this image contains text
yy,,..,,yy ,,. abstract
74 yy,..,,y
7 ,db, 4 :7 lyy,,..
7 ,db, 4 ll ,7 :yyyyyyy
7 ,db, 4 74 l :
,d7 b, 4 l ,d
4l ., b, 4byy,,. 7y, 4
,. l: l ., b, 7 4 4
7 : ., yy,,. .,yy,. ,
., .,yy, 7
4 l, l: :
7 :7 :y,.
7 7 l yy
hmm, the start of my colly, phear it
this is just some abstract shit, totally wierd, but i like it, so phear it too
if i didnt get to your ascii this month, sorry.
now lets start
genocide-- .,yy
--+- - -- - -+- -- --- - -+- - --- -+ -- - - -+ -- ---+ -- + yy +-- -- - -
,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,y ,ySSS ,ySSy,
Sll llSSll llSSll llSSll llSSll llSllSll llSSll llS
lii .l. iillii .l. iillii .l. iillii .l. iillii .l. iiliilii .l. iillii .l. iil
i:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::i::i:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::i
:ii ii::ii ii::ii ii::ii ii::ii :ii:ii ii::ii ii:
ill ... lliill ... lliill ... lliill ... lliill ... ,yillill ... lliill ... lli
lSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSlSSlSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSl
S l SS i SS iii SS iii SS iii SS iii SS l S
y, ,y lll lll lll lll ,y
yyy yyy yyy
7Sy,., y,.,yy,.,yy,.,ySy,.,
7 7 7 7
brians brains-- .,yy
y, , .,yy, .,,.
y,. y .,,. :7 ,yP yyyy .,,.
: 4y, 4l ,7 yyy: 74y,
,y7 y 7, l l l l,
l .,. 4 l yyy,. :l :
P y, :7 :
,: 7, l7 7 7
,l l .,l l l l
b,. .,l ,y D y,. .,y ,
4 :7 .,y
7P .,y l yyyyyyyyyyyy
La.asc-- .,yy
,d7 .,,.
: ,yy, lyyyy
,, yyyy ,,. .,,,d
., : l y, ,y
: :ll: , 7 :7
s,. .,y:il : :
. ,7 7 .,, yyy
: l .,y
, y,.,y l:
. 7 yyyyy 7 .,y :
,.,,d7 4b, : l
,l l, ,,.,y
. 7b, .. ,d7.,, 77.,
La2.asc-- .,yy
,yy, .,,.
,d7 ,yy, lyyyy
: ,, yyyy .,,. .,,,d
: , l y, ,y
: :ll: , 7 :7 .,
s,. .,y:il : : :
,7 yyy
7 :il:
.,y: 7 .,y :
:l ,d7 4b, : l
7,l l, ,,.,y
l 7b, ,d7.....,. 77.,
End.asc-- .,yy
okie, the last 2 asciis were the same, with a different L, due to some people
not liking the first 1. so i did another, which is uglier, and less fatalistic
oh, ahem, whew, remorse is fun, were cool, youre not, etc.. and all that, so
if you like this ascii, and want 1 or 2 for yourself, Email dan@dinjax.com for
info about how you can obtain one of these prized collectables. Email now, and
for every ascii you order, you get a free second ascii, for only half price
btw thats bullshit, i do ascii for warez..hehheh
74 yy,..,,y
7 ,db, 4 :7 lyy,,..
7 ,db, 4 ll ,7 :yyyyyyy
7 ,db, 4 74 l :
,d7 b, 4 l ,d
4l ., b, 4byy,,. 7y, 4
,. l: l ., b, 7 4 4
7 : ., yy,,. .,yy,. ,
., .,yy, 7
4 l, l: :
7 :7 :y,.
7 7 l yy
hmm, the start of my colly, phear it
this is just some abstract shit, totally wierd, but i like it, so phear it too
if i didnt get to your ascii this month, sorry.
now lets start
genocide-- .,yy
--+- - -- - -+- -- --- - -+- - --- -+ -- - - -+ -- ---+ -- + yy +-- -- - -
,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,ySSy, ,y ,ySSS ,ySSy,
Sll llSSll llSSll llSSll llSSll llSllSll llSSll llS
lii .l. iillii .l. iillii .l. iillii .l. iillii .l. iiliilii .l. iillii .l. iil
i:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::i::i:: ::: ::ii:: ::: ::i
:ii ii::ii ii::ii ii::ii ii::ii :ii:ii ii::ii ii:
ill ... lliill ... lliill ... lliill ... lliill ... ,yillill ... lliill ... lli
lSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSlSSlSS ::: SSllSS ::: SSl
S l SS i SS iii SS iii SS iii SS iii SS l S
y, ,y lll lll lll lll ,y
yyy yyy yyy
7Sy,., y,.,yy,.,yy,.,ySy,.,
7 7 7 7
brians brains-- .,yy
y, , .,yy, .,,.
y,. y .,,. :7 ,yP yyyy .,,.
: 4y, 4l ,7 yyy: 74y,
,y7 y 7, l l l l,
l .,. 4 l yyy,. :l :
P y, :7 :
,: 7, l7 7 7
,l l .,l l l l
b,. .,l ,y D y,. .,y ,
4 :7 .,y
7P .,y l yyyyyyyyyyyy
La.asc-- .,yy
,d7 .,,.
: ,yy, lyyyy
,, yyyy ,,. .,,,d
., : l y, ,y
: :ll: , 7 :7
s,. .,y:il : :
. ,7 7 .,, yyy
: l .,y
, y,.,y l:
. 7 yyyyy 7 .,y :
,.,,d7 4b, : l
,l l, ,,.,y
. 7b, .. ,d7.,, 77.,
La2.asc-- .,yy
,yy, .,,.
,d7 ,yy, lyyyy
: ,, yyyy .,,. .,,,d
: , l y, ,y
: :ll: , 7 :7 .,
s,. .,y:il : : :
,7 yyy
7 :il:
.,y: 7 .,y :
:l ,d7 4b, : l
7,l l, ,,.,y
l 7b, ,d7.....,. 77.,
End.asc-- .,yy
okie, the last 2 asciis were the same, with a different L, due to some people
not liking the first 1. so i did another, which is uglier, and less fatalistic
oh, ahem, whew, remorse is fun, were cool, youre not, etc.. and all that, so
if you like this ascii, and want 1 or 2 for yourself, Email dan@dinjax.com for
info about how you can obtain one of these prized collectables. Email now, and
for every ascii you order, you get a free second ascii, for only half price
btw thats bullshit, i do ascii for warez..hehheh
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