this image contains text
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- morrison of plan 9 has something he wants to say .,,
i know that my word means nothing to you slaves, but i would just like
to bring it to your attention that hardly anyone is creative anymore. WAKE UP!
we need something new, we cannot stand here forever ....
you use sences that you never knew existed, but when you use them, you wont stopuntilyou find some other way to out live the other humans in the nation of free innocent little mary -----------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------file area listings header. made for my board but anyone can use it I guess ....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
innocent little maru i!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------header for my board but will be used for something else because bobafett made mea really cool header. thanks a lot, bobafett!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- laesv
enter the realm apply
chat a l e n run run run
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------matrix for my board. not really sure if I like it, but o well.
thats it for this month. hopefully
ill get my ass in gear next month
and draw some more and better ansi.
i do requests, leave me email on
bobafetts board if you want something.
i know that my word means nothing to you slaves, but i would just like
to bring it to your attention that hardly anyone is creative anymore. WAKE UP!
we need something new, we cannot stand here forever ....
you use sences that you never knew existed, but when you use them, you wont stopuntilyou find some other way to out live the other humans in the nation of free innocent little mary -----------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------file area listings header. made for my board but anyone can use it I guess ....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
innocent little maru i!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------header for my board but will be used for something else because bobafett made mea really cool header. thanks a lot, bobafett!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- laesv
enter the realm apply
chat a l e n run run run
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------matrix for my board. not really sure if I like it, but o well.
thats it for this month. hopefully
ill get my ass in gear next month
and draw some more and better ansi.
i do requests, leave me email on
bobafetts board if you want something.
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