this image contains text
,aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
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l l
a- l l bs,sd -a , ,
,aa, bsdb ,aa,laaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,aaaa,,,,,,,,,,,aaaa,,,,,,,,,,,aaal
a purg - pak 18 mem list a
aa , aa
aa , ,a , .
f o u n d e r s
.a a
. , , ,a , a . aa
the reaper, jandor, lint
aa , ,a , .
s e n o i r s
.a a
. , , ,a , a . aa
the reaper - cunt ceo
jandor - member, pak ceo
diadem - code ceo
lint - webteam ceo
aa , ,a , .
is , si
. m e m b e r s .
.a a ..
. . , , ,a , a . aa .
, i - new member X almost gone * wont be in next pack i nick division abbrev -2mstone ansi 2m clumsy ascii/web team cl dark entity ascii/web team de -dax music dx destr0yer vga/web team dt Xdiadem coder dia*euphorik ascii u4 *dj-lethal ascii djlXdritzan coder drt*flash ascii fl *frantic coder fr -gehennea hirez gh grandmaster mojo ascii grm iceman vga/web team ic irie1 vga/web team i1 jandor ascii/vga/web team jd lint web team ceo lt *lord coder ld minding age ascii ma methane retired kl oipunk ascii/hirez oi psycological warfare ansi psy purplee ascii ppe rumish ascii ru sameyeam idle ceo sam starks ascii yp square ascii sqr teeare ascii tr Xtesla ascii ts Xthe warlord vga/web team tw trance ascii/vga/web team ta *vlad ascii vl zubfatal ascii zb jack phlash guest ascii jp b If anyone has not been placed on this list it is due to that fact that the member coordinator is not doing his job. Please rag on his ass to . get him to do so. Or email jandor at jandor@purg.com -jandor i a a
Ya . purg!logos . aP
l ,aa
l l l
l l
a- l l bs,sd -a , ,
,aa, bsdb ,aa,laaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,aaaa,,,,,,,,,,,aaaa,,,,,,,,,,,aaal
a purg - pak 18 mem list a
aa , aa
aa , ,a , .
f o u n d e r s
.a a
. , , ,a , a . aa
the reaper, jandor, lint
aa , ,a , .
s e n o i r s
.a a
. , , ,a , a . aa
the reaper - cunt ceo
jandor - member, pak ceo
diadem - code ceo
lint - webteam ceo
aa , ,a , .
is , si
. m e m b e r s .
.a a ..
. . , , ,a , a . aa .
, i - new member X almost gone * wont be in next pack i nick division abbrev -2mstone ansi 2m clumsy ascii/web team cl dark entity ascii/web team de -dax music dx destr0yer vga/web team dt Xdiadem coder dia*euphorik ascii u4 *dj-lethal ascii djlXdritzan coder drt*flash ascii fl *frantic coder fr -gehennea hirez gh grandmaster mojo ascii grm iceman vga/web team ic irie1 vga/web team i1 jandor ascii/vga/web team jd lint web team ceo lt *lord coder ld minding age ascii ma methane retired kl oipunk ascii/hirez oi psycological warfare ansi psy purplee ascii ppe rumish ascii ru sameyeam idle ceo sam starks ascii yp square ascii sqr teeare ascii tr Xtesla ascii ts Xthe warlord vga/web team tw trance ascii/vga/web team ta *vlad ascii vl zubfatal ascii zb jack phlash guest ascii jp b If anyone has not been placed on this list it is due to that fact that the member coordinator is not doing his job. Please rag on his ass to . get him to do so. Or email jandor at jandor@purg.com -jandor i a a
Ya . purg!logos . aP
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