this image contains text
p o f f e l i p o f f p r o d u c t i o n s - info and memberlist april 1997!
plf was founded in october 1996 by puppiluppan, and is an art, music
and text group with expectation to be an courier and a coding group.
right now the group is split into several divisions with one leader
for every one of them. puppiluppan is the poffelipoff founder and
the president. flexor and splash is in charge of the art division the
biggest division of them all, haze is responding for the music div,
and all the textwriters and poets are led by psycho maniak. other
people in the staff is psychic caramel for the heavy internet work
and big yellow man for the work as vice president.
pHOBIA is the plf art division. we will try release packs monthly and
got lots of great artists and we do of course rule the art scene
pHOBIA has released packs for over a year and will after this merge
thing with our old art division gummiboll continue to do so.
pHOBIA is led by flexor and splash with assist from big yellow man
the vice president.
find out more about phobia on http://hem.passagen.se/flexor
p l f m u s i c d i v i s i o n 1 9 9 7
youve missed something if you havnt heard the work from plf music
division. the second biggest division has lots of great musicians
and have released two music disks and the third is coming up soon.
if you think you can make the troup even better dont hesitate to
contact haze and let the division rock!
: poffelipoff text division 1997 :
Central thinking for a centrated world!
the world scene need more litrature and quality text that will make
you think over things. if youre a good writer contact psycho maniak
and share you opinions with him. we love debate and we whould be
thrilled to get some of your litrature released in the name of plf.
all the english texts will be released on our homepage and if we get
lots of them we will release a litrature collection.
name abb proffesion/division email adress
puppiluppan pu- founder carl-johan.carlson@mailbox.swipnet.se
big yellow man bym leader/music/art haddock-@geocities.com
psycho maniak psm leader/music PsychoM@Nastything.com
haze leader/music haze@death-star.com
flexor fo- leader/art flexor@hem.passagen.se
splash sp- leader/art hallquist@orebroishockey.se
spider music spider@innocent.com
gemini gmn music gmnufo@hotmail.com
cyrax music cyrax@coolguy.com
jibe music mj15502@janus.swipnet.se
hyperextorsion music hyperextorsion@star-trek.com
nibc music/mp3 s96nibc@student.adb.gu.se
jazzie jz- music/coding
milton coding stage@tripnet.se
mooseart art/coding mooseart@hem.passagen.se
lord spatter l5- art lspatter@iamit.com
mso art msoascii@hotmail.com
dezeit art fam.toom@boras.mail.telia.com
human vox art peleg@bect.democratic.hadera.k12.il
krazie krz art krazie@cryogen.com
helix art helix1@hotmail.com
catonica art moose@gim.net
oddball art obshad@hotmail.com
mr q mq- art micke@wwdy.com
litium li- art litium@algonet.se
hexagon art hexagon@gim.net
stinger art stinger@fon.fon.bg.ac.yu
zavior zvr art jan-erik.eriksson@mbox2.swipnet.se
kokane htlm coding kokane@gumby.com
psychic caramel pcc htlm coding averpil@algonet.se
orc orc text utr@hotmail.com
mr spock courier johan.anderzen@mailbox.calypso.net
wu-tang shaolin island +o big yellow man +46.31.910904 soon world hq
unknown area +o vibr8 +48.22.6653501 polish hq
shamera kye +o orphic +46.33.157875 swedish hq
nocturnal trip +o coroner +41.8.402162 swiss hq
trail blazer +o markomarti +381.11.1761507 yugo hq
m00se city .node1 +46.8.55016892
.node2 +o catonica +46.8.55016603 phobia hq
shad .node1 +46.8.6301127
.node2 +o oddball +46.8.6301219 memberboard
claustrophobic dimension +o nibc +46.31.447649 memberboard
diezel +o milton +46.31.582690 memberboard
reality +o spider +46.303.52665 memberboard
dimension of eternity +o helix +46.418.62268 memberboard
soon http://www.poffelipoff.org but right now watch us at
poffelipoff online sneak preview http://hem.passagen.se/averpil
phobia art division http://hem.passagen.se/flexor
contact us by sending email to carl-johan.carlson@mailbox.swipnet.se leader
haddock-@geocties.com vice president flexor@hem.passagen.se phobia leader
PsychoM@Nastything.com text leader, haze@death-star.com music leader
were also on irc EFnet on plf and phobia. if you wanna chat that is
info put together by big yellow man artwork by bym, beeyach. this file
may only be maintained by the writer. complaints and suggestions to
haddock-@geocities.com. thats all
big yellow man plf
Logo by Zeus II/twilight/cia
plf was founded in october 1996 by puppiluppan, and is an art, music
and text group with expectation to be an courier and a coding group.
right now the group is split into several divisions with one leader
for every one of them. puppiluppan is the poffelipoff founder and
the president. flexor and splash is in charge of the art division the
biggest division of them all, haze is responding for the music div,
and all the textwriters and poets are led by psycho maniak. other
people in the staff is psychic caramel for the heavy internet work
and big yellow man for the work as vice president.
pHOBIA is the plf art division. we will try release packs monthly and
got lots of great artists and we do of course rule the art scene
pHOBIA has released packs for over a year and will after this merge
thing with our old art division gummiboll continue to do so.
pHOBIA is led by flexor and splash with assist from big yellow man
the vice president.
find out more about phobia on http://hem.passagen.se/flexor
p l f m u s i c d i v i s i o n 1 9 9 7
youve missed something if you havnt heard the work from plf music
division. the second biggest division has lots of great musicians
and have released two music disks and the third is coming up soon.
if you think you can make the troup even better dont hesitate to
contact haze and let the division rock!
: poffelipoff text division 1997 :
Central thinking for a centrated world!
the world scene need more litrature and quality text that will make
you think over things. if youre a good writer contact psycho maniak
and share you opinions with him. we love debate and we whould be
thrilled to get some of your litrature released in the name of plf.
all the english texts will be released on our homepage and if we get
lots of them we will release a litrature collection.
name abb proffesion/division email adress
puppiluppan pu- founder carl-johan.carlson@mailbox.swipnet.se
big yellow man bym leader/music/art haddock-@geocities.com
psycho maniak psm leader/music PsychoM@Nastything.com
haze leader/music haze@death-star.com
flexor fo- leader/art flexor@hem.passagen.se
splash sp- leader/art hallquist@orebroishockey.se
spider music spider@innocent.com
gemini gmn music gmnufo@hotmail.com
cyrax music cyrax@coolguy.com
jibe music mj15502@janus.swipnet.se
hyperextorsion music hyperextorsion@star-trek.com
nibc music/mp3 s96nibc@student.adb.gu.se
jazzie jz- music/coding
milton coding stage@tripnet.se
mooseart art/coding mooseart@hem.passagen.se
lord spatter l5- art lspatter@iamit.com
mso art msoascii@hotmail.com
dezeit art fam.toom@boras.mail.telia.com
human vox art peleg@bect.democratic.hadera.k12.il
krazie krz art krazie@cryogen.com
helix art helix1@hotmail.com
catonica art moose@gim.net
oddball art obshad@hotmail.com
mr q mq- art micke@wwdy.com
litium li- art litium@algonet.se
hexagon art hexagon@gim.net
stinger art stinger@fon.fon.bg.ac.yu
zavior zvr art jan-erik.eriksson@mbox2.swipnet.se
kokane htlm coding kokane@gumby.com
psychic caramel pcc htlm coding averpil@algonet.se
orc orc text utr@hotmail.com
mr spock courier johan.anderzen@mailbox.calypso.net
wu-tang shaolin island +o big yellow man +46.31.910904 soon world hq
unknown area +o vibr8 +48.22.6653501 polish hq
shamera kye +o orphic +46.33.157875 swedish hq
nocturnal trip +o coroner +41.8.402162 swiss hq
trail blazer +o markomarti +381.11.1761507 yugo hq
m00se city .node1 +46.8.55016892
.node2 +o catonica +46.8.55016603 phobia hq
shad .node1 +46.8.6301127
.node2 +o oddball +46.8.6301219 memberboard
claustrophobic dimension +o nibc +46.31.447649 memberboard
diezel +o milton +46.31.582690 memberboard
reality +o spider +46.303.52665 memberboard
dimension of eternity +o helix +46.418.62268 memberboard
soon http://www.poffelipoff.org but right now watch us at
poffelipoff online sneak preview http://hem.passagen.se/averpil
phobia art division http://hem.passagen.se/flexor
contact us by sending email to carl-johan.carlson@mailbox.swipnet.se leader
haddock-@geocties.com vice president flexor@hem.passagen.se phobia leader
PsychoM@Nastything.com text leader, haze@death-star.com music leader
were also on irc EFnet on plf and phobia. if you wanna chat that is
info put together by big yellow man artwork by bym, beeyach. this file
may only be maintained by the writer. complaints and suggestions to
haddock-@geocities.com. thats all
big yellow man plf
Logo by Zeus II/twilight/cia
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