this image contains text
::: .db, :b,, ,db,
,db, :Qb, 7P :b
.db, 7b 7:
7b 7: ,db,,d: ,db,b, ,, 7l
7b ::::: ::: 7b
:b.l: ,dP :P7b,P: :: :
:b :l 7P : :: :: ::::
: b 7: :P7: m4x
:P :::b,
:P:ll 7b, :db: :: :
db 7b P
,d: : :b 7lP
:: d 7: 7: +o stayne
7QP ,: l: :P
, ,dQQb,,db :P
7 7P
argh... those pieces in the r.. they all look like penises
::: .db, :b,, ,db,
,db, :Qb, 7P :b
.db, 7b 7:
7b 7: ,db,,d: ,db,b, ,, 7l
7b ::::: ::: 7b
:b.l: ,dP :P7b,P: :: :
:b :l 7P : :: :: ::::
: b 7: :P7: m4x
:P :::b,
:P:ll 7b, :db: :: :
db 7b P
,d: : :b 7lP
:: d 7: 7: +o stayne
7QP ,: l: :P
, ,dQQb,,db :P
7 7P
argh... those pieces in the r.. they all look like penises
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