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h a r k l a n d e l u m
hey!.. youve stumbled across.. what? another rile
pack? yeah. thats right, rile is back. back, with
a new atmosphere. were not here to be the best.
were not here to dominate. were here simply to
create art and have a far-out time. you know, laid-
back, with a neat twist.
so far, things are kinda sketchy. we definately have
a foundation now. youre probably asking. why? why ANOTHER group? i respond with hey. why not? ..
its kinda like this, crackboy. if youre tired of every other group, of how
theyre run like GOVERNMENTAL systems, then this is the group for you. groups
shouldnt ever have a government feeling. what the hell would picasso say if
he were around? hed probably spit in our faces. sure. some would argue the
fact that the scene shouldnt even consist of groups at all. i do believe, thatthat would in fact be the best way to do things, and someday, i hope it will, but i guess you can call this flames last chance at running a successful
i want to bring the artists who dont have their foot in the door together,
to let them have a place to show their art, without having to worry about any
crazy-stupidness that the scene throws at them. fucking crazy, i say. crazy.
what the hell is with you people, anyways! are artists supposed to be the best?should they have to worry about if somebody likes their work ? .. hell no.
art is for expression, right? so, let it be! damn, you people. but.. whos toblame.
a picture shouldnt have to have a logo on it to make it art .. come on,
people. the reason why the scene is the way it is today, is not because of the
people in it :NOW:, but the people in it from the start! if the ones who
started the whole :pack: concept did art for the sake of art, the scene would
be MUCH different. there wouldnt be so much of this im out to be the best!
attitude going around. its very saddening to see this. sure, theres probablylots of people who see this going around, but how come nobody has spoken up
about it? i know you have the ability! do it! talk! say stuff! be crazy!
right now, i can only say that there are about 3-4 known people in the scene whodraw for the sake of drawing. if you want an example of this, check out diezs
solo pack, :ZXICA: on ftp.cdrom.com, and my pics in this pack. hopefully,
others will try to put some feeling into their art. express yourselves. use
your imagination. dont just rip a comic. whats the point? its not your
art! its just a zerox of someone elses art. sure, you drew it, but you
didnt create it. your feeling wasnt put into it. go out on a limb. try the
rile way!
who are these crazy peopul? we have a nice and talented cast of individuals with the rile funky-farm. who
cares how good we are! were here to produce art, not to succomb to your
silly scene-ways! sure, quality is nice, but its not whats important.
flame- hey. its just flame. funky! next.
fever- fever is one hell of a cool dude. he is slowly rising to, what i call,
his golden age of his ansi drawing experience. we all come to that
point, and stay there for a long while.
pariah- pariahs got a funky ascii style happening. its kind of a mix between ascii and ansi, which is a cool twist. the expression in his ascii is
getting much better, and i feel that he will continue to release some
spectacular stuff in the future!
rusty- ive known rusty for awhile, and id have to say that hes changed for
for the better! he used to be pretty arrogant, but somehow, hes changed into a humble artist, who shares his views of the world. down with
prodigy- this guy knows whats going on when it comes to how things are in the
scene. hes got a great attitude, and generally doesnt give a shit
about being the best, but is here to have fun and express himself.
check out his ascii in this pack, not to mention his cyber-fileid.
sammael- sammael is a person ive known from the beginning, i do believe. hes
also changed a lot, and isnt afraid to share his true feelings with
everyone in the scene. i admire that. also, hes not a quality-hungry person, and is a perfect example of how the scene should be. a laid
back, fun place, to express yourself through art.
rusted- rusted seems to be somewhat new to the scene, and seems to have a crazy
wild attitude towards things. he has a few pics in store, which are
original wait. isnt that what rile is about?. dont get him mixed
up with rusty, though. :
ironghost- ig has a nifty rip style that is really admirable. drawing in a
medium that is pretty much dead shows that youre drawing for the
sake of it, and thats what were looking for! .. also, check out
his ansi.
crayon- crayon, who has been out and about in the scene, has some spunky ansi
styles, which really brings out the feeling in his art.
flesh/satansly/cain- hey! where did you guys go?
anyways, these are the guys besides me that made the pack possible.
pretty cool, huh? onward!..
view rustys rip in something other than acidview. acidview doesnt view it
correctly. its a neat rip, too : try pyroview, that works!..
will there ever be a golden age of the art scene? a place, where people can
draw what they want, and not worry about what others think of them if theyre
not drawing up to the SCENES STANDARDS. you see.. this is more than a
group. this is a way of drawing. its the next chapter in this long book
of crazyness.
what the hell is harklandelum? its just a place where we can babble all day
about a lot of a crazy stuff! info-central.
right now, id like to thank all the people who made this possible.
everyone in rile or course, dieznyik, empty, drynwhyl, and everyone else
who has supported us from the beginning. hello to everyone in the scene. there
be any competition, you nuts!@ ..
big thanks to empty for helping on collecting stuff for me while i wasnt there!
group greets- blend, fuel, shade, twi, noname, and lazarus -- --
thanks to these bands for giving us sounds of inspiration-
nirvana, metallica, alice in chains, pink floyd, mmanson, therion,
dying bride, anathema, counting crows, and the smashing pumpkins.
check out the game that empty has in the pack! mt-snake.zip! its cool. :
until next month, we bid you farewell! CHECK OUT THE ART! ITS NEAT STUFF!
cya later! - ----- bye - flame, and the rile guys.
h a r k l a n d e l u m
hey!.. youve stumbled across.. what? another rile
pack? yeah. thats right, rile is back. back, with
a new atmosphere. were not here to be the best.
were not here to dominate. were here simply to
create art and have a far-out time. you know, laid-
back, with a neat twist.
so far, things are kinda sketchy. we definately have
a foundation now. youre probably asking. why? why ANOTHER group? i respond with hey. why not? ..
its kinda like this, crackboy. if youre tired of every other group, of how
theyre run like GOVERNMENTAL systems, then this is the group for you. groups
shouldnt ever have a government feeling. what the hell would picasso say if
he were around? hed probably spit in our faces. sure. some would argue the
fact that the scene shouldnt even consist of groups at all. i do believe, thatthat would in fact be the best way to do things, and someday, i hope it will, but i guess you can call this flames last chance at running a successful
i want to bring the artists who dont have their foot in the door together,
to let them have a place to show their art, without having to worry about any
crazy-stupidness that the scene throws at them. fucking crazy, i say. crazy.
what the hell is with you people, anyways! are artists supposed to be the best?should they have to worry about if somebody likes their work ? .. hell no.
art is for expression, right? so, let it be! damn, you people. but.. whos toblame.
a picture shouldnt have to have a logo on it to make it art .. come on,
people. the reason why the scene is the way it is today, is not because of the
people in it :NOW:, but the people in it from the start! if the ones who
started the whole :pack: concept did art for the sake of art, the scene would
be MUCH different. there wouldnt be so much of this im out to be the best!
attitude going around. its very saddening to see this. sure, theres probablylots of people who see this going around, but how come nobody has spoken up
about it? i know you have the ability! do it! talk! say stuff! be crazy!
right now, i can only say that there are about 3-4 known people in the scene whodraw for the sake of drawing. if you want an example of this, check out diezs
solo pack, :ZXICA: on ftp.cdrom.com, and my pics in this pack. hopefully,
others will try to put some feeling into their art. express yourselves. use
your imagination. dont just rip a comic. whats the point? its not your
art! its just a zerox of someone elses art. sure, you drew it, but you
didnt create it. your feeling wasnt put into it. go out on a limb. try the
rile way!
who are these crazy peopul? we have a nice and talented cast of individuals with the rile funky-farm. who
cares how good we are! were here to produce art, not to succomb to your
silly scene-ways! sure, quality is nice, but its not whats important.
flame- hey. its just flame. funky! next.
fever- fever is one hell of a cool dude. he is slowly rising to, what i call,
his golden age of his ansi drawing experience. we all come to that
point, and stay there for a long while.
pariah- pariahs got a funky ascii style happening. its kind of a mix between ascii and ansi, which is a cool twist. the expression in his ascii is
getting much better, and i feel that he will continue to release some
spectacular stuff in the future!
rusty- ive known rusty for awhile, and id have to say that hes changed for
for the better! he used to be pretty arrogant, but somehow, hes changed into a humble artist, who shares his views of the world. down with
prodigy- this guy knows whats going on when it comes to how things are in the
scene. hes got a great attitude, and generally doesnt give a shit
about being the best, but is here to have fun and express himself.
check out his ascii in this pack, not to mention his cyber-fileid.
sammael- sammael is a person ive known from the beginning, i do believe. hes
also changed a lot, and isnt afraid to share his true feelings with
everyone in the scene. i admire that. also, hes not a quality-hungry person, and is a perfect example of how the scene should be. a laid
back, fun place, to express yourself through art.
rusted- rusted seems to be somewhat new to the scene, and seems to have a crazy
wild attitude towards things. he has a few pics in store, which are
original wait. isnt that what rile is about?. dont get him mixed
up with rusty, though. :
ironghost- ig has a nifty rip style that is really admirable. drawing in a
medium that is pretty much dead shows that youre drawing for the
sake of it, and thats what were looking for! .. also, check out
his ansi.
crayon- crayon, who has been out and about in the scene, has some spunky ansi
styles, which really brings out the feeling in his art.
flesh/satansly/cain- hey! where did you guys go?
anyways, these are the guys besides me that made the pack possible.
pretty cool, huh? onward!..
view rustys rip in something other than acidview. acidview doesnt view it
correctly. its a neat rip, too : try pyroview, that works!..
will there ever be a golden age of the art scene? a place, where people can
draw what they want, and not worry about what others think of them if theyre
not drawing up to the SCENES STANDARDS. you see.. this is more than a
group. this is a way of drawing. its the next chapter in this long book
of crazyness.
what the hell is harklandelum? its just a place where we can babble all day
about a lot of a crazy stuff! info-central.
right now, id like to thank all the people who made this possible.
everyone in rile or course, dieznyik, empty, drynwhyl, and everyone else
who has supported us from the beginning. hello to everyone in the scene. there
be any competition, you nuts!@ ..
big thanks to empty for helping on collecting stuff for me while i wasnt there!
group greets- blend, fuel, shade, twi, noname, and lazarus -- --
thanks to these bands for giving us sounds of inspiration-
nirvana, metallica, alice in chains, pink floyd, mmanson, therion,
dying bride, anathema, counting crows, and the smashing pumpkins.
check out the game that empty has in the pack! mt-snake.zip! its cool. :
until next month, we bid you farewell! CHECK OUT THE ART! ITS NEAT STUFF!
cya later! - ----- bye - flame, and the rile guys.
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