this image contains text
W a r e z B e a r z F r o m R u s s i a a n d B e y o n d
.. .. .@.
,b, .**4/. b,
db. ,.db
j**l llj**
.7 */, ,:7 *
4SlY tum81
l: 4 4 :: 4
b. b.
/. Drink or Die .
l. e l e a s e N a m e
: : / cccc
..,,szlSS:: :: : .. . .. . .... ::
supplier : publisher :
.j cracker : publish date :
l protection : operating sys :
packager : disks :
. rating : 09/10 type :
serial : dod released : xx-xx-xx
:4/. l o t e s
: 4/l
: 4:
:4 u l l e t i n
7 Check out Drink or Dies presence on the World Wide Web. It is
7 the best group page on the net hands down. What else did you
: expect from your favorite utils group? Even the April 1997 issue
, . of Wired Magazine agrees, Drink or Die rules the scene.
l -- ---
Want to join DOD? We are taking applications for suppliers,
: crackers and fast shell account providers now! Simply E-mail with all your info, including a return E-mail
: address and phone number and what it is you have to offer. We
. will then reach you and discuss things further. You can also
. apply via our World Wide Web Page.
Welcome Howe, Mr2940 and Aneurysm to the Drink or Die Team!
4p,. t a f f
/. DoD Founder : Jimmy Jamez
, . DoD Leader : The Evil Advisor
DoD Council : Druidkin - The Pep
: DoD Seniors : ArchVile - Bandido - Blackened - Elux
Invisible Evil - Tawni - Toe Jam
DoD Members : Aneurysm - August West - Bassmatic
7** BioHazard - British - Cynarpse6
/ Dead Silence - Devast - Drax - Deepz0ne
. Doc X - Eci - French - GOD - Howe
. Hoziris - Ice - INT69 - Juz - Marquis
. . Mr2940 - Muss - MYM - Maverick
/ Pale Horse - Pong - Sextronix - TerraX
Thirdson - Thrawn - Tuncas - Yeyo
DoD Traders : Biggy - Brain - CaserD - Detoch - GrimR
MossyOak - Semaj - Shatter Star
Snake Eyes - Suspicious Image
,74 i t e s
/ Lxxxxxx Axxxx - xx - Xxx - I-net World HQ
Txx Pxxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxx - I-net USA HQ
Kx - xx - Xxxxxxxx - I-net Euro HQ
. ,4 Lxxx Sxxxxx - xx - Xxxxxx - I-net Courier HQ
ll Fxxxxxxx Ox Sxxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxxxxxx - I-net German HQ
Gxxx Mxxxxxxxxx - xx - Xxx - I-net Central HQ
Txx Rxxxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxxx - US Distro
Rxxx Hxxx - xx - Xxxxxxx - US Distro
Mxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxx - Euro Distro
All Drink or Die Siteops Are Full Members
We Provide Everything Except Technical Support
.. .. .@.
,b, .**4/. b,
db. ,.db
j**l llj**
.7 */, ,:7 *
4SlY tum81
l: 4 4 :: 4
b. b.
/. Drink or Die .
l. e l e a s e N a m e
: : / cccc
..,,szlSS:: :: : .. . .. . .... ::
supplier : publisher :
.j cracker : publish date :
l protection : operating sys :
packager : disks :
. rating : 09/10 type :
serial : dod released : xx-xx-xx
:4/. l o t e s
: 4/l
: 4:
:4 u l l e t i n
7 Check out Drink or Dies presence on the World Wide Web. It is
7 the best group page on the net hands down. What else did you
: expect from your favorite utils group? Even the April 1997 issue
, . of Wired Magazine agrees, Drink or Die rules the scene.
l -- ---
Want to join DOD? We are taking applications for suppliers,
: crackers and fast shell account providers now! Simply E-mail with all your info, including a return E-mail
: address and phone number and what it is you have to offer. We
. will then reach you and discuss things further. You can also
. apply via our World Wide Web Page.
Welcome Howe, Mr2940 and Aneurysm to the Drink or Die Team!
4p,. t a f f
/. DoD Founder : Jimmy Jamez
, . DoD Leader : The Evil Advisor
DoD Council : Druidkin - The Pep
: DoD Seniors : ArchVile - Bandido - Blackened - Elux
Invisible Evil - Tawni - Toe Jam
DoD Members : Aneurysm - August West - Bassmatic
7** BioHazard - British - Cynarpse6
/ Dead Silence - Devast - Drax - Deepz0ne
. Doc X - Eci - French - GOD - Howe
. Hoziris - Ice - INT69 - Juz - Marquis
. . Mr2940 - Muss - MYM - Maverick
/ Pale Horse - Pong - Sextronix - TerraX
Thirdson - Thrawn - Tuncas - Yeyo
DoD Traders : Biggy - Brain - CaserD - Detoch - GrimR
MossyOak - Semaj - Shatter Star
Snake Eyes - Suspicious Image
,74 i t e s
/ Lxxxxxx Axxxx - xx - Xxx - I-net World HQ
Txx Pxxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxx - I-net USA HQ
Kx - xx - Xxxxxxxx - I-net Euro HQ
. ,4 Lxxx Sxxxxx - xx - Xxxxxx - I-net Courier HQ
ll Fxxxxxxx Ox Sxxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxxxxxx - I-net German HQ
Gxxx Mxxxxxxxxx - xx - Xxx - I-net Central HQ
Txx Rxxxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxxx - US Distro
Rxxx Hxxx - xx - Xxxxxxx - US Distro
Mxxxxxx - xx - Xxxxx - Euro Distro
All Drink or Die Siteops Are Full Members
We Provide Everything Except Technical Support
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