![Drone Remix by The Upright Man](/pack/rmrs-18/x1/TUM-DRON.ANS.png)
this image contains text
my second remixed ascii this month.. honest, its not a habit
- this is acmes drone font
a ,4,
a ,aa, :,
ia, ,4y ,a i, :
: : gggg , a,4y***a : ,a ,i
i y*.,a, :i,, ,i,4a, ,4
,by *.,ai : b y ,7*a,4a :
, i:.,at*: i b 7,da,.*, ,i
a,47 :i7 ,4P. i:b ggg*a,.*4
ACME7,4:i ,47,4 :ib :i7 ,+
7,4* ,47*: b , i ,47,4
7,4P i: ,ia ,b 4 *7
,4P :i i: ,47 bi ,b i:bg g,
i: ae :i i i: ,b:i b. 7,4i
i b, ,d7.,a4,bi ,i7 j:
a,b, i: ,7,4A,I: a,,4A
Aa,:i ii s,,,,a**C,i a,*,
Cs,i :: * ,aMa* iSa, 7
tMa,* gggg477 ,Ea,
i iEa, 7 i PACMEP7
*7 * 7 i
i7 * i ,* :
7 , .
i i
- my version after some touchups
,gp, *Z
,Z, ,, db ,,YT*
b,:b ,.: db Y7,Zp,
: :: Y7 Y7,d db
:*T,dbdjYP,.,Y7yp,,..,gZ7,Y7 l p,.T**Z*D**T, ,g lZZ,.*.,aZ,,gZ YL yggpy,gZZp,bd .:*T,aP*b Y,iP**TD. Y
: Y ,d*, b Y P Y .
l l: :l j7j: :b . lL d
:l : .7,d l b SZpy7j:
. l ld 7 ,l ,b S7** +l
: .i::,b. ,: ,bl T
l i: ,d7:l Yb,..,4l ,. , dl
:y7 . b77 ,,pg7 ,d : T .dl :p,..,a,p,T*,d
l .l i: ,.,gb,.Y
yyZ :T*,7jb
,g,db, db db d d7 db Y7 : Yb Y +7 *T
-The Upright Man
not too creative, but i was working on mainly cleaning it up
- this is acmes drone font
a ,4,
a ,aa, :,
ia, ,4y ,a i, :
: : gggg , a,4y***a : ,a ,i
i y*.,a, :i,, ,i,4a, ,4
,by *.,ai : b y ,7*a,4a :
, i:.,at*: i b 7,da,.*, ,i
a,47 :i7 ,4P. i:b ggg*a,.*4
ACME7,4:i ,47,4 :ib :i7 ,+
7,4* ,47*: b , i ,47,4
7,4P i: ,ia ,b 4 *7
,4P :i i: ,47 bi ,b i:bg g,
i: ae :i i i: ,b:i b. 7,4i
i b, ,d7.,a4,bi ,i7 j:
a,b, i: ,7,4A,I: a,,4A
Aa,:i ii s,,,,a**C,i a,*,
Cs,i :: * ,aMa* iSa, 7
tMa,* gggg477 ,Ea,
i iEa, 7 i PACMEP7
*7 * 7 i
i7 * i ,* :
7 , .
i i
- my version after some touchups
,gp, *Z
,Z, ,, db ,,YT*
b,:b ,.: db Y7,Zp,
: :: Y7 Y7,d db
:*T,dbdjYP,.,Y7yp,,..,gZ7,Y7 l p,.T**Z*D**T, ,g lZZ,.*.,aZ,,gZ YL yggpy,gZZp,bd .:*T,aP*b Y,iP**TD. Y
: Y ,d*, b Y P Y .
l l: :l j7j: :b . lL d
:l : .7,d l b SZpy7j:
. l ld 7 ,l ,b S7** +l
: .i::,b. ,: ,bl T
l i: ,d7:l Yb,..,4l ,. , dl
:y7 . b77 ,,pg7 ,d : T .dl :p,..,a,p,T*,d
l .l i: ,.,gb,.Y
yyZ :T*,7jb
,g,db, db db d d7 db Y7 : Yb Y +7 *T
-The Upright Man
not too creative, but i was working on mainly cleaning it up
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