this image contains text
7Y7Y7Y7Y7Y7Y7dSSbq, 7,dbg, ,dbq,,dbq, ,dSdS y y7 y pyyyq bq, pyyyq yy yy yyy yyy yy yyy yy yyy yy yyy yy yyy yy yy 7 Y Y Y 7 Y 7 Y b db pyq yP Yy P b, yyy yyy Y Yy7,d y YyP Yy7 YyP y7,.Yy7byyyyydbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydbyyyyyd:altered:reality:altered:reality:altered:reality:altered:reality:altered:reality
grifter talks trash... yet again:
okay, after hanging around the art scene for nearly a year now, ive decidedto take a sabbatical it means a leave of absence you english degenerate fromthe oh-so-exciting-and-non-profitable world of ascii... sooooooo, except for themaybe occasional guest appearance or whatever and fulfilling a requestnow and then, im pretty much retiring from the ascii scene for a few reasons...a its summer time, and well, ITS SUMMER TIME FOR FUCKS SAKES, im not going to sit in front of the goddamn computer when i could be at the beach, or at the bar, or out with my girlfriend...
b after taking this past year off, im going to be going to one of, if not the best art school in my city this coming fall, and i dont think ill have too much time on my hands to draw ascii...
Concerned Grifter Fan: GASP! Where am i going to get my fill of Grifter art and malicious humor from each month@?! YEARRGHHH@?!
Calm down spanky, since ive always been into creative writing, editorials andmaking sure everybody hears my opinion and since ive got a bunch of thesethings just laying around collecting dust, im thinking about slapping them to-for a zine where i pretty much bitch and complain bitterly about whats wrongwith the world and shit like that, there are a couple of asciis for it includedin this pack, so be on the look out for KRad, coming your way soon! maybe
y33h4w, for the most part its been fun... i thought id go out with this asciifor altered reality, one of best boards in the 2o4 area code...
peace and whOrd upZ go out to everybody in the 2o4, all you suckers on AlteredReality and Everything Zen, the Pursuit posse, the iRN posse, aw hell, even thefucking sOap posse even though ive been stirring up the shit with them lately,i dont have anything against matthew and my friend shaun in REAL LIFE youfools just piss me off when it comes to ascii... Putting my real name in AGAIN,was probably the bonehead play of the month, but the fact remains that I DONTCARE ANYMORE, ALLRIGHT@?! Jesus, sOap guys! calm the fuck down already! andthen anybody else i may have forgotten, well, just beat me over the head with
a pipe wrench why dont you...
lastly, heres a quote i just pulled out of my ass well, actually, its fromDennis Miller:
... I think that 95 of what passes for art in this
world is complete and utter shit. And 4 of the other
5 percent is shit with an asterix. But oh, that 1
makes you proud to be human doesnt it? Look, art is
communication. If you get the message, or any
message, then its successful. If you dont, hey, go
onto the next fucking painting.
grifter talks trash... yet again:
okay, after hanging around the art scene for nearly a year now, ive decidedto take a sabbatical it means a leave of absence you english degenerate fromthe oh-so-exciting-and-non-profitable world of ascii... sooooooo, except for themaybe occasional guest appearance or whatever and fulfilling a requestnow and then, im pretty much retiring from the ascii scene for a few reasons...a its summer time, and well, ITS SUMMER TIME FOR FUCKS SAKES, im not going to sit in front of the goddamn computer when i could be at the beach, or at the bar, or out with my girlfriend...
b after taking this past year off, im going to be going to one of, if not the best art school in my city this coming fall, and i dont think ill have too much time on my hands to draw ascii...
Concerned Grifter Fan: GASP! Where am i going to get my fill of Grifter art and malicious humor from each month@?! YEARRGHHH@?!
Calm down spanky, since ive always been into creative writing, editorials andmaking sure everybody hears my opinion and since ive got a bunch of thesethings just laying around collecting dust, im thinking about slapping them to-for a zine where i pretty much bitch and complain bitterly about whats wrongwith the world and shit like that, there are a couple of asciis for it includedin this pack, so be on the look out for KRad, coming your way soon! maybe
y33h4w, for the most part its been fun... i thought id go out with this asciifor altered reality, one of best boards in the 2o4 area code...
peace and whOrd upZ go out to everybody in the 2o4, all you suckers on AlteredReality and Everything Zen, the Pursuit posse, the iRN posse, aw hell, even thefucking sOap posse even though ive been stirring up the shit with them lately,i dont have anything against matthew and my friend shaun in REAL LIFE youfools just piss me off when it comes to ascii... Putting my real name in AGAIN,was probably the bonehead play of the month, but the fact remains that I DONTCARE ANYMORE, ALLRIGHT@?! Jesus, sOap guys! calm the fuck down already! andthen anybody else i may have forgotten, well, just beat me over the head with
a pipe wrench why dont you...
lastly, heres a quote i just pulled out of my ass well, actually, its fromDennis Miller:
... I think that 95 of what passes for art in this
world is complete and utter shit. And 4 of the other
5 percent is shit with an asterix. But oh, that 1
makes you proud to be human doesnt it? Look, art is
communication. If you get the message, or any
message, then its successful. If you dont, hey, go
onto the next fucking painting.
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