![ghost in the shell bbs by ansichrist](/pack/rmrs-41/x1/NS-GIS.TXT.png)
this image contains text
,dl ,y,
: d88b:* ,*
b, *78: d7
,y, l: , ,**,d7 ,y,
* :l 7 d77bd7 *
,d88,,db,: :88 ll : :7 d8b,
78!:7 l :7d: 7b, d88888b
d888:l: :: ,d7 ,::*7b*,:78887,,
:8888::b ,dl d7 :d7 *7b*,**
,,777b,77 .d7: ,*7b*,
,db*, 7b, d7 d88888b,7b,
.d7 7b.77 d87**788b,7b
:7,db: :b, , * , ::::
l7**77 *77* *,d:
:7* ,d: ,d8888b *77
,d8888888b, 788887ns.rmrs.**
,y,888888888888888888 ,y,
* 888,y, *
ghost in the shell bbs. //+o: hybrid
: d88b:* ,*
b, *78: d7
,y, l: , ,**,d7 ,y,
* :l 7 d77bd7 *
,d88,,db,: :88 ll : :7 d8b,
78!:7 l :7d: 7b, d88888b
d888:l: :: ,d7 ,::*7b*,:78887,,
:8888::b ,dl d7 :d7 *7b*,**
,,777b,77 .d7: ,*7b*,
,db*, 7b, d7 d88888b,7b,
.d7 7b.77 d87**788b,7b
:7,db: :b, , * , ::::
l7**77 *77* *,d:
:7* ,d: ,d8888b *77
,d8888888b, 788887ns.rmrs.**
,y,888888888888888888 ,y,
* 888,y, *
ghost in the shell bbs. //+o: hybrid
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