this image contains text
nnnnnn ynny nnnnn ,db, db
yy y********** nnnnn ny**qydb*--*aqdQo*--*dy**qdTP
yyu uuuu 8888 8 yyy yy PL T ,g@p, T ,g@p, jb Tb
y yyyy y yyyy y y jL **l TP ,d
y u uu uu u uuu uu , TP , TP , TP , ,g@p ,
uuu uuuuuuyyyyyy uuuuuuyyyyy yyyy@yyy@@*qqyyy@***@uubyyb
y yyyyyy uuuuu db TP
Hey. You probably know me as Kaleidas
Basic, Cia, Endow, Soap, Trank, now
Acid/Remorse but after nearly three
years, Ive decided to change my handle
to Acid Jack, largely out of boredom, db
but I never really liked it anyway. p I
also feel my art is changing, and really
for the first time, Im satisfied with
the way Im drawing, and the group Im
in, shout out to 81 krew it seemed
If you dont like it, dont bitch at me,
Im still the same fewl on the keyboard :
-aCidJack!kaleidas@desynk.org, Rmrs1981
Stand up, or get walked on.
nnnnnn ynny nnnnn ,db, db
yy y********** nnnnn ny**qydb*--*aqdQo*--*dy**qdTP
yyu uuuu 8888 8 yyy yy PL T ,g@p, T ,g@p, jb Tb
y yyyy y yyyy y y jL **l TP ,d
y u uu uu u uuu uu , TP , TP , TP , ,g@p ,
uuu uuuuuuyyyyyy uuuuuuyyyyy yyyy@yyy@@*qqyyy@***@uubyyb
y yyyyyy uuuuu db TP
Hey. You probably know me as Kaleidas
Basic, Cia, Endow, Soap, Trank, now
Acid/Remorse but after nearly three
years, Ive decided to change my handle
to Acid Jack, largely out of boredom, db
but I never really liked it anyway. p I
also feel my art is changing, and really
for the first time, Im satisfied with
the way Im drawing, and the group Im
in, shout out to 81 krew it seemed
If you dont like it, dont bitch at me,
Im still the same fewl on the keyboard :
-aCidJack!kaleidas@desynk.org, Rmrs1981
Stand up, or get walked on.
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