this image contains text
A Shrimp of Revival ANSI production
Original artwork by Shrimp c of Revival
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before you, Discofunk, and your Europen comrades begin accusing Israel of syste
-matically destroying the civilian population of the Palestinian Authority whic
his an entirely misled assumption, that only emphasizes your total ignorance reg
-arding this subject- be sure to priorly examine the actions of your own enligh
-ted country, for example the murder of 1,100 Somalian men, women and children b
yAmerican bombers, as a reaction to the death of one American soldier and the
war in Afghanistan: Is bombing a school full of innocent Afghan children an eff
-icient way to fight terrorism?
I see myself as a Civil/Human Rights activist,
and I strongly condemn ANY murder of innocent civilians, needless to say the
use of excessive force against civilians: I strongly step up against Sharons
policy in the occupied territories, like many Israelis who did not vote for him
.HOWEVER - Sharon, despite being a fat, violent goon, is not the next Hitler, as
you shamelessly stated. Sharon does not see the palestinians INFERIOUR than the
Israelis, and he does not destroy innocent Palestinians one by one. Unlike
Hitler, Sharon aims for the terrorists who ENDLESSLY attack my country, and
given the fact that most of them hide AMONG civilian population for example:
at the Church of the Nativity, it is impossible to avoid harming civilians.
I wish that people, including yourself, could
actually experience life in this country BEFORE forming ridiculous opinions
about the conflict in the Middle East. How can you POSSIBLY have sympathy for
radical Palestinian groups of religious fanatics, such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad,
Tanzim and the like, whose members cooly shoot a 5 year old infant in her sleep
,stone 11 year old boys to death, and bomb themselves in an Israeli hotel while
destroying dozens of innocent Israelis who wanted to calmly celebrate Passover.
Not only that - they do it in the name of Allah, the Muslim god. Theyve lost
any grip on reality and obviously have no common sense whatsoever.
So please, Mr. Dave K., dont try to portrait yourself as a caring socialist,
since between you, me and the entire scene - youre nothing but yet another
fat racist fuckface.
Itamar Ben-David AKA Shrimp
Jerusalem, May 2002
Original artwork by Shrimp c of Revival
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before you, Discofunk, and your Europen comrades begin accusing Israel of syste
-matically destroying the civilian population of the Palestinian Authority whic
his an entirely misled assumption, that only emphasizes your total ignorance reg
-arding this subject- be sure to priorly examine the actions of your own enligh
-ted country, for example the murder of 1,100 Somalian men, women and children b
yAmerican bombers, as a reaction to the death of one American soldier and the
war in Afghanistan: Is bombing a school full of innocent Afghan children an eff
-icient way to fight terrorism?
I see myself as a Civil/Human Rights activist,
and I strongly condemn ANY murder of innocent civilians, needless to say the
use of excessive force against civilians: I strongly step up against Sharons
policy in the occupied territories, like many Israelis who did not vote for him
.HOWEVER - Sharon, despite being a fat, violent goon, is not the next Hitler, as
you shamelessly stated. Sharon does not see the palestinians INFERIOUR than the
Israelis, and he does not destroy innocent Palestinians one by one. Unlike
Hitler, Sharon aims for the terrorists who ENDLESSLY attack my country, and
given the fact that most of them hide AMONG civilian population for example:
at the Church of the Nativity, it is impossible to avoid harming civilians.
I wish that people, including yourself, could
actually experience life in this country BEFORE forming ridiculous opinions
about the conflict in the Middle East. How can you POSSIBLY have sympathy for
radical Palestinian groups of religious fanatics, such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad,
Tanzim and the like, whose members cooly shoot a 5 year old infant in her sleep
,stone 11 year old boys to death, and bomb themselves in an Israeli hotel while
destroying dozens of innocent Israelis who wanted to calmly celebrate Passover.
Not only that - they do it in the name of Allah, the Muslim god. Theyve lost
any grip on reality and obviously have no common sense whatsoever.
So please, Mr. Dave K., dont try to portrait yourself as a caring socialist,
since between you, me and the entire scene - youre nothing but yet another
fat racist fuckface.
Itamar Ben-David AKA Shrimp
Jerusalem, May 2002
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