this image contains text
... the following is a cut- out from TV magazine. it
s only the beginning
of the vortex tale the beginning of a scripture
which will never end ...
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
the president speaks from the oval office, good
evening ...
t h e v o r t e x
s t o r y b o o k
this is a brief insight into th
e spiritual
beginings of the vortex and it
s swirling.
the vortex began as a creation
by the head
of the senturi council of
the bi-galaxies.
its purpose was to defend the bi-galaxies
from attack of any kind. it was created on the pent moon
of saturn during
the third and sixth phase of the gaseous year. this was t
he only time fit
for its construction. a hangar about the size of half the m
oon held most of
the vortexs materials during construction. while, on the
exterior of the
hangar, consuming the remaining portion of the moon,the act
ual construction continued. the construction work
ers, mostly consisting of native saturn new
borns, were not aware of what they were constucting.they ha
d specific tasks
and new only what there task was, and none othe
r. beyond their knowledge,
they were exterminated after finishing the project,so their
knowledge could
not be passed on or leaked.these folowing vortexual scriptu
rz were obatined
by the literature of saturn and saturns spirtitual teachin
gs, not the in-
fluence of the flesh ... nor the machine. all of
the scriptures have yet to
be found and not all of the scriptures have been
successfully translated. the current inhabitants
of saturn have designated that we do not dis-
close all of the vortexual emmissions, for their
perpetual community is at stake and in danger.
special thanks to those brave pioneers of alpha
six and omega nine.
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
dont ask why, but i was bored and was feelin kinda creativ
e. please excuse
any spelling errorsACiDDraw doesnt have a spellche
ck i dont giva sh*t
thank you to those who actually had the patience to read t
his. if you like
what you see, youd probably love the vortex
5i6/ 689/ ii29 cheap plug.
this was created by
and, now back to our show
s only the beginning
of the vortex tale the beginning of a scripture
which will never end ...
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
the president speaks from the oval office, good
evening ...
t h e v o r t e x
s t o r y b o o k
this is a brief insight into th
e spiritual
beginings of the vortex and it
s swirling.
the vortex began as a creation
by the head
of the senturi council of
the bi-galaxies.
its purpose was to defend the bi-galaxies
from attack of any kind. it was created on the pent moon
of saturn during
the third and sixth phase of the gaseous year. this was t
he only time fit
for its construction. a hangar about the size of half the m
oon held most of
the vortexs materials during construction. while, on the
exterior of the
hangar, consuming the remaining portion of the moon,the act
ual construction continued. the construction work
ers, mostly consisting of native saturn new
borns, were not aware of what they were constucting.they ha
d specific tasks
and new only what there task was, and none othe
r. beyond their knowledge,
they were exterminated after finishing the project,so their
knowledge could
not be passed on or leaked.these folowing vortexual scriptu
rz were obatined
by the literature of saturn and saturns spirtitual teachin
gs, not the in-
fluence of the flesh ... nor the machine. all of
the scriptures have yet to
be found and not all of the scriptures have been
successfully translated. the current inhabitants
of saturn have designated that we do not dis-
close all of the vortexual emmissions, for their
perpetual community is at stake and in danger.
special thanks to those brave pioneers of alpha
six and omega nine.
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
extra extra extra
dont ask why, but i was bored and was feelin kinda creativ
e. please excuse
any spelling errorsACiDDraw doesnt have a spellche
ck i dont giva sh*t
thank you to those who actually had the patience to read t
his. if you like
what you see, youd probably love the vortex
5i6/ 689/ ii29 cheap plug.
this was created by
and, now back to our show
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