this image contains text
---- Truman Starr - Fitter Happier - RMRS-20 - 2637 lines 85,515 b ----
Every day in every way Im getting better and better
/ nM / /
T r u m a n S t a r r
the crazy gringo
the lyric skyscraper
the southamerican ascii messiah
the method man
// the numero uno...
but STILL the most unbalanced guy in ....
wH0 ....:
l // . ...:............ :: .
: l :: . :
. !R :: :
r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
presents once again
a magnificent ascii show :
a parody of late 90s life
::::::: c a l l e d
. / / / / / / /. / / Dz/a!/rks/pnk
f i t t e r . /. / / /
h a p p i e r / / /. / /
f i t/t e r: h a p p i e r
fitter, happier, more productive
not drinking too much
regular exercise at the gym 3 days a week
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
at ease
eating well no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
a patient better driver
a safer car baby smiling in back seat /
sleeping well no bad dreams /
no paranoia
careful to all animals never washing spiders down the plughole
keep in contact with old friends enjoy a drink now and then
will frequently check credit at moral bank hole in wall
favours for favours /
fond but not in love - ---/ ------------ -
charity standing orders
on sundays ring road supermarket
no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
car wash also on sundays
no longer afraid of the dark /
or midday shadows /
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate / /
nothing so childish / /
/ intastella
at a better pace . /
slower and more calculated /
no chance of escape /
now self-employed
concerned but powerless
and empowered informed member of society pragmatism not idealism
will not cry in public
less chance of illness
tyres that grip in the wet shot of baby strapped in back seat
a good memory
still cries at a good film /
still kisses with saliva
no longer empty and frantic /
like a cat / :
tied to a stick :.....................:
mr zukrilio
thats driven into
frozen winter shit the ability to laugh at weakness
fitter, healthier and more productive
a pig
in a cage
on antibiotics
sponsored by
r a d io h e a d
hotel falling down.
people aware, but not that bothered, as they skate along the shifting surfaces,
parisien, huge, blue, grey, metal shine. i am sitting at a table in a
destroyed room pushing cocaine around it shines like tiny diamonds. we are
smuggling it in white cakes.
caged birds accept each other.
but flight is what they long for.
:.............: / / :........... / tr5
Well, this is Truman Starr in you 80x25 screen
to represent once more the wizards of ascii art:
T h e R e m o r s e A s c i i
with another beautiful ascii production, this
time called Fitter Happier.
I wont talk about the name of the colly since
you can find lyrics throughout the text that will
perfectly illustrate the meaning of it.
This is my second collection with the Remorse
posse. Ive been member for 3 months and i think
i improved a lot. It is very inspirational to be
part of the best and the older active pc-ascii
clan. You will see some new and revolutionary
logo styles i recently develped.
I advice you to use the AMI!.EXE font to view
the logos exactly like i drew them. Otherwise, if
you prefer AFS.COM or some other amiga font you
can use it without any trouble.
Thank you for reading.
oO /
Sebastian aka Truman Starr
of: circe/remorse/pvm
: ............................................. : iNDEX -- eR! :
:: logo for ::
. ..... o1..alien hideout............anomite ::
::::: o2..alpine...................omi ::
:: o3..artview..................unabomber ::
:: o4..bj sign..................black jack :::::::::: .
:: o5..circe....................circe ::
::::: o6..clubparis................nervioz ::
:: o7..crack....................discofunk /::
:: o9..cyberia................. palmore // ::
:: 1o..drop.....................brane .....
:: 11..hara kiri................satwar ::
:::: 12..index....................el talo ::
:: 13..krilon stash.............erupt ::
:: 14..the kung fu teathre......rtrain ::::::::
:: 15..leagued................arlequin ::
:::: 16..no world.................daemon ::
:: 17..no place to hide.........acidbrain ::
:: 18..odelay...................arlequin ::
:: 19..power slave..............sludge ::
:: 2o..purg.....................teeare ::
:: 21..rad land.................dshay ::
:: 22..rap......................dshay ::
. .......... 23..remorse..................me ::
:: 24..remorse..................me ::
:: 25..sick.....................revolve ::
:: 26..sickle cell..............prodigy ::
:: 27..smell of incense.........thorax ::
:: 28..spoof....................hitek ::
:: 29..survivors................black thorne ......... .
:: 3o..testa rossa..............omi ::
:: 31..thc......................kayozz ::
:: 32..toil.....................s2n ::
:: 33..unicode..................me ::::::
:: 34..wham.....................me ::
:::::::: 35..whiplash.................sludge ::
:: 36..yen pox..................me ::
fitter happier . :
o1 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: alien hideout
use it if you are: anomite
a l i e n
h 1 /d e o u t tr5/
fitter happier . :
o2 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: alpine
use it if you are: omicron
/ - a l p 1 n e -
------- ----/tr5---//
fitter happier . :
o3 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: artview
use it if you are: unabomber/pvm
. . . . tr5
p v m : / / a r t v i e w / /
fitter happier . :
o4 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: bj sign
use it if you are: black jack
-- / / / ---------------jeffy poo------------------
---tr5 / // -----------------------------------------------
fitter happier . :
o5 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: black sun
use it if you are: squish
sqs // // / // //
:--- / b l a c k s u n /
/ ----------------------------------------------tr5 /
fitter happier . :
o6 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: circe
use it if you are: in circe
,,x**x t h e
ll / / //
afs *xxxx tr5
t r a n s g r e s s ! o n /
fitter happier . :
o7 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: club paris
use it if you are: nervioz
:: ------- . :: tr5
everything deserves a veryslow double-take
itsnot what you did.its that youliedabout it
swallowing,, spending,, fucking. europes gilded youth
i wish i could
one of us a strangers hands helldosomethingsilly noise less explosions
i gotta go + liedown cold flannel on forehead/darkened room/quiet please.cant
do it any moresorry
fitter happier . :
o8 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: crack
use it if you are: discofunk
// c R A C k 1 9 7 4 /
fitter happier . :
o9 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: cyberia
use it if you are: palmore
/ c y b e r i a tr5
fitter happier . :
1o :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: drop
use it if you are: brane
tr5/ : / / : :
. : . d r 0 p :..........:
fitter happier . :
11 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: hara kiri
use it if you are: in satwar
on saturdays
h a r a k ..i r/ i
fitter happier . :
12 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: index
use it if you are: el talo
: index : : / :
: // /tr5-----
fitter happier . :
13 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: krilon stash
use it if you are: erupt
/ : / ....... . tr5 /
: ** k r i l o n s t a s h **
fitter happier . :
14 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: kungfu theatre
use it if you are: rtrain/pvm
t H e :....
/ / t H e a t r e
fitter happier . :
15 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: league diz
use it if you are: arlequin
l e a g u e
Program Name c 1997, Company Name.
fitter happier . :
16 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: no world
use it if you are: daemon
. . /tr5
fitter happier . :
17 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: no place to hide
use it if you are: acidbrain
/ n o
// p l a c e
t o
. .......... . tr5 / ... .......................
. wich i like
three hundred million people
all with the same face
everything i say/do is suspect
take me and youll get relief
numbers mean nothing
god blessed you with a pretty face
right school
right parents
jellydogs jellied eels
we go to a restaurant there is meat in the bread there is not enough seats for
everyone there is meat in everything jellylikefat pink slices pink/climbing up
fire escapes/very poisoned
hotel is falling down.
fitter happier . :
18 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: odelay
use it if you are: arlequin
----- tr5--
. o d e l a y /:
fitter happier . :
19 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: power slave
use it if you are: sludge/pvm
/ p 0 w e r
-------//------ //-tr5.
fitter happier . :
2o :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: purg
use it if you are: tr
: : :::: tr5
:: p U r g .::::::::::::::::::::::::
fitter happier . :
21 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: radland
use it if you are: dshay
. radland tr5
fitter happier . :
22 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: rap diz
use it if you are: dshay
.------- rage against pcboard ------.
fitter happier . :
23 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: remorse 1
use it if you are: in rmrs
/ tr5/--/ //
/ : / r e m o r s e 8 1 /
fitter happier . :
24 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: remorse 2
use it if you are: in rmrs
r e m o r s e /
tr5/ / / /
/ 1 9 8 1
fitter happier . :
25 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: sick
use it if you are: revolve
- -------- /-----tr5
. / s i C k
fitter happier . :
26 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: sickle cell
use it if you are: the prodigy
:: / tr5
. ...... :: s i c k l e c e l l / :::::::::::::::::
fitter happier . :
27 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: smell of incense
use it if you are: thorax
s m e l l /
/ / tr5
o f i n c e n s e
idle minds
fix upon each other
trace each other and follow, sniffing each others arse
like a midnight binge
emptying the fridge
all the remains on the kitchen floor.
the bored animals. the stupid dogs.
begging for food at the dinner table.
that helpless look in their eyes.
full up for 30 seconds.
licking the bones like the fucking dumb creatures they are.
soon emptiness creeps back
and idle eyes go searchin for scraps
erase! please darlin
fitter happier . :
28 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: spoof
use it if you are: hitek
tr5/ / s p o o f
fitter happier . :
29 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: survivors
use it if you are: black thorne
/ /tr5
fitter happier . :
3o :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: testa rossa
use it if you are: omicron
t e s t a /
fitter happier . :
31 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: thc
use it if you are: kayozz
/ / t H c ::
-----tr5 ::
fitter happier . :
32 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: toil
use it if you are: serial toon
/ / //. t 0 i l
/ tr5/
fitter happier . :
33 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: unicode
use it if you are: ascii artist
a v a n t g a r d e // u n i c o d e .
. . tr5
. the future of ascii / www.unicode.org .
fitter happier . :
34 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: wham
use it if you are: euro
./ tr5
.. : t h e w h a m b e i n g
fitter happier . :
35 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: whiplash
use it if you are: sludge/pvm
//----/ w H i p l a s H /--/
:............... ...:tr5
fitter happier . :
36 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: yen pox
use it if you are: junkie
:/ o
o yen-pox
/ / o
well, anyway. i gotta go + liedown
t h e e n d
/ / . remordimiento
:: All ascii art manufactured, produced, designed and mixed by
::::::::: Truman Starr for Remorse Productions, a division of ACiD
:: except Remorse by Whodini, Tr5tarr by Necromancer,
:: Fitter Happier by Dezibel , Index by Erupt and RMRS by
:: Bugsy. Thanks to the guest artists for made this possible.
:: Contact me at pato@antisocial.com for any suggestion or
:: request. I always draw mail requests.
:: Special regard to my love Atxu. Thanks for being.
:: Greets for my buddies in +541: Rantes, Arlequin, Peyo, Talo,
:: Nervioz, Coda, Storm Night, Spektor, Phinger, and all you
:: big big Argentinian scene.
:: Greets to everyone in ascii: Black Jack, Necromancer, Serial2n,
: :::::: aCK, Prodigy, Dy1, Revolve, Discofunk, Omicron, Necronite, Konami,
:: Empower, Hitek, Kresile, Squish, Martz, Brane, TUM, and those i
:: forgot.
:: This Month music support is: Radiohead, Willy Crook, Portishead.
:: Ok, im out. I hope you enjoyed watching this. I did.
:: Peace.
:: Sebastian
You have just viewed another delicious production from the masters
of worldwide ascii art ...
The New and Untouchable Remorse Ascii
Preparedness make us Powerfull
r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
----- / ----------------------------- tr5
Truman Starr the Method Man
Brings you another ascii show:
F i T T E R H A P P i E R
-------- Truman Starr - Fitter Happier - RMRS-20 - End Of File --------
Every day in every way Im getting better and better
/ nM / /
T r u m a n S t a r r
the crazy gringo
the lyric skyscraper
the southamerican ascii messiah
the method man
// the numero uno...
but STILL the most unbalanced guy in ....
wH0 ....:
l // . ...:............ :: .
: l :: . :
. !R :: :
r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
presents once again
a magnificent ascii show :
a parody of late 90s life
::::::: c a l l e d
. / / / / / / /. / / Dz/a!/rks/pnk
f i t t e r . /. / / /
h a p p i e r / / /. / /
f i t/t e r: h a p p i e r
fitter, happier, more productive
not drinking too much
regular exercise at the gym 3 days a week
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
at ease
eating well no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
a patient better driver
a safer car baby smiling in back seat /
sleeping well no bad dreams /
no paranoia
careful to all animals never washing spiders down the plughole
keep in contact with old friends enjoy a drink now and then
will frequently check credit at moral bank hole in wall
favours for favours /
fond but not in love - ---/ ------------ -
charity standing orders
on sundays ring road supermarket
no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
car wash also on sundays
no longer afraid of the dark /
or midday shadows /
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate / /
nothing so childish / /
/ intastella
at a better pace . /
slower and more calculated /
no chance of escape /
now self-employed
concerned but powerless
and empowered informed member of society pragmatism not idealism
will not cry in public
less chance of illness
tyres that grip in the wet shot of baby strapped in back seat
a good memory
still cries at a good film /
still kisses with saliva
no longer empty and frantic /
like a cat / :
tied to a stick :.....................:
mr zukrilio
thats driven into
frozen winter shit the ability to laugh at weakness
fitter, healthier and more productive
a pig
in a cage
on antibiotics
sponsored by
r a d io h e a d
hotel falling down.
people aware, but not that bothered, as they skate along the shifting surfaces,
parisien, huge, blue, grey, metal shine. i am sitting at a table in a
destroyed room pushing cocaine around it shines like tiny diamonds. we are
smuggling it in white cakes.
caged birds accept each other.
but flight is what they long for.
:.............: / / :........... / tr5
Well, this is Truman Starr in you 80x25 screen
to represent once more the wizards of ascii art:
T h e R e m o r s e A s c i i
with another beautiful ascii production, this
time called Fitter Happier.
I wont talk about the name of the colly since
you can find lyrics throughout the text that will
perfectly illustrate the meaning of it.
This is my second collection with the Remorse
posse. Ive been member for 3 months and i think
i improved a lot. It is very inspirational to be
part of the best and the older active pc-ascii
clan. You will see some new and revolutionary
logo styles i recently develped.
I advice you to use the AMI!.EXE font to view
the logos exactly like i drew them. Otherwise, if
you prefer AFS.COM or some other amiga font you
can use it without any trouble.
Thank you for reading.
oO /
Sebastian aka Truman Starr
of: circe/remorse/pvm
: ............................................. : iNDEX -- eR! :
:: logo for ::
. ..... o1..alien hideout............anomite ::
::::: o2..alpine...................omi ::
:: o3..artview..................unabomber ::
:: o4..bj sign..................black jack :::::::::: .
:: o5..circe....................circe ::
::::: o6..clubparis................nervioz ::
:: o7..crack....................discofunk /::
:: o9..cyberia................. palmore // ::
:: 1o..drop.....................brane .....
:: 11..hara kiri................satwar ::
:::: 12..index....................el talo ::
:: 13..krilon stash.............erupt ::
:: 14..the kung fu teathre......rtrain ::::::::
:: 15..leagued................arlequin ::
:::: 16..no world.................daemon ::
:: 17..no place to hide.........acidbrain ::
:: 18..odelay...................arlequin ::
:: 19..power slave..............sludge ::
:: 2o..purg.....................teeare ::
:: 21..rad land.................dshay ::
:: 22..rap......................dshay ::
. .......... 23..remorse..................me ::
:: 24..remorse..................me ::
:: 25..sick.....................revolve ::
:: 26..sickle cell..............prodigy ::
:: 27..smell of incense.........thorax ::
:: 28..spoof....................hitek ::
:: 29..survivors................black thorne ......... .
:: 3o..testa rossa..............omi ::
:: 31..thc......................kayozz ::
:: 32..toil.....................s2n ::
:: 33..unicode..................me ::::::
:: 34..wham.....................me ::
:::::::: 35..whiplash.................sludge ::
:: 36..yen pox..................me ::
fitter happier . :
o1 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: alien hideout
use it if you are: anomite
a l i e n
h 1 /d e o u t tr5/
fitter happier . :
o2 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: alpine
use it if you are: omicron
/ - a l p 1 n e -
------- ----/tr5---//
fitter happier . :
o3 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: artview
use it if you are: unabomber/pvm
. . . . tr5
p v m : / / a r t v i e w / /
fitter happier . :
o4 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: bj sign
use it if you are: black jack
-- / / / ---------------jeffy poo------------------
---tr5 / // -----------------------------------------------
fitter happier . :
o5 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: black sun
use it if you are: squish
sqs // // / // //
:--- / b l a c k s u n /
/ ----------------------------------------------tr5 /
fitter happier . :
o6 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: circe
use it if you are: in circe
,,x**x t h e
ll / / //
afs *xxxx tr5
t r a n s g r e s s ! o n /
fitter happier . :
o7 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: club paris
use it if you are: nervioz
:: ------- . :: tr5
everything deserves a veryslow double-take
itsnot what you did.its that youliedabout it
swallowing,, spending,, fucking. europes gilded youth
i wish i could
one of us a strangers hands helldosomethingsilly noise less explosions
i gotta go + liedown cold flannel on forehead/darkened room/quiet please.cant
do it any moresorry
fitter happier . :
o8 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: crack
use it if you are: discofunk
// c R A C k 1 9 7 4 /
fitter happier . :
o9 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: cyberia
use it if you are: palmore
/ c y b e r i a tr5
fitter happier . :
1o :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: drop
use it if you are: brane
tr5/ : / / : :
. : . d r 0 p :..........:
fitter happier . :
11 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: hara kiri
use it if you are: in satwar
on saturdays
h a r a k ..i r/ i
fitter happier . :
12 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: index
use it if you are: el talo
: index : : / :
: // /tr5-----
fitter happier . :
13 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: krilon stash
use it if you are: erupt
/ : / ....... . tr5 /
: ** k r i l o n s t a s h **
fitter happier . :
14 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: kungfu theatre
use it if you are: rtrain/pvm
t H e :....
/ / t H e a t r e
fitter happier . :
15 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: league diz
use it if you are: arlequin
l e a g u e
Program Name c 1997, Company Name.
fitter happier . :
16 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: no world
use it if you are: daemon
. . /tr5
fitter happier . :
17 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: no place to hide
use it if you are: acidbrain
/ n o
// p l a c e
t o
. .......... . tr5 / ... .......................
. wich i like
three hundred million people
all with the same face
everything i say/do is suspect
take me and youll get relief
numbers mean nothing
god blessed you with a pretty face
right school
right parents
jellydogs jellied eels
we go to a restaurant there is meat in the bread there is not enough seats for
everyone there is meat in everything jellylikefat pink slices pink/climbing up
fire escapes/very poisoned
hotel is falling down.
fitter happier . :
18 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: odelay
use it if you are: arlequin
----- tr5--
. o d e l a y /:
fitter happier . :
19 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: power slave
use it if you are: sludge/pvm
/ p 0 w e r
-------//------ //-tr5.
fitter happier . :
2o :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: purg
use it if you are: tr
: : :::: tr5
:: p U r g .::::::::::::::::::::::::
fitter happier . :
21 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: radland
use it if you are: dshay
. radland tr5
fitter happier . :
22 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: rap diz
use it if you are: dshay
.------- rage against pcboard ------.
fitter happier . :
23 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: remorse 1
use it if you are: in rmrs
/ tr5/--/ //
/ : / r e m o r s e 8 1 /
fitter happier . :
24 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: remorse 2
use it if you are: in rmrs
r e m o r s e /
tr5/ / / /
/ 1 9 8 1
fitter happier . :
25 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: sick
use it if you are: revolve
- -------- /-----tr5
. / s i C k
fitter happier . :
26 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: sickle cell
use it if you are: the prodigy
:: / tr5
. ...... :: s i c k l e c e l l / :::::::::::::::::
fitter happier . :
27 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: smell of incense
use it if you are: thorax
s m e l l /
/ / tr5
o f i n c e n s e
idle minds
fix upon each other
trace each other and follow, sniffing each others arse
like a midnight binge
emptying the fridge
all the remains on the kitchen floor.
the bored animals. the stupid dogs.
begging for food at the dinner table.
that helpless look in their eyes.
full up for 30 seconds.
licking the bones like the fucking dumb creatures they are.
soon emptiness creeps back
and idle eyes go searchin for scraps
erase! please darlin
fitter happier . :
28 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: spoof
use it if you are: hitek
tr5/ / s p o o f
fitter happier . :
29 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: survivors
use it if you are: black thorne
/ /tr5
fitter happier . :
3o :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: testa rossa
use it if you are: omicron
t e s t a /
fitter happier . :
31 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: thc
use it if you are: kayozz
/ / t H c ::
-----tr5 ::
fitter happier . :
32 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: toil
use it if you are: serial toon
/ / //. t 0 i l
/ tr5/
fitter happier . :
33 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: unicode
use it if you are: ascii artist
a v a n t g a r d e // u n i c o d e .
. . tr5
. the future of ascii / www.unicode.org .
fitter happier . :
34 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: wham
use it if you are: euro
./ tr5
.. : t h e w h a m b e i n g
fitter happier . :
35 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: whiplash
use it if you are: sludge/pvm
//----/ w H i p l a s H /--/
:............... ...:tr5
fitter happier . :
36 :
remordimiento .
in rmrs o
you shall read: yen pox
use it if you are: junkie
:/ o
o yen-pox
/ / o
well, anyway. i gotta go + liedown
t h e e n d
/ / . remordimiento
:: All ascii art manufactured, produced, designed and mixed by
::::::::: Truman Starr for Remorse Productions, a division of ACiD
:: except Remorse by Whodini, Tr5tarr by Necromancer,
:: Fitter Happier by Dezibel , Index by Erupt and RMRS by
:: Bugsy. Thanks to the guest artists for made this possible.
:: Contact me at pato@antisocial.com for any suggestion or
:: request. I always draw mail requests.
:: Special regard to my love Atxu. Thanks for being.
:: Greets for my buddies in +541: Rantes, Arlequin, Peyo, Talo,
:: Nervioz, Coda, Storm Night, Spektor, Phinger, and all you
:: big big Argentinian scene.
:: Greets to everyone in ascii: Black Jack, Necromancer, Serial2n,
: :::::: aCK, Prodigy, Dy1, Revolve, Discofunk, Omicron, Necronite, Konami,
:: Empower, Hitek, Kresile, Squish, Martz, Brane, TUM, and those i
:: forgot.
:: This Month music support is: Radiohead, Willy Crook, Portishead.
:: Ok, im out. I hope you enjoyed watching this. I did.
:: Peace.
:: Sebastian
You have just viewed another delicious production from the masters
of worldwide ascii art ...
The New and Untouchable Remorse Ascii
Preparedness make us Powerfull
r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
----- / ----------------------------- tr5
Truman Starr the Method Man
Brings you another ascii show:
F i T T E R H A P P i E R
-------- Truman Starr - Fitter Happier - RMRS-20 - End Of File --------
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