this image contains text
wt yes its me, wiktor. back again in 1997 with some stupid
ansi fonts. greets to all at bdn3 and to the guys
die mir danach die kippen abgezogen haben.
digital rage logo 1
d i g i t a l r a g e
digital rage logo 2
digitahl digitahl digitahl digitahl digitahl digitahl
r a g e a g a i n s t g e r m a n t e l e k o m
big planet login matrix
your name: your password:
egal demo font
egal. acard.gfx.coordinator. animal.sound. organx.coding.
voxel.coding. wiktor.gfx.
is mir doch schei egal
upload matrix for delight bbs
public upload
private upload
upload conference
upload rules
system rules
quit to mainmenu
l o a d
delight logo
delight bbs.
der ficker unter den boards
ansi fonts. greets to all at bdn3 and to the guys
die mir danach die kippen abgezogen haben.
digital rage logo 1
d i g i t a l r a g e
digital rage logo 2
digitahl digitahl digitahl digitahl digitahl digitahl
r a g e a g a i n s t g e r m a n t e l e k o m
big planet login matrix
your name: your password:
egal demo font
egal. acard.gfx.coordinator. animal.sound. organx.coding.
voxel.coding. wiktor.gfx.
is mir doch schei egal
upload matrix for delight bbs
public upload
private upload
upload conference
upload rules
system rules
quit to mainmenu
l o a d
delight logo
delight bbs.
der ficker unter den boards
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