this image contains text
c h r o n i c c . O f P h a t 1 9 9
7 cc
sysop: grim
-- ya kut here
well, hello again. greets: the thrasher - twi
sted foo - caustik - toon2 - grim - anneury
sm - blade - phat krew - ghetto dweller - msd - fro
sty - osiris - trace- sandoz - and everyone else i
missed - sorry, have a bad memory.q1
this was my first attempt at an anime person.
its okay i guess. for
grims board - point unknown - hope you enjo
yed it umm, nothing
more to say. bye! ps. last time im gonna say
it . chronicc.PHAT
and only phat . same as before wasyle
cz@mb.sympatico.ca FREE!
- dont call my board. its down -
-150- sample it, lube, fuck, eat it and spit it out
7 cc
sysop: grim
-- ya kut here
well, hello again. greets: the thrasher - twi
sted foo - caustik - toon2 - grim - anneury
sm - blade - phat krew - ghetto dweller - msd - fro
sty - osiris - trace- sandoz - and everyone else i
missed - sorry, have a bad memory.q1
this was my first attempt at an anime person.
its okay i guess. for
grims board - point unknown - hope you enjo
yed it umm, nothing
more to say. bye! ps. last time im gonna say
it . chronicc.PHAT
and only phat . same as before wasyle
cz@mb.sympatico.ca FREE!
- dont call my board. its down -
-150- sample it, lube, fuck, eat it and spit it out
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