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The NFO. / By vIGod
introduction :
helllllo , we are once again back with a new pack , this time its the late may pack ...
hmm.. i think this pack is batter than the
previouse one , but you judge for yourself .
the main stream of the group still is ansi, vga
though we are very proude of our music devision
that keeps on rocking .
group newz :
some talented members have joined us, greets
go to all of them : Eternal E that has finally
managed to dcc us his art, Lithium for doing
a hellofajob in no time .
Night Hunter has left us for a better life ,
so best wishes and do well on yourown .
A home page will soon be available.
Our iRC channel is meanwhile invite only due
to some assholes that are constantly trying to
takeover our channel farther info will be given
later on .
How to conntact us:
1. mail gorbag@mail.eshel.negev.k12.il title
it with apply or somth.
2. Search for the leaders/members on the iRC
on ragearts channel and ask them to
invite you to our main channel rage
Our nicks on the iRC are: Gorbag, NightSdw
, vigod, Gorbie.
3. Visit our homepage that will soon be
available , and mail us through there .
4. search us on the inet phone and talk to us
almost directly .
greets and all the rest :
special shout outs to trans fighter ! give us
your stuff on time !!! dont wait until the
deadline to give us your stuff .
lithium keep on doing what you do best .
eternal E and gambit , hurry up with the
homepage plz.
vigod , myself , no one wants to greet me
Tatoo - keep on doing what you do best ...
i wonder , if i register your pack do i get
the shading on the ansis ?
creator , oping Divine Madness - stay cool .
Nfo designed by: Nightshadow Night Hunter
introduction :
helllllo , we are once again back with a new pack , this time its the late may pack ...
hmm.. i think this pack is batter than the
previouse one , but you judge for yourself .
the main stream of the group still is ansi, vga
though we are very proude of our music devision
that keeps on rocking .
group newz :
some talented members have joined us, greets
go to all of them : Eternal E that has finally
managed to dcc us his art, Lithium for doing
a hellofajob in no time .
Night Hunter has left us for a better life ,
so best wishes and do well on yourown .
A home page will soon be available.
Our iRC channel is meanwhile invite only due
to some assholes that are constantly trying to
takeover our channel farther info will be given
later on .
How to conntact us:
1. mail gorbag@mail.eshel.negev.k12.il title
it with apply or somth.
2. Search for the leaders/members on the iRC
on ragearts channel and ask them to
invite you to our main channel rage
Our nicks on the iRC are: Gorbag, NightSdw
, vigod, Gorbie.
3. Visit our homepage that will soon be
available , and mail us through there .
4. search us on the inet phone and talk to us
almost directly .
greets and all the rest :
special shout outs to trans fighter ! give us
your stuff on time !!! dont wait until the
deadline to give us your stuff .
lithium keep on doing what you do best .
eternal E and gambit , hurry up with the
homepage plz.
vigod , myself , no one wants to greet me
Tatoo - keep on doing what you do best ...
i wonder , if i register your pack do i get
the shading on the ansis ?
creator , oping Divine Madness - stay cool .
Nfo designed by: Nightshadow Night Hunter
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