![Toil by Black Jack](/pack/rmrs-18/x1/BJ-ASC95.ANS.png)
this image contains text
S@g,,. , ** ,,gg@P ,gg@@SSS@g , , ,YSSlllS,g@SS@g ,dP lPdPilSP,dS, Yb, @gg,,,ggg@@Slb,i i dP ,d@@b, ,Yb,iSSlS,dbY lSSPPPYS@gg,, , g@Sb, Y@bml YPillSSYl l llgg@@SPP S, YYbg,YblP ,,gg@**llS iillb, ,,
,,, +++ bYYSSg, YYliilSP ,gg**Pgg@ gg Yb,
g, b , YSPiP ,iPP. ,,gg@@, Y , . ** , **b,. mgdP Y , ., ,ibg, , * l l , ilSb, ,d l ,l
b, , * YY,lS@@SP,d ,d,
,,,iiii,, ilS@@S P b
. iiiSSSSlllig, YPllSS l,
. , iillSSSslll **, ,,,YP l l , ,YY@@Sllii,g@@@gPiS@b, d gg@S@g, ** ,, , **,gSP i Y.YPY YYS@gg, ,iillP i S ,dP *g,YYYYP,-- ,gdldSdP ,d . dlSSli,YSbYSSllSSPdP, l ,g@SSSllilSS Y ,dP dP P P Y gd,YPYSSYYYSPY,l ,YSP,dP P P l l d b,d, Y, ,gP g@P P l b Y,d, dg ,, ,, gb bP l g ,d4PP ,,ill ,,, , b, ,,g@dS@@SS@SS@@ g ,, ,dP gg,,illlS ,, ,ii YP.iiYY ,gg g gg@@SPP ,,,,dlib, Y YYY ,,P g**@@P,iillllllliib, * b, , , + ,dlllSSllliii . ,,--- - , , + ,gg@@PP SSll P P , ,,gg ** ,, . black jac
SSlliiii , minotaur
llii ,*iii , , ,iiilll ll . , , ,d + iillSSilll l ,g ,P ,dP . , g, ,ilSSSSSSliiii , ,, gg,db . , YlliillSllii ,,i iillSSlll SSSllii .iiilllSSSlii iiiill, ,,,,iilllSSSliiillSSSS b, ,iillllSSSiillllSSSSSSSSSSllSSSSlliii iiillSSSSllliii iilllSSSSSllllli ,,iilS iilSSSSSPY,YbYSSlllliillSSiiilSSSSSg@S ,*YPYPb ,llSSlllSSSSSP lb, @ b glSSSSllSSSP Yb, , l YSlSP ,g@Sg,,gdb, ,g@SSlSSS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi, this looks kinda weird.. and well .. so was the pic I got it from, so its
all good. another thing. I havent drawn in 4 months so Im a bit rusty.. my
next pic should be better... btw, thats actually a font, that says TOIL.. :
anyhow, i produced.. and thats the important thing..
Heres a quote from ascii kaes :
kaes bg - but what im shouting is, who CARES what fucking group you are in,
if you are cool to talk to and shit, then everythings cool. you can suck, but
if you have a cool personality online, thats great.. thats like the rich and
the poor and the middle class. the rich have nothing to do with the lower
classes, and thats wrong as fuck. you know?..
Black Jack
,,, +++ bYYSSg, YYliilSP ,gg**Pgg@ gg Yb,
g, b , YSPiP ,iPP. ,,gg@@, Y , . ** , **b,. mgdP Y , ., ,ibg, , * l l , ilSb, ,d l ,l
b, , * YY,lS@@SP,d ,d,
,,,iiii,, ilS@@S P b
. iiiSSSSlllig, YPllSS l,
. , iillSSSslll **, ,,,YP l l , ,YY@@Sllii,g@@@gPiS@b, d gg@S@g, ** ,, , **,gSP i Y.YPY YYS@gg, ,iillP i S ,dP *g,YYYYP,-- ,gdldSdP ,d . dlSSli,YSbYSSllSSPdP, l ,g@SSSllilSS Y ,dP dP P P Y gd,YPYSSYYYSPY,l ,YSP,dP P P l l d b,d, Y, ,gP g@P P l b Y,d, dg ,, ,, gb bP l g ,d4PP ,,ill ,,, , b, ,,g@dS@@SS@SS@@ g ,, ,dP gg,,illlS ,, ,ii YP.iiYY ,gg g gg@@SPP ,,,,dlib, Y YYY ,,P g**@@P,iillllllliib, * b, , , + ,dlllSSllliii . ,,--- - , , + ,gg@@PP SSll P P , ,,gg ** ,, . black jac
SSlliiii , minotaur
llii ,*iii , , ,iiilll ll . , , ,d + iillSSilll l ,g ,P ,dP . , g, ,ilSSSSSSliiii , ,, gg,db . , YlliillSllii ,,i iillSSlll SSSllii .iiilllSSSlii iiiill, ,,,,iilllSSSliiillSSSS b, ,iillllSSSiillllSSSSSSSSSSllSSSSlliii iiillSSSSllliii iilllSSSSSllllli ,,iilS iilSSSSSPY,YbYSSlllliillSSiiilSSSSSg@S ,*YPYPb ,llSSlllSSSSSP lb, @ b glSSSSllSSSP Yb, , l YSlSP ,g@Sg,,gdb, ,g@SSlSSS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi, this looks kinda weird.. and well .. so was the pic I got it from, so its
all good. another thing. I havent drawn in 4 months so Im a bit rusty.. my
next pic should be better... btw, thats actually a font, that says TOIL.. :
anyhow, i produced.. and thats the important thing..
Heres a quote from ascii kaes :
kaes bg - but what im shouting is, who CARES what fucking group you are in,
if you are cool to talk to and shit, then everythings cool. you can suck, but
if you have a cool personality online, thats great.. thats like the rich and
the poor and the middle class. the rich have nothing to do with the lower
classes, and thats wrong as fuck. you know?..
Black Jack
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