this image contains text
80x43 Amiga Character Set Ascii - RemorseView Reccomended - Line 0003
. from the unexplored depths of the forgotten remorse.org
/ // r E M R S E / // 9 8 1
+ o f t e n i m i t a t e d + n e v e r d u p l i c a t e d + :
i r o :
.....r......o......t......a.. / ....n......i......s......t.:
: comes a new collection of ascii artwork by hiro protagonist
: : n e w f o r m s
: My last collection, The Message r-tm.txt, was released almost two
: years ago. Two years is a long time. A lot of living has passed between
: then and now, and Ild like to believe I have grown and changed a lot
: in that time. Yet, something has obviously remained the same as once
: again I find myself at the machine, manipulating ascii forms.
: In spite of all those changes and time passed so many of you, my old
: friends, are still out there online and doing your own thing. It has
: been a genuine pleasure for me to re-establish contact with so many of
: you and I look forward to hearing from more of you after this ascii
: collection is released. I do this because I enjoy it, but it would be
: an empty, meaningless, creative process without an audience.
: This is my 20th ascii collection. That number has a strange sort of
: taboo about it, for me atleast. Katharsis never did release that final
: collection, 20, and after The Message I didnt believe Ild release
: another one myself. But here it is, the product of only a few weeks of
: rediscovering my abilities. During the creative process I looked at as
: little art as possible, and mostly only my own previous releases. The
: result of this, I feel, is one of my most original collections to date.
: I have tried to explore new forms, new characters, and new ways of
: going about the same old old school ascii thing, and I hope you find
: something new here and not just another boring collection.
: I cant say for sure when my next collection will be released, as my
: main priorities in life are getting into the Masters of English program
: and keeping my Melanie sass-a-fied. Ascii has primarily been something
: Ive done during the winter months, but I would like to release with
: more regularity than every two years, thats for damn sure. I would
: also like to take a giant step back and draw without the amiga font for
: a while, do some new school and just see what comes of it, but now
: that Ive got the drawing bug again you can expect Ill hit you up with
: another ami-style release soon enough any and all requests welcome.
: In the creation of this collection Ive used several utilities,
: without which this would not have been possible. The individual pieces
: were all drawn with TheDraw v4.61 1993 TheSoft Programming Services
: and Ian E. Davis, and the Amiga Font Simulator v2.01a 1994 Out of
: the Ordinary Avalanche. The collection itself was assembled using
: The SemWare Editor Junior v4.0 1997 SemWare Corporation and checked
: for errors with RemorseView v1.0 1997 ACiD Productions, a.k.a. the
: free pacman console find it in the rmrs1981 dir.
: One final note. Ive decided against putting my tag all over this
: collection, as I found it got in the way. However, if yould like to
: use something Ive drawn here in your own collection, and feel free to
: do so, I ask that you add my tag to the logo. Thanks.
: - Devin Davidson, a.k.a. Hiro Protagonist hP!
: E-mail: dnd701@mail.usask.ca .xXXXXXXXx.
: Web: homepage.usask.ca/dnd701 :XXXXXXXXXXXXX:
: .. X/ oO X
The Shape Of The Future // X -/ V / //
/ / 7./
/ / / Y .:..
/ / / / /: 7 /
// Y//xXxxX
.----- - - ---- h i r o s --------------------.
o1 tinyz 11 brane
o2 whodini 12 shock-g
o3 cyberkid 13 xcluziwe :
o4 poskgubbe 14 mj0lnir ::
: o5 u-man 15 boheme ::
:: o6 mogue 16 neurodancer :
:: o7 fatal 17 volatyle
: o8 tango 18 ranx
o9 red demon 19 spinsane /
1o mark ryder 2o rv2 ansi /
---- n e w f o r m s -----------------------------/--
o1 . . mentor, standard, leader, and friend
t I N Y Z !
o2 . . yeah, everyone still knows your name
/ / // apt
w H O D I N I !
o3 . . hippy-crack smokin mother.. much luv
/ / c Y B E R K I D !
o4 . . one of the weirdest people i know
: p O S K G U B B E ! :
o5 . . first of the amiga friends, a star
U - m A N !
o6 . . the definition of amiga style
m O G U E !
o7 . . always got my vote in vintage compos
: : f A T A L ! :
o8 . . a damn nice guy, wish we had jointed
t A N G O ! /X
o9 . . envious style, the best in lopro
r E D d E M O N !
1o . . never spoke, but i admired the style
: / : m A R K r Y D E R !
S e v e r a l W e e k s / /
5 0 0 + W i n s t o n s //
2 0 L C o c a - C o l a / // / / / /
O r i g i n a l i t y / / / // / / / /
E // / / //
Q /
U / / / / / / /
A / / / / /
L / / / / / / /
11 . . proud youre part of the remo clan
/ / b R A N E !
12 . . an icon of style, wish we had spoken
: : : + s H O C K - G ! + :
13 . . thanks for the props ascii gazette
/ x C L U Z I W E !
14 . . proud youre part of the remo clan
:: / 7 .. /
l // l
:: m J 0 L N I R ! :: /
15 . . always stylish and nice to chat with
b O H . . E M E ! . :/ :/
16 . . thanks for the praise in tac 09/99
: :/ 7 /---
n E U R O : d A / N :
: // / C E ./ R !
. l / l/ l l/ /
l l
17 . . proud youre part of the remo clan
/ ... v O L A T Y L E !
18 . . love your art and system/x doors
XXXX, l : / / l . / /
XXXXX. / l/ / / / /
/ /- / / l
Y / / /
:l/ :::
/ X r A N ::: X !
/ ... 7:. ............:::
19 . . thanks for all the work with remorse
s P I N S A N E !
2o . . i saw it happen in my dreams.. 80x50
/ ./ r e m o r s e v i e w
..: // / /. version -
: F9Menu / : / : //
File Description File Specs
hp-logo1.txt logo collection 1 65,984 09/26/95 trank
hp-diz1 .txt diz collection 1 13,607 09/26/95 trank
hp-rsdgs.txt reservoir dogs 19,477 10/25/95 trank
hp-rspct.txt respect for da homiez 28,107 11/10/95 trank
hp-fid .txt diz collection 2 25,106 12/21/95 trank
hp-krs1 .txt katharsis rules supreme 124,000 03/09/96 katharsis
wu-fdtd .txt from dusk til dawn 144,904 05/01/96 trank
wu-tiger.txt tiger style 76,590 06/12/96 trank
tk-mib .txt men in black 57,013 07/20/96 trank
tk-evol .txt evolve 47,918 08/30/96 trank
kts-hdem.txt deus ex machina 56,241 12/19/96 katharsis
r-itmom .txt in the mouth of madness 350,037 01/29/97 remorse
hp-bbsd .txt leftover madness bbs design 44,450 02/01/97 quad-p
r-tsm .txt to serve man 193,316 02/24/97 remorse
r-future.txt the future 128,256 04/10/97 remorse
hp-fire .txt firestarter 44,450 05/01/97 quad-p
r-money .txt money 134,000 05/06/97 remorse
r-mlnnm .txt millennium: the future part 2 95,794 06/13/97 remorse
r-tm .txt the message 125,200 05/01/99 remorse
r-nf .txt new forms 60,010 03/13/01 remorse
Screen: 80x50 Font: Amiga Mode: Ascii Scroll: Text Color: Intense
F1 Toggle 25/43/50 Lines F4 Intense/Normal Color / Scroll Down/Up
F2 Ibm/Amiga Font F5 Smooth/Text Scroll SPACE Tag Files
F3 Ansi/Ascii/Greyscale F6 Auto Scrolling ENTER View Files
RemorseView v2.0 Copyright 2001 ACiD Productions WWW.ACiD.ORG
Design: Hiro Protagonist, Whodini, Necromancer, Omicron Code: Mr. Kite
That ascii gave me major wood. - Radman ACiD
This collection of ascii artwork was produced during February and
March of 2001, with a few minor graphics carried over from my own
back-catalogue. As I have been out of the ascii scene for almost
two years I have no idea who the new teams or artists are, who of
my old amiga friends are still active, or what really constitutes
the international ascii scene of today, and so I have been forced
to release a rather small collection as Ive literally run out of
people to draw things for. I need requests of any kind, personal
or group-oriented, and Ill be drawing atleast the first 50 I get
for my next collection multiple reqs are welcome. If you liked
this collection Ild appreciate a Remorse logo and/or fileid.diz
if you have the time, as we could really use them. We could also
use a new member or two in the collection division of Remorse, as
weve had a couple members drop out of the scene in the past year
due to personal reasons. If youre interested, please send me an
an e-mail with an art attachment and well talk about it. Thanks
for reading and expect my next collection in June.
h I R O p R O T A G O N I T !
m u s i c t h a t k e p t m y a f r o b o u n c i n g
sasha, digweed, oakenfold, moby, donald glaude, mark farina, ltj bukem,
ed rush optical, kemistry storm, kenny ken, chris liberator, mark eg,
timo mass, amon tobin, misc breakbeat, and live beats from 1groove.com!
7 :::::
l :::: l l
1 / .::: 1 / /
7 7 : :
7 : :
l l l : : l
/ / / 1/ : : /
/ / , , 7
7 , , /
l , , l
1/ // 1 /
/ / 7 / 7
:: l ::
l l l l l
/ / 1 /
1 1/ / / / / 1//
r e m o r s e / p r e s e n t s . . .
Hiro Protagonists 20th Ascii Collection
N e w F o r m s
-- Released: 03/13/01 -------- hP! --
R-NF.TXT - Copyright 2001 ACiD ProductionsWWW.ACiD.ORG - Line 1500
. from the unexplored depths of the forgotten remorse.org
/ // r E M R S E / // 9 8 1
+ o f t e n i m i t a t e d + n e v e r d u p l i c a t e d + :
i r o :
.....r......o......t......a.. / ....n......i......s......t.:
: comes a new collection of ascii artwork by hiro protagonist
: : n e w f o r m s
: My last collection, The Message r-tm.txt, was released almost two
: years ago. Two years is a long time. A lot of living has passed between
: then and now, and Ild like to believe I have grown and changed a lot
: in that time. Yet, something has obviously remained the same as once
: again I find myself at the machine, manipulating ascii forms.
: In spite of all those changes and time passed so many of you, my old
: friends, are still out there online and doing your own thing. It has
: been a genuine pleasure for me to re-establish contact with so many of
: you and I look forward to hearing from more of you after this ascii
: collection is released. I do this because I enjoy it, but it would be
: an empty, meaningless, creative process without an audience.
: This is my 20th ascii collection. That number has a strange sort of
: taboo about it, for me atleast. Katharsis never did release that final
: collection, 20, and after The Message I didnt believe Ild release
: another one myself. But here it is, the product of only a few weeks of
: rediscovering my abilities. During the creative process I looked at as
: little art as possible, and mostly only my own previous releases. The
: result of this, I feel, is one of my most original collections to date.
: I have tried to explore new forms, new characters, and new ways of
: going about the same old old school ascii thing, and I hope you find
: something new here and not just another boring collection.
: I cant say for sure when my next collection will be released, as my
: main priorities in life are getting into the Masters of English program
: and keeping my Melanie sass-a-fied. Ascii has primarily been something
: Ive done during the winter months, but I would like to release with
: more regularity than every two years, thats for damn sure. I would
: also like to take a giant step back and draw without the amiga font for
: a while, do some new school and just see what comes of it, but now
: that Ive got the drawing bug again you can expect Ill hit you up with
: another ami-style release soon enough any and all requests welcome.
: In the creation of this collection Ive used several utilities,
: without which this would not have been possible. The individual pieces
: were all drawn with TheDraw v4.61 1993 TheSoft Programming Services
: and Ian E. Davis, and the Amiga Font Simulator v2.01a 1994 Out of
: the Ordinary Avalanche. The collection itself was assembled using
: The SemWare Editor Junior v4.0 1997 SemWare Corporation and checked
: for errors with RemorseView v1.0 1997 ACiD Productions, a.k.a. the
: free pacman console find it in the rmrs1981 dir.
: One final note. Ive decided against putting my tag all over this
: collection, as I found it got in the way. However, if yould like to
: use something Ive drawn here in your own collection, and feel free to
: do so, I ask that you add my tag to the logo. Thanks.
: - Devin Davidson, a.k.a. Hiro Protagonist hP!
: E-mail: dnd701@mail.usask.ca .xXXXXXXXx.
: Web: homepage.usask.ca/dnd701 :XXXXXXXXXXXXX:
: .. X/ oO X
The Shape Of The Future // X -/ V / //
/ / 7./
/ / / Y .:..
/ / / / /: 7 /
// Y//xXxxX
.----- - - ---- h i r o s --------------------.
o1 tinyz 11 brane
o2 whodini 12 shock-g
o3 cyberkid 13 xcluziwe :
o4 poskgubbe 14 mj0lnir ::
: o5 u-man 15 boheme ::
:: o6 mogue 16 neurodancer :
:: o7 fatal 17 volatyle
: o8 tango 18 ranx
o9 red demon 19 spinsane /
1o mark ryder 2o rv2 ansi /
---- n e w f o r m s -----------------------------/--
o1 . . mentor, standard, leader, and friend
t I N Y Z !
o2 . . yeah, everyone still knows your name
/ / // apt
w H O D I N I !
o3 . . hippy-crack smokin mother.. much luv
/ / c Y B E R K I D !
o4 . . one of the weirdest people i know
: p O S K G U B B E ! :
o5 . . first of the amiga friends, a star
U - m A N !
o6 . . the definition of amiga style
m O G U E !
o7 . . always got my vote in vintage compos
: : f A T A L ! :
o8 . . a damn nice guy, wish we had jointed
t A N G O ! /X
o9 . . envious style, the best in lopro
r E D d E M O N !
1o . . never spoke, but i admired the style
: / : m A R K r Y D E R !
S e v e r a l W e e k s / /
5 0 0 + W i n s t o n s //
2 0 L C o c a - C o l a / // / / / /
O r i g i n a l i t y / / / // / / / /
E // / / //
Q /
U / / / / / / /
A / / / / /
L / / / / / / /
11 . . proud youre part of the remo clan
/ / b R A N E !
12 . . an icon of style, wish we had spoken
: : : + s H O C K - G ! + :
13 . . thanks for the props ascii gazette
/ x C L U Z I W E !
14 . . proud youre part of the remo clan
:: / 7 .. /
l // l
:: m J 0 L N I R ! :: /
15 . . always stylish and nice to chat with
b O H . . E M E ! . :/ :/
16 . . thanks for the praise in tac 09/99
: :/ 7 /---
n E U R O : d A / N :
: // / C E ./ R !
. l / l/ l l/ /
l l
17 . . proud youre part of the remo clan
/ ... v O L A T Y L E !
18 . . love your art and system/x doors
XXXX, l : / / l . / /
XXXXX. / l/ / / / /
/ /- / / l
Y / / /
:l/ :::
/ X r A N ::: X !
/ ... 7:. ............:::
19 . . thanks for all the work with remorse
s P I N S A N E !
2o . . i saw it happen in my dreams.. 80x50
/ ./ r e m o r s e v i e w
..: // / /. version -
: F9Menu / : / : //
File Description File Specs
hp-logo1.txt logo collection 1 65,984 09/26/95 trank
hp-diz1 .txt diz collection 1 13,607 09/26/95 trank
hp-rsdgs.txt reservoir dogs 19,477 10/25/95 trank
hp-rspct.txt respect for da homiez 28,107 11/10/95 trank
hp-fid .txt diz collection 2 25,106 12/21/95 trank
hp-krs1 .txt katharsis rules supreme 124,000 03/09/96 katharsis
wu-fdtd .txt from dusk til dawn 144,904 05/01/96 trank
wu-tiger.txt tiger style 76,590 06/12/96 trank
tk-mib .txt men in black 57,013 07/20/96 trank
tk-evol .txt evolve 47,918 08/30/96 trank
kts-hdem.txt deus ex machina 56,241 12/19/96 katharsis
r-itmom .txt in the mouth of madness 350,037 01/29/97 remorse
hp-bbsd .txt leftover madness bbs design 44,450 02/01/97 quad-p
r-tsm .txt to serve man 193,316 02/24/97 remorse
r-future.txt the future 128,256 04/10/97 remorse
hp-fire .txt firestarter 44,450 05/01/97 quad-p
r-money .txt money 134,000 05/06/97 remorse
r-mlnnm .txt millennium: the future part 2 95,794 06/13/97 remorse
r-tm .txt the message 125,200 05/01/99 remorse
r-nf .txt new forms 60,010 03/13/01 remorse
Screen: 80x50 Font: Amiga Mode: Ascii Scroll: Text Color: Intense
F1 Toggle 25/43/50 Lines F4 Intense/Normal Color / Scroll Down/Up
F2 Ibm/Amiga Font F5 Smooth/Text Scroll SPACE Tag Files
F3 Ansi/Ascii/Greyscale F6 Auto Scrolling ENTER View Files
RemorseView v2.0 Copyright 2001 ACiD Productions WWW.ACiD.ORG
Design: Hiro Protagonist, Whodini, Necromancer, Omicron Code: Mr. Kite
That ascii gave me major wood. - Radman ACiD
This collection of ascii artwork was produced during February and
March of 2001, with a few minor graphics carried over from my own
back-catalogue. As I have been out of the ascii scene for almost
two years I have no idea who the new teams or artists are, who of
my old amiga friends are still active, or what really constitutes
the international ascii scene of today, and so I have been forced
to release a rather small collection as Ive literally run out of
people to draw things for. I need requests of any kind, personal
or group-oriented, and Ill be drawing atleast the first 50 I get
for my next collection multiple reqs are welcome. If you liked
this collection Ild appreciate a Remorse logo and/or fileid.diz
if you have the time, as we could really use them. We could also
use a new member or two in the collection division of Remorse, as
weve had a couple members drop out of the scene in the past year
due to personal reasons. If youre interested, please send me an
an e-mail with an art attachment and well talk about it. Thanks
for reading and expect my next collection in June.
h I R O p R O T A G O N I T !
m u s i c t h a t k e p t m y a f r o b o u n c i n g
sasha, digweed, oakenfold, moby, donald glaude, mark farina, ltj bukem,
ed rush optical, kemistry storm, kenny ken, chris liberator, mark eg,
timo mass, amon tobin, misc breakbeat, and live beats from 1groove.com!
7 :::::
l :::: l l
1 / .::: 1 / /
7 7 : :
7 : :
l l l : : l
/ / / 1/ : : /
/ / , , 7
7 , , /
l , , l
1/ // 1 /
/ / 7 / 7
:: l ::
l l l l l
/ / 1 /
1 1/ / / / / 1//
r e m o r s e / p r e s e n t s . . .
Hiro Protagonists 20th Ascii Collection
N e w F o r m s
-- Released: 03/13/01 -------- hP! --
R-NF.TXT - Copyright 2001 ACiD ProductionsWWW.ACiD.ORG - Line 1500
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