this image contains text
This advertizement was done for
Magnetic Ms Magic Reality. The
pic was taken from some Archie
comic I hadlaying around here,
eb the M.Reality font was inspired
by a logo by Frank SONiC. To
reach me for requests, call the
wHQ or hunt me down on IRC..
all you need to know..
Ansi by Ebony of Quad-P 1994
its back to da ol skool yall..
Magnetic Ms Magic Reality. The
pic was taken from some Archie
comic I hadlaying around here,
eb the M.Reality font was inspired
by a logo by Frank SONiC. To
reach me for requests, call the
wHQ or hunt me down on IRC..
all you need to know..
Ansi by Ebony of Quad-P 1994
its back to da ol skool yall..
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