this image contains text
.,ass, ............
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welp, heres yet another late release for the pack, but at least its out. :
There aint too much news for the month, but heres whats goin on.
--- EMi is progressing slowly but surely. Maybe well even turn out a pak
--- Our FTP HQ is muckin up on us. Hopefully the sop there will get it
fixed soon.
--- Im working on RioTVieW for Windows 95. Hopefully it will be ready
either for Christmas or for our one year pak! Its initial release will
be able to view TONS of VGA format files, even some that it dont need
to. It will also be able to view hopefully half-way reasonably ansi
and ascii. Later versions will again hopefully be able to view RIP.
--- We have guest appearences from Prince Dark Hero aka The Jester and
Maelstrom included in this release.
--- CyberBob was removed for inactivity.
--- Im switching my BBS from OBV/2 to Iniquity for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, OBV/2 hasnt been developed for quite some time, and isnt
going to be developed again. Secondly, OBV/2 keeps fucking with my file
areas. : I loved running obv, but its time to move on to a more
sophisticated software.
--- Welp, thats about it this month... Check out the stuph in this pak,
theres some more good shit in there! Catcha next month peoples!
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welp, heres yet another late release for the pack, but at least its out. :
There aint too much news for the month, but heres whats goin on.
--- EMi is progressing slowly but surely. Maybe well even turn out a pak
--- Our FTP HQ is muckin up on us. Hopefully the sop there will get it
fixed soon.
--- Im working on RioTVieW for Windows 95. Hopefully it will be ready
either for Christmas or for our one year pak! Its initial release will
be able to view TONS of VGA format files, even some that it dont need
to. It will also be able to view hopefully half-way reasonably ansi
and ascii. Later versions will again hopefully be able to view RIP.
--- We have guest appearences from Prince Dark Hero aka The Jester and
Maelstrom included in this release.
--- CyberBob was removed for inactivity.
--- Im switching my BBS from OBV/2 to Iniquity for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, OBV/2 hasnt been developed for quite some time, and isnt
going to be developed again. Secondly, OBV/2 keeps fucking with my file
areas. : I loved running obv, but its time to move on to a more
sophisticated software.
--- Welp, thats about it this month... Check out the stuph in this pak,
theres some more good shit in there! Catcha next month peoples!
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