
meldv14.zip 353k
Meldon v1.4
Updated version! Comes complete with
6 AOPs installed and Configuration
Program now features a built in
Player Editor and the ability to LOCK a
Player out of the Game! NOW includes
its very own language that anyone can
write for, in a basic TEXT file! A true
adventure RPG BBS door game! The
magical Sword of Meldon has been stolen
from the Kings Throne. The King of
Meldon summons all warriors throughout
the land to begin the search and bring
the Sword home. Riches beyond your
wildest dreams await the victor!
Includes support for built in AOPs
Add On Places. Fully multinode,
fossil driver support, non standard
IRQs, bauds to 115,200, real time mail
and event notification and more!
oxv310.zip 672k
Iron Ox 3.10:
-- New Universe! --
Enjoy beautiful RIP art, land
developments like forts and refineries,
programmable drones that fight and work
the land in real time, and much more.
Now with three new drone classes,
factories, and remote IBBS reset.
Dont miss this game!
Prophecy of the Apocalypse Beta 1
A fast paced BBS Door game that brings you
back to Medieval times. Go head to head against
other online players, overthrow or create your
own kingdoms, start brawls, get drunk and strive
for conquest over the evil Maleficus.
rokv251.zip 570k
ROK Version 2.51 -- By Devon Brooks
The latest version, just released 12/18/97
Simply the BEST in online RPGing fun! ROK
is an option filled ANSI/RIP Graphical door
that will almost instantly be a hit on your
BBS -- its happened on countless BBSs all
across the planet! ROKll run on all major
BBS platforms, easy configuration, setup,
execution on your BBS. Great author support
and registration value -- AND SO MUCH MORE!
Install ROK on your BBS...and it will never
be the same...really! The ROK is *AWESOME*!
-Devon Brooks, BFS Inc.
WWW : www.sasknet.com/bfs
E-Mail: bfs@sk.sympatico.ca
rokfx1b.zip 130k
- ROCK to ROK! -
Replace the original SCREENS.DAT with
the ROK FX SCREENS.DAT and give RIP 2.2
callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
ROK: The Realm of Kisom!
by Mike Collard 505831-0797
for more RIP 2.x FX Add-ons
********* Requires fxwaves.zip ***********
*** fxwaves.zip is available at this site ***
tmg108b3.zip 311k
/-- The Magic Gate 1.08 --
The Magic Gate is a true multi-node door set in
a medieval town plagued by problems and strange
occurances. In this world, you can choose from
any of 6 professions and advance through 20
levels in each of them and help to rid the town
of these creatures. To do that though, you must
enter a portal that will take you through both
time and space. This archive includes all the
documents necessary to create your own addition
to the world via a simple scripting language.
thunv30b.zip 172k
Trivia, user combat, role playing door game!
Multinode aware with multinode chat!
E-mail, autodetect fossil or internal com
routines. Supports many door formats. Editor
available to create custom trivia files.
Travel through ThunderValley. Guided by the
Spirit of the Shaman race other users to
recover the Orb of Knowledge.
Shareware from LAIRWare. Released 1/6/95
vampv20.zip 753k
The Children of Darkness
are back! Amazing new door release!
Works great on all BBSs. The Most
Best Graphics. A Major Upgrade, Loaded
with new features! Completely Multinode
******** A MUST DOWNLOAD!! ************
Your users will love you for it!
vampfx01.zip 931k
Vampires FX v1.0
Using the FX Sound System and
FXWAVES.ZIP your RIP 2.2 users
will hear 168bit Sound while
playing Vampires! Its Awesome!
Doesnt effect Ansi or RIP 1.54
Midnights Realm 505831-0797
for VAMPV20.ZIP doorgame, above
vampfx11.zip 186k
Vampires FX v1.1
Using the FX Sound System and
FXWAVES.ZIP your RIP 2.2 users
will hear 168bit Sound while
playing Vampires! Its Awesome!
Doesnt effect Ansi or RIP 1.54
from Mike Collard 505831-0797
Update to VAMPFX01.ZIPabove
Updated rips for the original Vampire FX System.
You must have VAMPFX01.ZIP to use these.
--- OutWorld Arts Files ---
out-0296.zip 43k
February 1996 Artpack
out-0396.zip 42k
March 1996 Artpack
out-0496.zip 39k
April 1996 Artpack
out-0596.zip 54k
May 1996 Artpack
out-0696.zip 51k
June 1996 Artpack
out-0796.zip 46k
July 1996 Artpack
out-0896.zip 48k
August 1996 Artpack
out-0996.zip 78k
September 1996 Artpack
out-1096.zip 54k
October 1996 Artpack
out-1196.zip 35k
November 1996 Artpack Holiday Screens
out-0197.zip 37k
January 1997 Artpack
out-0297.zip 60k
February 1997 Artpack
out-0397.zip 17k
March 1997 Artpack
out-0497.zip 24k
April 1997 Artpack
out-0597.zip 53k
May 1997 Artpack
out-0697.zip 53k
June 1997 Artpack
out-0797.zip 28k
July 1997 Artpack
out-0897.zip 55k
August 1997 Artpack
out-0997.zip 33k
September 1997 Artpack
out-1097.zip 43k
October 1997 Artpack
out-1197.zip 47k
November 1998 Artpack holidays
out-0198.zip 38k
January 1998 Artpack
out-0298.zip 70k
February 1998 Artpack
out-swan.zip 5k
A collection of Star Wars Only Ansi
starwars.zip 75k
Collection of Star Wars Rips
out-rip.zip 568k
A Collection of most of my Rips.
If youve been downloading my artpacks,
youve probably seen most of these.
out-icon.zip 11k
Collection of Windows Icons
out-dist.txt 5k
Outworld Arts distribution site list
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697 ichatPager -- outworldarts
email: graphics@outworldarts.com
----- OutWorld Arts -----
anonymous ftp server
List of Files and Descriptions
filedesc.zip 7k
File Descriptions
This text of files and their descriptions
on my web page and at the OutWorld Arts
ftp site, in .ZIP format
filedesc.txt 17k
File Descriptions
This text of files and their descriptions
on my web page and at the OutWorld Arts
ftp site.
Web Pages and Graphics
merlinn.zip 30k
Merlinn Font
This is the font I use here and there on my
OutWorld Arts web site.
burnt.zip 213k
Burnt Paper Web Page
An entire web page complete with buttons,
horizontal rule, background, other
assorted graphics.
colorspl.zip 83k
Color Splash Web Page
Another web page for anyone who wants to use.
Lots of colorful graphics and buttons.
darkrose.zip 100k
Dark Rose Web Page
An entire web page complete with buttons,
horizontal rule, background, midi and other
assorted graphics.
sflower.zip 53k
Sunflower Web Page
An entire web page complete with buttons,
horizontal rule, background, the usual
assorted graphics.
a2e-v-12.zip 15k
Ansi to Exe v1.2
Change ansi.ans files to executable.exe files.
a2r103.zip 18k
A2R v1.00
Ansi to Rip conversion
utility. Converts ANSI screens to
RIP format for use with new RIP
standard terminals. Fully functional
user supported software. 20.00 US
a2rip110.zip 97k
Ansi 2 Rip
A conversion program which
will convert your ANSI menu screens
into RIP graphics format. You may edit
the converted screen files with any RIP
graphics editor to add a more
professional touch.
adraw120.zip 75k
ACiDDraw v1.20
ACiDDraw v1.20 is the latest drawing
utility which allows creation and
manipulation of ANSI/ASCII images.
/C/ASM/COM/BIN/PCBOARD save formats.
ACiDDRAW also has the follow features
4 editing pages at 1000 lines each, 160
column editing mode, VGA viewing,
text justification, and much, much
more. Try it for yourself!
c1995 ACiD Productions
acidview.zip 160k
This is just a simple command line viewer.
Works well in DOS and Win95. For a more
comprehensive viewer, download Acidview 4.32,
ansiopt.zip 21k
Ansi Optimizer - Version 1.1
Get rid of unnecessary ANSI sequences
arnfont.zip 53k
Fonts for TheDraw
AVD-432.ZIP 190k
ACiD View - Enhanced File Viewer V4.32 f/DOS
The most comprehensive graphical art viewer
in production. This innovative program is
capable of displaying ANSI, BIN, GIF, JPG,
RIP, and XBIN graphics. In addition, the
viewer has been designed with a special
interest for those who multi-task. ACiD
View utilizes its own internal ANSI engine,
making capable of viewing ANSI without a
seperate device driver. Other features
include slideshow, GIF screen capture,
and modem emulator.
colly12.zip 8k
Logo Colly Maker Thing v1.2 by Bleak
Makes logo collections fast and easy.
dpain40.zip 495k
Dead Paint version 4.0 shareware
The easy to use and easy to own RIP
paint program is back uncrippled,
and its packed with features!
Save/Load, Objects Copy/Paste/Delete/
Move, All draw tools, Button/Icon,Full
buttons styles support, Text import
PCX import, Windows .ICO, and more!
dwhtml3b4.zip 640k
DerekWare HTML Author 3.0 b4
Fully 32-bit Windows 95 application
Supports all HTML 2.0 tags and Microsoft
Internet Explorer 3.0 extensions. Intelligent
tag formatting, allowing the user to select
the text to be formatted and click a button.
Tag Wizards for the more complicated tags,
including font changes, extended horizontal
rules, images, dynamic images, links, marquees
and forms. A customizable tag list, allowing
the user to add, remove and modify user-
defined tags.
fxwaves.zip 750k
Waves for FX Sound System
All the Waves for RIP Games
BBSs that use the FX System!
RIPterm 2.2 users can now RIP
Games and Graphics with Sound!
Experience LORD Vampires and
more with 168 bit Sound!
Unzip into your main Icons dir
FX Sound System by Midnight
freevi12.zip 129k
Freeview 1.2,
An awsome command line *.RIP
file Viewer! **FREEWARE** Supports
displays every RIP command. Great for
viewing RIPs in messages with an offline mail
reader. It has a trace mode for finding
problems with RIPs. Requires EGA or better
graphics and 300Kb free memory. Supports VGA
and Adlib sound.
gifansi.zip 101k
ANSIrez 1.0
Converts GIFS to ANSIcode. Image
processing allows you to boost, scale,
filter and paint before converting to
ANSI. VGA and MOUSE required.
By Fred Bertagnolli
ico2ans.zip 11k
ICO2ANS v1.00
ICO2ANS is a simple application to convert
Windows 3.1 icons to ANSI graphic files.
iz1.zip 139k
iZ 1.0 Official Release
iZ 1.0 lets you to encrypt Zip files into your
Jpg images. At the end youll have a Jpg file !
Consider it as a normal Jpg image file and at
the same time as a normal Zip archive.
jd42.zip 231k
JDraw Pro v4.2:
The most advanced RipScrip draw package.
Supports full Ripscrip 1.54 specs. Features
Object oriented editing, drag, resizing, list
editor, etc. Generates C/Pascal source code.
jmedia20.zip 372k
JMedia v2.0:
The ultimate graphics program for creating
presentations, demos, magazines,tutorials,
and RIP BBS menu screens. JMedia is a
complete authoring system. It comes complete
with an Integrated Development Environment
IDE allowing you to edit, test, and debug
your applications.
jview60.zip 183k
JView v6.0:
A RIP Scrip viewer. Fast and reliable. View
files with the file selector or by command
line. Also views Windows 3 ICO files. Also
includes file tagging/viewing and slide show
mode. Text Window, Ansi Graphics and music.
mclip40.zip 67k
MegaClip v4.0:
Screen clipping utility. Supports standard
EGA/VGA and SVGA modes. Open/Save PCX, BMP,
RIP Icon Files, and edit palettes. Includes
zoom mode editor/viewer.
pcxicn30.zip 10k
Pcx2Icn v3.0:
Converts PCX files to 16 color RIP Icon ICN
pcxrip30.zip 36k
Pcx2Rip v3.0:
Pcx2Rip v3.0: A true PCX/BMP/ICO to RipScrip
converter. This is NOT a PCX/BMP/ICO to RipScrip
icon converter. It converts PCX/BMP/ICO files to
actual rip codes. FREEWARE!!!
quickres.exe 40k
Win95 utility from Microsoft that allows you to
change your resolution without rebooting. It
comes in handy for web design, you can test
your web page in other resolutions so you
dont get any unpleasant surprises.
ragev99a.exe 290k
RAGE v.99a Rapid ANSI Graphics Engine 08/94
The most powerful ANSI art program available!
Draw your art creations in EGA mode, and save
them in ANSI format. Features include: Great
icon driven environment, full sprite editing
routines flip, rotate, copy, etc., zoom
mode, converting parts of PCX files, regular
and external font capabilities, re-sizing
routines, color replacement and more! A must
have! EGA+/Mouse Required. Registration - 20
ripconv.zip 2k
Text File for Converting WMF to RIP
Instructions on useing WMF2RIP program
to convert Windows Meta Files to RIPScrip
For RIP screens not Icons
ripmagic.zip 50k
A RIP file manipulator that SCALES,
objects from existing .RIPs.
ripsk111.zip 160k
RIP Sketch v1.11 -
Easy to use RIPscrip editor for creating and
editing online RIP graphics and menus.
Requires EGA or better and a mouse. Supports
Adlib sound.
spoon213.zip 26k
Spoon II - SAUCE Description Editor V1.30
SPOON II - the most configurable SAUCE editor
ever. Through its INI file, one can custom-
ize things such as file sorts, the name of
their organization, and up to 100 abbreviated
strip7.zip 7k
Strip7 -- Take the 7h thing out of ansi
made with the unregistered version of TheDraw
Take the 7h thing out of ansis
tbrsh102.zip 87k
TheBrush -- Ansi editor that can convert
.BMP or .PCX files to ansi. Freeware
tckrtp10.zip 34k
Tickertape v1.0
A text to RIP tickertape conversion utility.
Converts any existing text file to a RIP
tdfonts.zip 35k
Fonts for TheDraw by various artists
tdraw463.zip 283k
A text-oriented screen design tool. Similar
is some regards to a graphics paint program.
Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful
Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS,
pulldown menus, full mouse support online
help. Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR,
C/Pascal/QuickBasic, and source code in Asm
Pascal and C formats. Registr: 22-25
tomb-200.zip 177k
Tombstone Artist v 2.0 - RIP Draw/Paint.
Tombstone ArtistTA is a powerful RIPscrip
paint program, fully featured for creating
editing RIP graphics. New in this version,
of TA is command line file loading, pie
slices, and a snap-to grid. With TA, a sysop
can easily design high-quality graphics for
their BBS, including buttons and mouse regions.
Uncrippled Shareware. Registration: 30
vansi45b.zip 219k
vANSI v4.05b3 c
Now with an animator,
New color selection,
Loadfile, and more!
800 Lines Edit Space,
12 Load/Save Formats,
Win95 Long Filenames,
SAUCE, VGA Viewing...
winrip.zip 142k
Winrip v1.0
The RIP Graphics Conversion Utility is a
Windows program which converts images from
many graphics formats to the ICON format used
by RIP Paint, RIP Term and the RIPScript
language. This program supports the GIF, PCX,
BMP, DIB, TIF and TGA file formats and creates
the ICN file format. This program was written
in Visual Basic 2.0 and requires the file
VBRUN200.DLL to operate.
wmfrip.zip 13k
Windows Meta File to RIPScript Converter
Converts .WMF to .RIP Files
MAX Graphics BBS Utiliteez Software
MXTB205.EXE 421k
MAXterm b2.05, The way to give any BBS a
640x480x256 SVGA graphical user interface
complete with full digital sound. No need
to switch to a new BBS package to keep up
with the times! MAX Graphics is a drop in
addition to any BBS that gives your users
capabilities and features IMPOSSIBLE with
other graphical terminal emulations! Best
of all, the MAXscript language is humanly
readable unlike RIPscrip! MAXterm is now
even faster than before, more compact and
uses less memory than ANY other graphical
terminal program! Best of all MAXterm can
be used as an external protocol as well!!
MXTP205.EXE 270k
MAXterm Plug-Ins b2.05 is an archive that
contains plug in modules for use with the
MAXterm SVGA terminal program. Contained
in this archive is a MAX screen viewer, a
MAX icon editor, a MAX v1.XX to MAX v2.XX
screen file convertor, and a complete MAX
tutorial/reference file. Installation is easy,
just copy all of the files in this archive to
the MAXterm program directory.
MXPB203.EXE 464k
MAXpaint 2.03 is The MAX screen, icon,
image, and mouse cursor designer program.
So many functions that its impossible to
list them all in this limited space. Main
features include Full mouse navigation,
256 color mouse cursor designer, graphics
image slicer, MIF MAX Image File saver,
MAX icon editor, and a high quality MAX
screen editor with intelligent MAX syntax
checking. Now even faster than before, NO
MORE BGI GRAPHICS CODE! Now operates more
like MS Windows or IBM OS/2 complete with
a drag and drop graphical user interface.
Just an all around better paint program!!
RTOM203.EXE 158k
RIPtoMAX v2.03 is designed to convert RIP
screen files to editable MAXscript format
screen files. Keep in mind that there are
vast differences between RIP and MAX so a
converted screen file will require a fair
amount of editing before use. New utility
included to convert RIP icons to a PCX or
MAXGFX MIF image file. Processes one file
at a time, or will process an entire file path.
And as always, its 100 FREEWARE!
VIEW110.EXE 66k
VIEW.EXE v1.10 - is simply a command line
driven GIF/JPG/PCX/BMP/MIF/FLI image file
viewer. Built in support for 31 different
video resolutions from 320x200x16 all the
way up to 1280x1024x16.7-Million. This is
a basic, but ever so useful utility. Good
for people making MAX screens who want to
view MIF images outside of MAXpaint. Yes,
in the spirit of defeating otherwise over
priced software, this utility is FREEWARE!
MAXED203.EXE 73k
MAXed v2.03 works with any ANSI BBS door
and lets it run in a window in MAXterm as
if the door already has MAX capabilities.
Allows you to specify a custom MAX screen
file on the command line, or you may also
use the internally generated screen file.
No configuration files needed at all, the
program is fully command line driven, and
has built in support for UART, DigiBoard,
Fossil communications, non standard IRQ
port addresses supported as well. FREE!
MXCV110.EXE 238k
MAXchat v1.10 - is a fully MAX compatible
multi-node chat door, with full local MAX
Graphics support. FREEWARE, complete with
full TDK and MAX-GUI source code. Makes a
great example program for those learning
to write MAX Graphics doors. Also makes a
great novelty door for sysops who like to
watch their doors run in local SVGA mode.
MXUV203.EXE 319k
MAXupdate v2.03 - is a FREEWARE door
that automatically updates a callers MAXterm
terminal program, and graphics resources. This
program eliminates the need for you to notify
users to download new versions of the terminal
program, or to download a new graphics resource
.PKG file when ever you change your screens or
add a new door to the system. MAX-Update can be
run as a regular door, or can be run in Front End
Mode between your BBS and Mailer. Program now verifies
resource CRC32 values before updating and TDK source
code is included, as well as a BBS waiting for caller unit.
Ripterm Communications Software
riptm154.exe 611k
Ripterm v1.54
The first version of Ripterm. This is the version
of RIP that the .rip graphics in my artpacks are.
rt22001.exe 2000k
Ripterm v2.20.01
RIPterm 2.2 communications software lets
you use online multimedia in a new way.
With transmittable pictures, digitized
sound, unlimited number of fonts, high
resolution graphics, and millions of
colors, and even ANSI/ASCII text, you have
all the capabilities at your fingertips for
creating a robust online multimedia rich
This is the comm software you use to call
a bbs that is equipped with FX Sound System
for LORD, Vampires and ROK.
Compression/Decompression Software
pkz204g.exe 203k
PKWare Compression/DeCompression Software
This is the software I use
to archive my files. You
probably already have it.
rar202.exe 274k
The RAR archiver v2.02 release for DOS
Integrated archive manager
- full screen interface / command-line driven
- tight general and multimedia compression
- recovery record option
- alternate Installation SFX, OS/2 SFX
- management of non-RAR archives
- RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool
- FREE unRAR utility
- ANSI color comments, volume labels and more..
Doorgames using OutWorld Arts graphics
av077wb3.zip 147k
Avalon v0.77 Wide Beta 3
Many have thought they
have seen all there is
to BBS door-gaming....
*** THINK AGAIN! ***
Avalon creates an entirely
new world with explosive
options, game-interaction,
and an awesome story-line!
Live The Epic...In AVALON!
drake30.zip 207k
Drakeville v3.0
The exiting 4 player engine RPG
gets even better. You can now play
evil parties. Superb combat! IGM
support ,ansi bulletins and much
more. Who will be the first to
kill MALAKY or the COUNCIL!
gothik16.zip 346k
G O T H I K v1.6
G O T H I K v 1.6 -- Shareware Release
Copyright C 1997 AQUARIUS Software
GOTHIK is a BBS door RPG game with a
modern gothic vampire setting.
hrpg160.zip 259k
* Hackers: the Role Playing Game v1.6*
Are you tired of playing those
old medieval role playing games
where you fight in the forest
amd level up, or how about space
exploration role playing games?
Well, Hackers: The Role Playing
Game is neither of these! Why
not leave the dragon killing and
space exploration up to the wenies,
and hack like the big boys do.
Download and play Hackers: The Role
Playing Game!!! Copyright 1997
Talon Software.. Shareware 10.
hrpg2pb4.zip 144k
Hackers: the RPG v2.00 Public Beta Release 4
A hacker type BBS game where you secure your
system and break into others, along with other
companys systems. Your goal is to gain Hacker
Experience and become the first Hacker GOD.
It is not as easy as it sounds.
loov12.zip 146k
Legends of Ole v1.2
BBS Online RPG style Door Game! Set back in the time
of Knights, the King has chosen you to become the
ultimate Knight, with the help of the Knight Master.
Battle in the Arena, battle other players, send
messages, including previous message quotes and
much more. Fully multinode, non standard IRQs,
fossil driver support and much more.
meldv14.zip 353k
Meldon v1.4
Updated version! Comes complete with
6 AOPs installed and Configuration
Program now features a built in
Player Editor and the ability to LOCK a
Player out of the Game! NOW includes
its very own language that anyone can
write for, in a basic TEXT file! A true
adventure RPG BBS door game! The
magical Sword of Meldon has been stolen
from the Kings Throne. The King of
Meldon summons all warriors throughout
the land to begin the search and bring
the Sword home. Riches beyond your
wildest dreams await the victor!
Includes support for built in AOPs
Add On Places. Fully multinode,
fossil driver support, non standard
IRQs, bauds to 115,200, real time mail
and event notification and more!
oxv310.zip 672k
Iron Ox 3.10:
-- New Universe! --
Enjoy beautiful RIP art, land
developments like forts and refineries,
programmable drones that fight and work
the land in real time, and much more.
Now with three new drone classes,
factories, and remote IBBS reset.
Dont miss this game!
Prophecy of the Apocalypse Beta 1
A fast paced BBS Door game that brings you
back to Medieval times. Go head to head against
other online players, overthrow or create your
own kingdoms, start brawls, get drunk and strive
for conquest over the evil Maleficus.
rokv251.zip 570k
ROK Version 2.51 -- By Devon Brooks
The latest version, just released 12/18/97
Simply the BEST in online RPGing fun! ROK
is an option filled ANSI/RIP Graphical door
that will almost instantly be a hit on your
BBS -- its happened on countless BBSs all
across the planet! ROKll run on all major
BBS platforms, easy configuration, setup,
execution on your BBS. Great author support
and registration value -- AND SO MUCH MORE!
Install ROK on your BBS...and it will never
be the same...really! The ROK is *AWESOME*!
-Devon Brooks, BFS Inc.
WWW : www.sasknet.com/bfs
E-Mail: bfs@sk.sympatico.ca
rokfx1b.zip 130k
- ROCK to ROK! -
Replace the original SCREENS.DAT with
the ROK FX SCREENS.DAT and give RIP 2.2
callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
ROK: The Realm of Kisom!
by Mike Collard 505831-0797
for more RIP 2.x FX Add-ons
********* Requires fxwaves.zip ***********
*** fxwaves.zip is available at this site ***
tmg108b3.zip 311k
/-- The Magic Gate 1.08 --
The Magic Gate is a true multi-node door set in
a medieval town plagued by problems and strange
occurances. In this world, you can choose from
any of 6 professions and advance through 20
levels in each of them and help to rid the town
of these creatures. To do that though, you must
enter a portal that will take you through both
time and space. This archive includes all the
documents necessary to create your own addition
to the world via a simple scripting language.
thunv30b.zip 172k
Trivia, user combat, role playing door game!
Multinode aware with multinode chat!
E-mail, autodetect fossil or internal com
routines. Supports many door formats. Editor
available to create custom trivia files.
Travel through ThunderValley. Guided by the
Spirit of the Shaman race other users to
recover the Orb of Knowledge.
Shareware from LAIRWare. Released 1/6/95
vampv20.zip 753k
The Children of Darkness
are back! Amazing new door release!
Works great on all BBSs. The Most
Best Graphics. A Major Upgrade, Loaded
with new features! Completely Multinode
******** A MUST DOWNLOAD!! ************
Your users will love you for it!
vampfx01.zip 931k
Vampires FX v1.0
Using the FX Sound System and
FXWAVES.ZIP your RIP 2.2 users
will hear 168bit Sound while
playing Vampires! Its Awesome!
Doesnt effect Ansi or RIP 1.54
Midnights Realm 505831-0797
for VAMPV20.ZIP doorgame, above
vampfx11.zip 186k
Vampires FX v1.1
Using the FX Sound System and
FXWAVES.ZIP your RIP 2.2 users
will hear 168bit Sound while
playing Vampires! Its Awesome!
Doesnt effect Ansi or RIP 1.54
from Mike Collard 505831-0797
Update to VAMPFX01.ZIPabove
Updated rips for the original Vampire FX System.
You must have VAMPFX01.ZIP to use these.
--- OutWorld Arts Files ---
out-0296.zip 43k
February 1996 Artpack
out-0396.zip 42k
March 1996 Artpack
out-0496.zip 39k
April 1996 Artpack
out-0596.zip 54k
May 1996 Artpack
out-0696.zip 51k
June 1996 Artpack
out-0796.zip 46k
July 1996 Artpack
out-0896.zip 48k
August 1996 Artpack
out-0996.zip 78k
September 1996 Artpack
out-1096.zip 54k
October 1996 Artpack
out-1196.zip 35k
November 1996 Artpack Holiday Screens
out-0197.zip 37k
January 1997 Artpack
out-0297.zip 60k
February 1997 Artpack
out-0397.zip 17k
March 1997 Artpack
out-0497.zip 24k
April 1997 Artpack
out-0597.zip 53k
May 1997 Artpack
out-0697.zip 53k
June 1997 Artpack
out-0797.zip 28k
July 1997 Artpack
out-0897.zip 55k
August 1997 Artpack
out-0997.zip 33k
September 1997 Artpack
out-1097.zip 43k
October 1997 Artpack
out-1197.zip 47k
November 1998 Artpack holidays
out-0198.zip 38k
January 1998 Artpack
out-0298.zip 70k
February 1998 Artpack
out-swan.zip 5k
A collection of Star Wars Only Ansi
starwars.zip 75k
Collection of Star Wars Rips
out-rip.zip 568k
A Collection of most of my Rips.
If youve been downloading my artpacks,
youve probably seen most of these.
out-icon.zip 11k
Collection of Windows Icons
out-dist.txt 5k
Outworld Arts distribution site list
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697 ichatPager -- outworldarts
email: graphics@outworldarts.com
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