this image contains text
!purgaskeecollyoct1996!bp dS dSSb!purgaskeecollyoct1996!
, 1 , bs
! . ! 1
tR!. ! ,! tR!bs.
.a4P !s,ad!s,a! ,!b. ,!b.bs. .tR!.tR!b,,ad dY4Y4b !sb,aa. !ab,aa.sb. ! . ! Y4l Y4l P4P4bs. .d s..sd . i . i ss!Sss!S ,Y ,Y.dsS P4 ..sdSS ..sSs s! ! Y , P , P , tR!4YP4 4i b.4i b.4i . , tR!!bs.4 bs.4s Sbs.4s SsS .4a b d ,d d aY , i menu commands.,d menu commands Y! menu commands i a,,a! menu commands b,.menu commands ,d menu commands !a..a menu commands,aadSmenu commandsSbaa,menu commands
: menu commandsP4!menu commands !P4menu commands :
/ menu commandssSPmenu commands Ssmenu commands /
---- menu commands ---- / menu commands menu commands menu commands /
: menu commands menu commands menu commands :
-whoa.. that was like a 2 day job.. badass i must admit!... its a menuset for
my own board.. the brown actually looks good.. requests havent been
completed but FUCK YOU! its my board and my time.. requests are different than
trades.. do me a trade and ill do it now! hahahah! eat my ass..
the reapers realmcut whore, er herethe reaper
S@s, S@s,
,!b. S@s, S@s,
.,asdS . @ . @
s, !S SS@s. SS@s, .,asd@ !
P4Ss S@s, . S@, . !S,
, S@SS SS@S ,Ss
sSS@s.. ... ..s@S@s.. ... ..s@P4
sYsinister evil@sS
4YS tR!4
P4 menu command menu command menu command 4Y
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
sinister evilcut whore, er herecrucifier
sdSb S
S @
,dY,! .. , q
,:,l S
l l . l! :: j
s, jls bs@l
l l l
: -tr Sl
:..@..: tHE sUBVERSIVE : ...
- hmmmm, i like that better in ascii format than ansi... i redid one of my
ansis from the first purg pak in ascii form... kewl..
the subversivecut whore, er herethe devils pawn
Ss,.,dSSS SSS..,sS,
ggggyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyy gggggggg ,yyyy ggggggggggg
,dSlS lSby. yyy yyyy
d y :,, sS P4 ,
l P4 P bSSy S sS : S
lsS blS S:Ss,7 s : :
: S :,dl P4,S,lSs l,ls lS
grillcut whore, er heremart
SSS,SSSysSSSSSSSyy,. s,s @,SSS , SSy,SSSyy..SSyy. S Sl syyySS s @, l l S lSS s SS,yS, l SS y,SS,s ySsy,,ysS.Y Sy,, lY syySSy S Sy,.,S,ySSySS yyyyyyysS, yS@, y..Sy, l l,Sy,.,y .ySSy S l @ S S S,Sl . l l SSyS S ySsyS ,ySy , ySyyyyy , ,S s s s
grillcut whore, er heremart
-greets: cardiac arrest, creator, tribal, spinsane, phlux, mice, jeepee, sensei starlord, kitiara, spellbinder, wildcat, napalm, filthdew me a fuckin ansi!,
creeping death, ironghost, beliel, cain, discyple, wiZY, remorseadd my ass!,
coug, dark shadow, illwill, kargus, m0gel, flame, dieznyik...
-groups: purg, cia, rca, pursuit, samsara, ophidiac, blade, leper society,
legend, jive, telepathy, and some acid.. anyone i missed?
-requests: whoa.. lately ive been slammed and only been doing logos... if you
need a menuset or something specific then lemme know in your request... i
dont do pics so eat shit on that one.. but menusets and shit ill do..
, 1 , bs
! . ! 1
tR!. ! ,! tR!bs.
.a4P !s,ad!s,a! ,!b. ,!b.bs. .tR!.tR!b,,ad dY4Y4b !sb,aa. !ab,aa.sb. ! . ! Y4l Y4l P4P4bs. .d s..sd . i . i ss!Sss!S ,Y ,Y.dsS P4 ..sdSS ..sSs s! ! Y , P , P , tR!4YP4 4i b.4i b.4i . , tR!!bs.4 bs.4s Sbs.4s SsS .4a b d ,d d aY , i menu commands.,d menu commands Y! menu commands i a,,a! menu commands b,.menu commands ,d menu commands !a..a menu commands,aadSmenu commandsSbaa,menu commands
: menu commandsP4!menu commands !P4menu commands :
/ menu commandssSPmenu commands Ssmenu commands /
---- menu commands ---- / menu commands menu commands menu commands /
: menu commands menu commands menu commands :
-whoa.. that was like a 2 day job.. badass i must admit!... its a menuset for
my own board.. the brown actually looks good.. requests havent been
completed but FUCK YOU! its my board and my time.. requests are different than
trades.. do me a trade and ill do it now! hahahah! eat my ass..
the reapers realmcut whore, er herethe reaper
S@s, S@s,
,!b. S@s, S@s,
.,asdS . @ . @
s, !S SS@s. SS@s, .,asd@ !
P4Ss S@s, . S@, . !S,
, S@SS SS@S ,Ss
sSS@s.. ... ..s@S@s.. ... ..s@P4
sYsinister evil@sS
4YS tR!4
P4 menu command menu command menu command 4Y
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
sinister evilcut whore, er herecrucifier
sdSb S
S @
,dY,! .. , q
,:,l S
l l . l! :: j
s, jls bs@l
l l l
: -tr Sl
:..@..: tHE sUBVERSIVE : ...
- hmmmm, i like that better in ascii format than ansi... i redid one of my
ansis from the first purg pak in ascii form... kewl..
the subversivecut whore, er herethe devils pawn
Ss,.,dSSS SSS..,sS,
ggggyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyy gggggggg ,yyyy ggggggggggg
,dSlS lSby. yyy yyyy
d y :,, sS P4 ,
l P4 P bSSy S sS : S
lsS blS S:Ss,7 s : :
: S :,dl P4,S,lSs l,ls lS
grillcut whore, er heremart
SSS,SSSysSSSSSSSyy,. s,s @,SSS , SSy,SSSyy..SSyy. S Sl syyySS s @, l l S lSS s SS,yS, l SS y,SS,s ySsy,,ysS.Y Sy,, lY syySSy S Sy,.,S,ySSySS yyyyyyysS, yS@, y..Sy, l l,Sy,.,y .ySSy S l @ S S S,Sl . l l SSyS S ySsyS ,ySy , ySyyyyy , ,S s s s
grillcut whore, er heremart
-greets: cardiac arrest, creator, tribal, spinsane, phlux, mice, jeepee, sensei starlord, kitiara, spellbinder, wildcat, napalm, filthdew me a fuckin ansi!,
creeping death, ironghost, beliel, cain, discyple, wiZY, remorseadd my ass!,
coug, dark shadow, illwill, kargus, m0gel, flame, dieznyik...
-groups: purg, cia, rca, pursuit, samsara, ophidiac, blade, leper society,
legend, jive, telepathy, and some acid.. anyone i missed?
-requests: whoa.. lately ive been slammed and only been doing logos... if you
need a menuset or something specific then lemme know in your request... i
dont do pics so eat shit on that one.. but menusets and shit ill do..
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