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e u ph o r i a
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- fux0red! -
.and hurry!
oops -
hells gate +o zero vision?
hello again i finnaly finished this off..i had a little problem with the font
backg as you can clearly see ohh well..this is for one of the best pic guys
i know, zero vision, for a trade, do you actually think id do something
like this for free?! gr3375: catch22, taintedx, dyingsoul, seph, skaboy
ret, teer, mrwrong, enzo - euphoria@peachworld.com ... www.netzero.com
AYD0oDLEBOY ..finally got your attention. i have changed my nick, i
used to be known as frozen so i guess you could call me the artist
formerly known as frozen..ermm..or not .. heh
back da
- fux0red! -
.and hurry!
oops -
hells gate +o zero vision?
hello again i finnaly finished this off..i had a little problem with the font
backg as you can clearly see ohh well..this is for one of the best pic guys
i know, zero vision, for a trade, do you actually think id do something
like this for free?! gr3375: catch22, taintedx, dyingsoul, seph, skaboy
ret, teer, mrwrong, enzo - euphoria@peachworld.com ... www.netzero.com
AYD0oDLEBOY ..finally got your attention. i have changed my nick, i
used to be known as frozen so i guess you could call me the artist
formerly known as frozen..ermm..or not .. heh
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