this image contains text
phear da black on black!!! uhh read on!
The August 96 Newsletter, with optional VGA Support
Well, another month has passed us by
and were here with another pack to tell
the world RCA is here, and were not
planning on leaving anytime soon. We
are approaching our 1 year anniversary
and we hope that we will continue to give RcA? rCa? RCA? rCA?
packs of quality artwork far into the i like the firstt one
future. Weve got several projects in the works, including
more dedicated internet services,new programs to amaze you,and
of course a steady streem of new members that will insure
our pressence in the scene for quite some time. Through
the internet, we have been able to gain a wealth of feedback,
both positive and negative, both of which has enabled us to
grow as a group. We hope that our dedication to the scene
and our non-competition orientated philosophy will be evident
in this months pack. Well, since this has been another BUSY
month for all of us, lets get to the news...
Well, it started out with good intentions.
RcAs IRC meeting sounded like a good idea.
We got all of our online members to meet up in
rca on the day of our pack release to go over
new RcA stuff and juts have a good time. So at
1:00 am the crowd began to gather. After our In disgust over
buddie Killerpole took over the channel, the terrible lag
we were forced to evacuate into rca1 for the on IRC, Wildcat
meeting. Than, our illustrious leader Star Lord chunx his puter.
began to weave his lyrical tapestry of RcA
happenings...here are a few exerts from the inspiring speach:
Session Start: Fri Jul 12 13:27:48 1996 sl: all in good fun
* logging rca1 to: rca1.log ya know!!!!!!
starlord ...RCa is heading place..its getting know in the art
scene..PPl like WC..in Mop.. Maybe Soon Killpole in
ICe..with ppl like that headinto group like that..it says
starlord But theres some shit that has happen..
starlord PC crashed..contacts where shitty..and so on..our
pack is COOL..but alot of Shit has Happen that hurt us..
starlord ..Also..Keep RCA a Fun Group..
As you can see, Star Lords oration was the highlight of the
meeting. Then everyone got lagged, chaos ensued, and the
meeting degenerated.
Moral of the story: Dont have IRC meetings. It just wasnt
meant to be.
Well, this month we received a pretty
harsh blow from our mounties in canada.
A!A, a canadian group that merged
into RcA recently, has officially died.
Only a few members,including our beloved
Corrosion, could be salvaged from the
deal. Be sure to check out their
contribution to this months artistic
collection. Of course, you might notice
that our revised memberlist has been Canada gets nuked
slimmed down considerably,now resembling and RCA Loses out.
a 14 year old annorexic supermodel. hmm...big loss..slackers!
But from these few dedictaed members you can always count on
a heeping helping of that wonderful stuff we like to call art.
So ::boohooh:: sniff sniff:: were sorry to see them go, but at the
same time i think were a stronger, tighter group because of it.
Moral of the story: look before you merge...err..leep
- Magnus the hippy who is really into the
net cuz he
likes the fre
No, RcA isnt starting a web page design studio, but
close enough. Magnus, our new senior staff like internet
dude has done some awesome VGA, unfortunately, due to
its animated nature, it cant be viewed in the average
viewer. Actually, the only thing that will do it is
Netscape, or another Web Browser. So if you like VGA,
and wanna see some truly impressive stuff, boot up windows
ya know, that over-commercialized deadly virus that will
inevitably screw you over in the end, and open up the
.HTM files that are enclosed in this, and future RcA
packs. For the less motivated, you goto the little File
menu and clicky on the little letter, and then click on
the open file, then type in the filename, then suck
your thumb and have a nurse help you goto the bathromm cuz
if you cant figure out how to work Netscape you must be
an invalid. Wake up, its windows for gods sake.
moral of the story: When you say Internet, you mean Magnus
As usual, we have plenty of people coming
Members into RcA geniuses and some people leaving
losers. Joining the RcA family this month
for a little incestuous fun are two vga
doodlers Genocide 09 and Alien. Different
Star Lord and heterosexuality, Genocide is
a strict hand drawer, whereas Alien is
throwin the photoshop effects around like
theres no tommorow. Also coming to the crew
are Plastique, Natch, and Weaponx. These
guys are all heavy into the logos, doing ansi, ascii, and more ascii
respectively. We also got us some realy crazy modders! Yeehah!
Boba Fett and Heart Break Kid decided RcA would be a great place
to release there wildcat mods, and once we get that modding group
up and runnning everyone will be busier than a proctologist
in a nudist camp. Last and certainly least, Magnus followed
Striker home after Striker fed him, and after a night of begging,
Strikers mom let him keep Magnus. So we let him do internet stuff,
like bots, web pages and such. Leaving us our all those A!A
people, but since we barely know their names it doesnt bother us too
Moral of the story: 1,000,000 women cant be wrong! RcA tops em all!
Many people ask us what our BBS Sites Are.
Heres the answer. RCA does not have a great
deal of Distrobution Sites in the US. Our
Terminate World Headquarter Site is located in
v6.9 South Carolina. Our Western US Headquarters
Site is Evil Intentions. When a member of
RCA runs a board, they are usually given
a member/distro site. Internationally, RCA
has other sites. Our Canadian Headquarter Site
69 69 69 69 69 69 is Green Iguana in Ontario. We are also
graced with a new South America Headquarters Site ran by Weapon X,
named Holocaust. Other boards are affiliated with R.C.A. Through our
Network, The UprisingNet. This Net currently runs mainly between our
S.C. Member Boards, the WHQ Site, and the Canadian HQ Site.
We are looking for new nodes to add The only requirement is that you
run an art board. The infopak for Uprising Net is included with this
months RCA Pack. If you run a BBS, put the infopak up separatly
on your files bases. As we always remind everyone in our newsletter,
if you wish to apply to RCA, logon to the WHQ Site Alter Ego
at 864.587.9828 and send your application to Star Lord. We do
have a guest account to send in the apps for the people who dont
have the time or money to apply for regular user access. But
if you dont have an InterNet address that you can include in your
application that we can reply to, please apply for access to
the whq site so we may reply to the application.
Moral of the Story: RcA: Giving lame, no name boards a descent affil
As always, we crave attention and Newsletter
are gratefull for any feedback, written by:
membership applications, or requests. Striker
Just call the Alter Ego WHQ at lame BBS article
864-587-9828 and logon under the guest and Wildcat
account. Through this acount you can everything else
apply, request art, and perform a few
other functions. However, if you wish key RCA Logo and
you may apply to the bbs itself to ansi-ettes by:
get even more options.After validation Wildcat
you can enjoy the artsy atmosphere
and easily communicate with all RCA
members. Also, most RCA related
activities can be performed through Thru Netmail: 1:3652/12
all of the affiliated boards.
black on black greetz to: sl, kit, kp, str, bf, dh, my, gs, bm, wn,de
this damn thing is officially done!!!! wooppp!
The August 96 Newsletter, with optional VGA Support
Well, another month has passed us by
and were here with another pack to tell
the world RCA is here, and were not
planning on leaving anytime soon. We
are approaching our 1 year anniversary
and we hope that we will continue to give RcA? rCa? RCA? rCA?
packs of quality artwork far into the i like the firstt one
future. Weve got several projects in the works, including
more dedicated internet services,new programs to amaze you,and
of course a steady streem of new members that will insure
our pressence in the scene for quite some time. Through
the internet, we have been able to gain a wealth of feedback,
both positive and negative, both of which has enabled us to
grow as a group. We hope that our dedication to the scene
and our non-competition orientated philosophy will be evident
in this months pack. Well, since this has been another BUSY
month for all of us, lets get to the news...
Well, it started out with good intentions.
RcAs IRC meeting sounded like a good idea.
We got all of our online members to meet up in
rca on the day of our pack release to go over
new RcA stuff and juts have a good time. So at
1:00 am the crowd began to gather. After our In disgust over
buddie Killerpole took over the channel, the terrible lag
we were forced to evacuate into rca1 for the on IRC, Wildcat
meeting. Than, our illustrious leader Star Lord chunx his puter.
began to weave his lyrical tapestry of RcA
happenings...here are a few exerts from the inspiring speach:
Session Start: Fri Jul 12 13:27:48 1996 sl: all in good fun
* logging rca1 to: rca1.log ya know!!!!!!
starlord ...RCa is heading place..its getting know in the art
scene..PPl like WC..in Mop.. Maybe Soon Killpole in
ICe..with ppl like that headinto group like that..it says
starlord But theres some shit that has happen..
starlord PC crashed..contacts where shitty..and so on..our
pack is COOL..but alot of Shit has Happen that hurt us..
starlord ..Also..Keep RCA a Fun Group..
As you can see, Star Lords oration was the highlight of the
meeting. Then everyone got lagged, chaos ensued, and the
meeting degenerated.
Moral of the story: Dont have IRC meetings. It just wasnt
meant to be.
Well, this month we received a pretty
harsh blow from our mounties in canada.
A!A, a canadian group that merged
into RcA recently, has officially died.
Only a few members,including our beloved
Corrosion, could be salvaged from the
deal. Be sure to check out their
contribution to this months artistic
collection. Of course, you might notice
that our revised memberlist has been Canada gets nuked
slimmed down considerably,now resembling and RCA Loses out.
a 14 year old annorexic supermodel. hmm...big loss..slackers!
But from these few dedictaed members you can always count on
a heeping helping of that wonderful stuff we like to call art.
So ::boohooh:: sniff sniff:: were sorry to see them go, but at the
same time i think were a stronger, tighter group because of it.
Moral of the story: look before you merge...err..leep
- Magnus the hippy who is really into the
net cuz he
likes the fre
No, RcA isnt starting a web page design studio, but
close enough. Magnus, our new senior staff like internet
dude has done some awesome VGA, unfortunately, due to
its animated nature, it cant be viewed in the average
viewer. Actually, the only thing that will do it is
Netscape, or another Web Browser. So if you like VGA,
and wanna see some truly impressive stuff, boot up windows
ya know, that over-commercialized deadly virus that will
inevitably screw you over in the end, and open up the
.HTM files that are enclosed in this, and future RcA
packs. For the less motivated, you goto the little File
menu and clicky on the little letter, and then click on
the open file, then type in the filename, then suck
your thumb and have a nurse help you goto the bathromm cuz
if you cant figure out how to work Netscape you must be
an invalid. Wake up, its windows for gods sake.
moral of the story: When you say Internet, you mean Magnus
As usual, we have plenty of people coming
Members into RcA geniuses and some people leaving
losers. Joining the RcA family this month
for a little incestuous fun are two vga
doodlers Genocide 09 and Alien. Different
Star Lord and heterosexuality, Genocide is
a strict hand drawer, whereas Alien is
throwin the photoshop effects around like
theres no tommorow. Also coming to the crew
are Plastique, Natch, and Weaponx. These
guys are all heavy into the logos, doing ansi, ascii, and more ascii
respectively. We also got us some realy crazy modders! Yeehah!
Boba Fett and Heart Break Kid decided RcA would be a great place
to release there wildcat mods, and once we get that modding group
up and runnning everyone will be busier than a proctologist
in a nudist camp. Last and certainly least, Magnus followed
Striker home after Striker fed him, and after a night of begging,
Strikers mom let him keep Magnus. So we let him do internet stuff,
like bots, web pages and such. Leaving us our all those A!A
people, but since we barely know their names it doesnt bother us too
Moral of the story: 1,000,000 women cant be wrong! RcA tops em all!
Many people ask us what our BBS Sites Are.
Heres the answer. RCA does not have a great
deal of Distrobution Sites in the US. Our
Terminate World Headquarter Site is located in
v6.9 South Carolina. Our Western US Headquarters
Site is Evil Intentions. When a member of
RCA runs a board, they are usually given
a member/distro site. Internationally, RCA
has other sites. Our Canadian Headquarter Site
69 69 69 69 69 69 is Green Iguana in Ontario. We are also
graced with a new South America Headquarters Site ran by Weapon X,
named Holocaust. Other boards are affiliated with R.C.A. Through our
Network, The UprisingNet. This Net currently runs mainly between our
S.C. Member Boards, the WHQ Site, and the Canadian HQ Site.
We are looking for new nodes to add The only requirement is that you
run an art board. The infopak for Uprising Net is included with this
months RCA Pack. If you run a BBS, put the infopak up separatly
on your files bases. As we always remind everyone in our newsletter,
if you wish to apply to RCA, logon to the WHQ Site Alter Ego
at 864.587.9828 and send your application to Star Lord. We do
have a guest account to send in the apps for the people who dont
have the time or money to apply for regular user access. But
if you dont have an InterNet address that you can include in your
application that we can reply to, please apply for access to
the whq site so we may reply to the application.
Moral of the Story: RcA: Giving lame, no name boards a descent affil
As always, we crave attention and Newsletter
are gratefull for any feedback, written by:
membership applications, or requests. Striker
Just call the Alter Ego WHQ at lame BBS article
864-587-9828 and logon under the guest and Wildcat
account. Through this acount you can everything else
apply, request art, and perform a few
other functions. However, if you wish key RCA Logo and
you may apply to the bbs itself to ansi-ettes by:
get even more options.After validation Wildcat
you can enjoy the artsy atmosphere
and easily communicate with all RCA
members. Also, most RCA related
activities can be performed through Thru Netmail: 1:3652/12
all of the affiliated boards.
black on black greetz to: sl, kit, kp, str, bf, dh, my, gs, bm, wn,de
this damn thing is officially done!!!! wooppp!
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