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J u n e I n f o m a t i o n
as some of you may have noticed, weve FINALLY begun to grow!
along with a few appz that weve received, the merge of tang and tribute
into PuRG were two main factorz. we have gotten inquisitor to start an
emag called LoRE that is scheduled for release on July 4th, 1996! so look
for it!
with approximately 31 new members this month, we have begun to sort
out what we have done and what we would like to change, and quality is one
major part... alot more ansi and askee and some coders to add to the fun
as well... this pak was really not even ready to go, but we needed to get
it out of the way so we could figure out who is going to stay and who is
going to go...
our webpage is finally being worked on, with alot of help coming
from pinguino with the vga side... satanic sly also has helped out alot
with the vga and between bossman and i, we are working on some major
additions to the pages... other than that.. fuck if i know what else to
say... enjoy the pak and sorry we didnt get a viewer out..
founder-the reaper
J u n e I n f o m a t i o n
as some of you may have noticed, weve FINALLY begun to grow!
along with a few appz that weve received, the merge of tang and tribute
into PuRG were two main factorz. we have gotten inquisitor to start an
emag called LoRE that is scheduled for release on July 4th, 1996! so look
for it!
with approximately 31 new members this month, we have begun to sort
out what we have done and what we would like to change, and quality is one
major part... alot more ansi and askee and some coders to add to the fun
as well... this pak was really not even ready to go, but we needed to get
it out of the way so we could figure out who is going to stay and who is
going to go...
our webpage is finally being worked on, with alot of help coming
from pinguino with the vga side... satanic sly also has helped out alot
with the vga and between bossman and i, we are working on some major
additions to the pages... other than that.. fuck if i know what else to
say... enjoy the pak and sorry we didnt get a viewer out..
founder-the reaper
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