this image contains text
: : : :: : : :: N!
i would like, if i may, to take you
on a strange journey... another journey through
the sinister realms of painful art, so sit tight and stay
tuned so that i can deliver the unexpected...
first of all, in case anybody out there is desperately searching for an
april or may pack, you better give it up, there is neither an april nor
a may pack, the explanation is quite simple...
i was quite busy with non-scene things the last three month and so i just
didnt make it to create enough pieces to release them as an art pack
meanwhile both the PAiN! main-section and the MEAN SCHEME welcome
two new members each... DAiJi former without affil joined the MEAN SCHEME/PAiN! as a graphician
and for some poetry. watch out in this release for his first pieces.
MALiCE former without affil joined the MEAN SCHEME/PAiN! for poetry.
Her! first pieces are to find in this pack, too.
THE BAUDBANDiT former and still KEEN LiKE FROGS member joined PAiN!
as a ppl-coder and sysop as soon as his board THE HiDEOUT will be online
UNDEREXPOSURE former MALFUNCTi0N member also joined as a ppl-coder
look out for his first production P!-VSCAN.ZiP
some more is still to come...
PAiN! attended the UCe in bingen tyger, nail, cirion, thorn, daiji and
the now also PAiN! members baudbandit and underexposure and all in all
we want to stress that the party wasnt that bad as claimed by some
kids around, who were even too cowardly to sign their shitty text
release with their handles.
at last.. some personal greetings...
sorted alpha-oder by affil, and i DONT care for multi-affils, you know
AvengerBM - fixed that damn footer?
KypBM - still anarchy? some guys never learn
ConquerorElyssis - still searching for edlib docu?
SinusElyssis - glad you liked that .. thingy :
Everybody@Hitmen - next one will rate 1
CodeyMSP - how long does it take to install PCB? Get going!
ToydealerPNA - some time ill get you into chat! :
BlackknightPhat - still want to quit? i just dont get it... :/
TricyclePHAT - comment on this pack, please! :
Rd dPurge - no more gabba at 8 a.m. in the morning!
AssignRR - so whats with that ex-finix guys?
CosmicRR - once in a galaxy far far away.. LAT4
KBReflex - still wonder about that 180bpm scheme, you made up :
LizardSOC - youre an inspiration for birth control! :
CurlinTriad - get a damn PC
ROMVacuum - waiting for a final VacSID! Get going!
ScampVacuum - no more cookbooks, please!
ZamboX-Large - format c: CekayXGY - wave is the word... keep on!
... and of course the whole PAiN! crew ...
if i forgot you and you think, youre important, feel yourself greeted!
np: Wolfsheim - Leading Men
noone really wants to know
and the loneliness still grows
i would like, if i may, to take you
on a strange journey... another journey through
the sinister realms of painful art, so sit tight and stay
tuned so that i can deliver the unexpected...
first of all, in case anybody out there is desperately searching for an
april or may pack, you better give it up, there is neither an april nor
a may pack, the explanation is quite simple...
i was quite busy with non-scene things the last three month and so i just
didnt make it to create enough pieces to release them as an art pack
meanwhile both the PAiN! main-section and the MEAN SCHEME welcome
two new members each... DAiJi former without affil joined the MEAN SCHEME/PAiN! as a graphician
and for some poetry. watch out in this release for his first pieces.
MALiCE former without affil joined the MEAN SCHEME/PAiN! for poetry.
Her! first pieces are to find in this pack, too.
THE BAUDBANDiT former and still KEEN LiKE FROGS member joined PAiN!
as a ppl-coder and sysop as soon as his board THE HiDEOUT will be online
UNDEREXPOSURE former MALFUNCTi0N member also joined as a ppl-coder
look out for his first production P!-VSCAN.ZiP
some more is still to come...
PAiN! attended the UCe in bingen tyger, nail, cirion, thorn, daiji and
the now also PAiN! members baudbandit and underexposure and all in all
we want to stress that the party wasnt that bad as claimed by some
kids around, who were even too cowardly to sign their shitty text
release with their handles.
at last.. some personal greetings...
sorted alpha-oder by affil, and i DONT care for multi-affils, you know
AvengerBM - fixed that damn footer?
KypBM - still anarchy? some guys never learn
ConquerorElyssis - still searching for edlib docu?
SinusElyssis - glad you liked that .. thingy :
Everybody@Hitmen - next one will rate 1
CodeyMSP - how long does it take to install PCB? Get going!
ToydealerPNA - some time ill get you into chat! :
BlackknightPhat - still want to quit? i just dont get it... :/
TricyclePHAT - comment on this pack, please! :
Rd dPurge - no more gabba at 8 a.m. in the morning!
AssignRR - so whats with that ex-finix guys?
CosmicRR - once in a galaxy far far away.. LAT4
KBReflex - still wonder about that 180bpm scheme, you made up :
LizardSOC - youre an inspiration for birth control! :
CurlinTriad - get a damn PC
ROMVacuum - waiting for a final VacSID! Get going!
ScampVacuum - no more cookbooks, please!
ZamboX-Large - format c: CekayXGY - wave is the word... keep on!
... and of course the whole PAiN! crew ...
if i forgot you and you think, youre important, feel yourself greeted!
np: Wolfsheim - Leading Men
noone really wants to know
and the loneliness still grows
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