this image contains text
p7 . SSb, YYSSSSJJ,4 d :7
:, ...,,. SSSbdYb,JJJ7, 7 ,
lb:ll:illl:. SSS, YSbdJJJb,YSJS: :zzzzzzzzS l
lllilllllll:. b lSJJJJJ J7Yll : :l
JJJllJJlJlJllJb, lSJ:JJJl,l7jll l : ,g
.dp. *SSJl:. ,7ll7lS7dJJ : l
llp,. JJJlJllJJY ,l jll+.d7 :
b,l, p. ,lJJllllJJb 7 ,4Dg :
b,llb, lll2,.,dll7.,,,.b + Yl :l l
b,lJlyllJJlSSll7lllbydlllllbYlb, ,,. ., : ,g
,, b,JJlJSSlllbdllllllll:lllJ: :l ,
JJb :7 dSlllllYllJ: :
J 7.jSS7,,ggYlJJJ :
:, SSJJJJJJJbyll,gJSS: 7
.dSJJS7,gJJJJ,dZU NJl: :l
,dSJJS7,gJJllJSJb.7SbdSJ l, ,
SSJJ7,dJllJJJ7YSJJb.b,., JJ: :b,..,7
SJ77,dlllJ7YSy4SSSJJSydlbdlJ.d: .,
7b,SJJJ7,dJJSSJSJJSSljyll,,d: ,
SSSJJJblJZZJJJjl: byy. : ,j
7YS7 .,,... Sb7 d, :
,d.d66d6gp, ,d747,
d dlZZYY7 YgZ7 Y: ,
NNbdb4l7 4b,db. :: p.
l C7jl:l: , 4, ,
lb. 77? db, 47, ,
:pgApppgAp,y Yb, 4bdp
lJJSSSSD :b, 4: l,
:7JJJSSSSS lb, 4 :,
b,JJJJSSSS7Y7 ,b, 4l ,
. lJJb,dJJJJJ7,J7,b, 4: ,
l JJJJJSSJb,gJYb, 4 ,a,
b.,ddll, b, 4l
Slll+ b, 4:
,. .,gb Y7 4 :
7,4+. +, : 4l ,, l ,gp,
,4Sp. . 7 , 4:
:::7SS: , 7 ,7 4 : :
, S7 7 d l l:
:,p, ,d j, ,A j
:b, p,g jDy ,db,
:b, Yb .,db,.,Sp
Grr.. you bastard. Dont mess with my Hamster.
This wonderful piece of artwork is for sale. 5. Contact me at
tumunf@juno.com and Ill add a font for your boad or whatever.
Fear the newschool pic artists. Greets? Ill greet pic artists that I respect
and whose work I respect who are drawing right now: black jack, mrk, deadsoul,
gravedancer, and axb. If you arent on this list, it wasnt a mistake.
-The Upright Man
Remorse / 1981
Btw, this is the last thing youll see from me for awhile. Im taking a hiatus
for a few months due to shitloads of school work and college applications.
I might be on IRC sometimes, but Ill be out of it other than that. Talk to ya
p7 . SSb, YYSSSSJJ,4 d :7
:, ...,,. SSSbdYb,JJJ7, 7 ,
lb:ll:illl:. SSS, YSbdJJJb,YSJS: :zzzzzzzzS l
lllilllllll:. b lSJJJJJ J7Yll : :l
JJJllJJlJlJllJb, lSJ:JJJl,l7jll l : ,g
.dp. *SSJl:. ,7ll7lS7dJJ : l
llp,. JJJlJllJJY ,l jll+.d7 :
b,l, p. ,lJJllllJJb 7 ,4Dg :
b,llb, lll2,.,dll7.,,,.b + Yl :l l
b,lJlyllJJlSSll7lllbydlllllbYlb, ,,. ., : ,g
,, b,JJlJSSlllbdllllllll:lllJ: :l ,
JJb :7 dSlllllYllJ: :
J 7.jSS7,,ggYlJJJ :
:, SSJJJJJJJbyll,gJSS: 7
.dSJJS7,gJJJJ,dZU NJl: :l
,dSJJS7,gJJllJSJb.7SbdSJ l, ,
SSJJ7,dJllJJJ7YSJJb.b,., JJ: :b,..,7
SJ77,dlllJ7YSy4SSSJJSydlbdlJ.d: .,
7b,SJJJ7,dJJSSJSJJSSljyll,,d: ,
SSSJJJblJZZJJJjl: byy. : ,j
7YS7 .,,... Sb7 d, :
,d.d66d6gp, ,d747,
d dlZZYY7 YgZ7 Y: ,
NNbdb4l7 4b,db. :: p.
l C7jl:l: , 4, ,
lb. 77? db, 47, ,
:pgApppgAp,y Yb, 4bdp
lJJSSSSD :b, 4: l,
:7JJJSSSSS lb, 4 :,
b,JJJJSSSS7Y7 ,b, 4l ,
. lJJb,dJJJJJ7,J7,b, 4: ,
l JJJJJSSJb,gJYb, 4 ,a,
b.,ddll, b, 4l
Slll+ b, 4:
,. .,gb Y7 4 :
7,4+. +, : 4l ,, l ,gp,
,4Sp. . 7 , 4:
:::7SS: , 7 ,7 4 : :
, S7 7 d l l:
:,p, ,d j, ,A j
:b, p,g jDy ,db,
:b, Yb .,db,.,Sp
Grr.. you bastard. Dont mess with my Hamster.
This wonderful piece of artwork is for sale. 5. Contact me at
tumunf@juno.com and Ill add a font for your boad or whatever.
Fear the newschool pic artists. Greets? Ill greet pic artists that I respect
and whose work I respect who are drawing right now: black jack, mrk, deadsoul,
gravedancer, and axb. If you arent on this list, it wasnt a mistake.
-The Upright Man
Remorse / 1981
Btw, this is the last thing youll see from me for awhile. Im taking a hiatus
for a few months due to shitloads of school work and college applications.
I might be on IRC sometimes, but Ill be out of it other than that. Talk to ya
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