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Back from under the sheets!
April release was a great success thank you to the people who made it
successful. April? what happened to May and June? How rumors flare, when the
enviers envy. We wanted to give our artist a brake for a month due to a well
done job how many groups do that? heyh? During this period of RELAXATION,
our competetors, spread rumors about us, saying we died. Causing confusion
amongst the rigor artist, and than snatching them to join their group. To
those who started the rumors, a big KISS MY ASS! to all.
Enough of that shitz! Thats right weve been around for a year ...they
have? Rigor, previously known as IOA, intellectuals of Art long story, was
created in August of 95! Due to I guess, poor courrier job, publicity, we
were not known untill past months. But let me tell you, we still kicked ass!
Introduced great artist to the scene, who have climbed the ropes of success
due to our presence. Not many groups stay alive for so long now a days. We
think it is time for us to make our mark, come out from under the rock. And
Wo0p ASS!!!
Blast From The Past
If you dont know, we have re-released, old ioa/rigor art. Many of them
are AS WAS condition, but maybe one or two have been touched up to better
suit the quality.
Speaking of quality, WE ONLY ACCEPT QUALITY - dont confuse us with other
groups. We dont care if we get 4,983,729,845,270,948,295,734,510,357,403
pieces of work, we only releasing quality. Even if we release 3 pieces of
art, we ONLY want QUALITY! We have a great staff and we will be glad to help
out artist in need. We are looking for potential artists, as well.
s.a.n. mans.a.n. man - Many will come but few will be selected . . . RIGOR!!Wassup my bo0z?! Whats all t his ruckus i hear? Its just rigor wakin up, aftera long and hardy nap. Mad up s to all the rigGambinos. Speaking of gambi-nos, i got beef with an ... article in OOZE magazine. The article stated rap was not lits. EXCUSE ME, from understanding lits are poems, that may even rh yme. So who made ya asses the judge of what is a poem and what is not. RAP is ART! If you reply with any one can rap, then put your moneywhere your mouth is lets have a SHOWDOWN! Punk Assaussies. And all you nuts in ansi who start rumors sayinrigor died, well wake up and feel the rigor revolution on the rise! Wewill NEVER die so dont believe any rumors! Fuck the rest Join the everliving RIGOR! Mad quality in this pack. We EXTRA stressed our onl y quality policy in this pack. Our doors are always open to potential artist and we are always in the mood to help. no egos in 96
Dont forget to check out As you know , Rigor has been
our music disks, many dormant the past few months. Due to
released, more to rumors spread by others, trying to
come. aquire more members, left us devas- tated. Despite that, we were able
to rebound, and bring to you this
great pack even if it did take us a
little longer then usual. People say they have never heard of us.. well
I think, from now on, thatll change Through these dormant months.. the
loyal members, have stuck with us. We
also have appointed newsenior staff members. Creature of Hell, Mass Murdererans Orpheus have been added to this already talented staff. As we aquired
many newfaces this month like Nytmare, Tetsuo, Spear, Wolvie, and Arsen. I
must reluctlantly inform you that Hack Master has unplugged his modem,
Call his board line and tell him you miss him, and get him back here. : One
last thing, Scoobie: You fucking Iraqi Peice of shit. Nuff said.
Peace to the rest of the Seniors, sorry couldnt get all your contribs to the
Back from under the sheets!
April release was a great success thank you to the people who made it
successful. April? what happened to May and June? How rumors flare, when the
enviers envy. We wanted to give our artist a brake for a month due to a well
done job how many groups do that? heyh? During this period of RELAXATION,
our competetors, spread rumors about us, saying we died. Causing confusion
amongst the rigor artist, and than snatching them to join their group. To
those who started the rumors, a big KISS MY ASS! to all.
Enough of that shitz! Thats right weve been around for a year ...they
have? Rigor, previously known as IOA, intellectuals of Art long story, was
created in August of 95! Due to I guess, poor courrier job, publicity, we
were not known untill past months. But let me tell you, we still kicked ass!
Introduced great artist to the scene, who have climbed the ropes of success
due to our presence. Not many groups stay alive for so long now a days. We
think it is time for us to make our mark, come out from under the rock. And
Wo0p ASS!!!
Blast From The Past
If you dont know, we have re-released, old ioa/rigor art. Many of them
are AS WAS condition, but maybe one or two have been touched up to better
suit the quality.
Speaking of quality, WE ONLY ACCEPT QUALITY - dont confuse us with other
groups. We dont care if we get 4,983,729,845,270,948,295,734,510,357,403
pieces of work, we only releasing quality. Even if we release 3 pieces of
art, we ONLY want QUALITY! We have a great staff and we will be glad to help
out artist in need. We are looking for potential artists, as well.
s.a.n. mans.a.n. man - Many will come but few will be selected . . . RIGOR!!Wassup my bo0z?! Whats all t his ruckus i hear? Its just rigor wakin up, aftera long and hardy nap. Mad up s to all the rigGambinos. Speaking of gambi-nos, i got beef with an ... article in OOZE magazine. The article stated rap was not lits. EXCUSE ME, from understanding lits are poems, that may even rh yme. So who made ya asses the judge of what is a poem and what is not. RAP is ART! If you reply with any one can rap, then put your moneywhere your mouth is lets have a SHOWDOWN! Punk Assaussies. And all you nuts in ansi who start rumors sayinrigor died, well wake up and feel the rigor revolution on the rise! Wewill NEVER die so dont believe any rumors! Fuck the rest Join the everliving RIGOR! Mad quality in this pack. We EXTRA stressed our onl y quality policy in this pack. Our doors are always open to potential artist and we are always in the mood to help. no egos in 96
Dont forget to check out As you know , Rigor has been
our music disks, many dormant the past few months. Due to
released, more to rumors spread by others, trying to
come. aquire more members, left us devas- tated. Despite that, we were able
to rebound, and bring to you this
great pack even if it did take us a
little longer then usual. People say they have never heard of us.. well
I think, from now on, thatll change Through these dormant months.. the
loyal members, have stuck with us. We
also have appointed newsenior staff members. Creature of Hell, Mass Murdererans Orpheus have been added to this already talented staff. As we aquired
many newfaces this month like Nytmare, Tetsuo, Spear, Wolvie, and Arsen. I
must reluctlantly inform you that Hack Master has unplugged his modem,
Call his board line and tell him you miss him, and get him back here. : One
last thing, Scoobie: You fucking Iraqi Peice of shit. Nuff said.
Peace to the rest of the Seniors, sorry couldnt get all your contribs to the
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