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The Primal Order PRESENTS: The August 1993 ANSi/VGA Premier!
Supplied by: PRiMAL Artists Released: August 1st 1993
Packaged by: Mortacan Category: ANSi/VGA
White Knight President/Founder Vigilante President NET Techie
Mortacan ANSi/VGA President and the rest of the Crew...
Contributing PRiMAL Artists
Mortacan -/- White Knight -/- Beholder -/- Lizard Man -/- Crypt Keeper
Thanks: P.I.T.S. For supplying the North East with only the best in elite
and warez. Vigilante For all his help. The Dream Team, The Humble
Greetings Guys, Razor, FairLight, Skillion, NUAA, INC, ToS, Dread, FAiTH,
Cardinals, and all the others.
Lets all have a Moment of Silence for the Velvet Underground. Was Perhaps the
Best BBS on Long Island. Went down not more then a month ago. Rumor has it
that foul play was involved, but no one will ever be sure.
There are some High positions still needed to be filled. A Ansi/VGA
Coordinator, and Net Coordinater. If you think you can fill either of these
Two Positions and You are NOT in PRiMAL already. Pick up an application from
Demons Abyss 516 752 9820, or 516 293 7313.
The Ansi/VGA Coordinator has to be dedicated, organized, and active. He would
be responsible for the coordination of all ansi work done by PRiMAL for other
boards and for the Art Packets.
If you have a BBS, Outside the 516 area, and would like to become a PRiMAL
site contact White Knight, or Mortacan. Can be found on Demons Abyss. If
there is already a PRiMAL site in your area code all other applicants will
be Void. One PER area code.
If you would like to carry the PRiMALNET contact WHQs. PRiMALNET is reaching
across the world. It has already infected such foreign countries Italy and
will soon be spreading across Europe like wildfire.
-:Senior Staff:-
White Knight Mortacan Vigilante
MusicPhreak Toonsinator Magician The Beholder
Zapper Lizard Man Mac Wacko Crypt Keeper J-Walker Co-Wiz
Ghost Crazy Ice Cube The Phantom
What is PRiMAL?
PRi MAL: pr ml, 1. of early times first primeval. 2. chief fundamental.
adj. pri mal ly, adv.
The Primal Order PRESENTS: The August 1993 ANSi/VGA Premier!
Supplied by: PRiMAL Artists Released: August 1st 1993
Packaged by: Mortacan Category: ANSi/VGA
White Knight President/Founder Vigilante President NET Techie
Mortacan ANSi/VGA President and the rest of the Crew...
Contributing PRiMAL Artists
Mortacan -/- White Knight -/- Beholder -/- Lizard Man -/- Crypt Keeper
Thanks: P.I.T.S. For supplying the North East with only the best in elite
and warez. Vigilante For all his help. The Dream Team, The Humble
Greetings Guys, Razor, FairLight, Skillion, NUAA, INC, ToS, Dread, FAiTH,
Cardinals, and all the others.
Lets all have a Moment of Silence for the Velvet Underground. Was Perhaps the
Best BBS on Long Island. Went down not more then a month ago. Rumor has it
that foul play was involved, but no one will ever be sure.
There are some High positions still needed to be filled. A Ansi/VGA
Coordinator, and Net Coordinater. If you think you can fill either of these
Two Positions and You are NOT in PRiMAL already. Pick up an application from
Demons Abyss 516 752 9820, or 516 293 7313.
The Ansi/VGA Coordinator has to be dedicated, organized, and active. He would
be responsible for the coordination of all ansi work done by PRiMAL for other
boards and for the Art Packets.
If you have a BBS, Outside the 516 area, and would like to become a PRiMAL
site contact White Knight, or Mortacan. Can be found on Demons Abyss. If
there is already a PRiMAL site in your area code all other applicants will
be Void. One PER area code.
If you would like to carry the PRiMALNET contact WHQs. PRiMALNET is reaching
across the world. It has already infected such foreign countries Italy and
will soon be spreading across Europe like wildfire.
-:Senior Staff:-
White Knight Mortacan Vigilante
MusicPhreak Toonsinator Magician The Beholder
Zapper Lizard Man Mac Wacko Crypt Keeper J-Walker Co-Wiz
Ghost Crazy Ice Cube The Phantom
What is PRiMAL?
PRi MAL: pr ml, 1. of early times first primeval. 2. chief fundamental.
adj. pri mal ly, adv.
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