this image contains text
---- original logo ----
.,,sssssdSbs.bssssss.. .,,ssssssdS
: l 7s. l
gsg 7l 7s l
b..d: l P
bd : l :l:
l: dP
.d :
: : l bss. ll.,ssdS
lbssd : s. P
l :: l: : .dP7b.
:l : P .
: dl .ss 7P
l . .gdssss l sssdbsss,. .,s
bsdd P d 7bTP
:b s
finally f1r3 .. 30. bggdP rad.
this just looks better with a background and some color. so this is my idea:
i invite *every* ascii-artist out there to do this joint with me. this is the
outline. work on it, and mail me the result. looking forward !
radical@cryogen.com radicalFADE/FIRE
---- touched up logo ----
,i , ,47 Yb, .d7
.d7 .., d ,d .,,g db
d: .,,gZ,Zl,gZZ....,sgZl db
b,YlP4b, : Y
Y , ,dl: : b.+ 4, ll l
l ,db, , l : ll lb :: ll ,
l 7C,j l: l : l d :, ,
li l : : : : dP,d, l bY
7d i: l ll .,d,d: :U .,a, bY
7dl :iyZ : ll : ,l ZZ* dbY
7d d,l i: : b.: l .,dbY
: i7 d7 .,,. : : ll .l : :bY
*l l ,,4Dy l : ,7 j. U
. Y :: Y7 : ..,d,dl l: PT
p, l : : jlzP b, YP : ,Z
:b,dsP* b,.,pd,T.P
*TP* 7TD,47 7
finally fire .. 30. rad
radical did the original logo, the upright man reshaped it and added a
.,,sssssdSbs.bssssss.. .,,ssssssdS
: l 7s. l
gsg 7l 7s l
b..d: l P
bd : l :l:
l: dP
.d :
: : l bss. ll.,ssdS
lbssd : s. P
l :: l: : .dP7b.
:l : P .
: dl .ss 7P
l . .gdssss l sssdbsss,. .,s
bsdd P d 7bTP
:b s
finally f1r3 .. 30. bggdP rad.
this just looks better with a background and some color. so this is my idea:
i invite *every* ascii-artist out there to do this joint with me. this is the
outline. work on it, and mail me the result. looking forward !
radical@cryogen.com radicalFADE/FIRE
---- touched up logo ----
,i , ,47 Yb, .d7
.d7 .., d ,d .,,g db
d: .,,gZ,Zl,gZZ....,sgZl db
b,YlP4b, : Y
Y , ,dl: : b.+ 4, ll l
l ,db, , l : ll lb :: ll ,
l 7C,j l: l : l d :, ,
li l : : : : dP,d, l bY
7d i: l ll .,d,d: :U .,a, bY
7dl :iyZ : ll : ,l ZZ* dbY
7d d,l i: : b.: l .,dbY
: i7 d7 .,,. : : ll .l : :bY
*l l ,,4Dy l : ,7 j. U
. Y :: Y7 : ..,d,dl l: PT
p, l : : jlzP b, YP : ,Z
:b,dsP* b,.,pd,T.P
*TP* 7TD,47 7
finally fire .. 30. rad
radical did the original logo, the upright man reshaped it and added a
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