this image contains text
...,pack.46 .. . .............. .. . , .. ...
. : remorse81 , :
. : Yb,s7Y ,7Y, :
. : 7 l 7 .: Y :
. : d7 :. :
.. .... .. . ...: ,7 b,,d :... .. .. . : l d7 d7Yb : .
: : l l7 :. l . .
: b. b :. :JSs. : .
: b. Yb .: d7 : .
:. ........ ,.Yb... . s,,s7. .......pl:.
cause if you dont know now you know nigga
1 /: 9 8 : 1
. . . m0d
:God Father.. . ..
: Rad Man radman@acid.org
. .:Founders. .. . .
: Necromancer mark@smegma.net
. Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com
. . Whodini whodini@apt103.net
. ... . ..:Group Leaders. . .
: -Palmore palmore@hotmail.com- :
. Pix pix@malditainternet.com
. : Tzeentch tn@mail.acid.org
. . .. whats a cheese sandwich with out any cheese.. . : :
: :: : o0 / . .: :
: :: :. Artists /o: . : :.
: ii : : : :. : : :
: ii : : : : :: : : :
: II : : . Axb : ii : : :
: II : : AllaXul : iI : :
: ii : : cD : Ii : :
: ii : : Erupt : i: : :
: :: : : Hiro : :. : :
. : :: : : Nightrain : . : :
: . : : Modium ..: :
..: : Rik-e Martin : :
. Talishka : :
: The Absent Spinsister : :
. Truman Star
. Tum
: Yce
: ......... . . .. ........ ..Alumni . . ... ... . ...
: Empty, Enigmatic, Fahrenhit, Kaleidas, Mhz, Spinsane, Mr. Kite, Omicron
Pariah, Polymorph, Terminator 2, The Messiah, Tinyz, Whirr, Tum, Miasma .
. ..This months guests...... .. .
. ..On a side note... .. .
I have a couple of asciis collected for the first
.attempt at rmrs46 collected by previous senoirs.
.I will release these next pack with consent of the
.Also Spinsis...I have 2 of your asciis in this pack
.did you submit them? or have these been released?
.Forgive me for mistaktes I may have made, Ive been
:slammed with files and asciis since my return.
And thigs have been alil hard to manage bouncing
:between 2 PCs and a laptop and 2 email accounts.
. .Rants Raves and other.. .... ..
.Well, well, here we go..The first of many packs
.to be released under new management.
Im really proud of our current members. Theyve
came together a brought back the proud Remorse
weve al grown to love.
:As you can see weve got a couple of new members
:maybe even new faces to the ascii scene.
Its great to see fresh blood coming into the scene
.And if you have interest in joing the group
:fill out the included app and send it into one of
the Remorse leaders for review.
On a personal note, I, as well as Im sure the rest of
the ascii scene, would like to give congrats to
Mimic with a big shout out for hitting 4 years and
pack 50.. Way to kick ass Black Jack.
I would also like to say its been great being back
I enjoy seeing all the friends Ive made over the
years, and making new friends since Ive been back.
Ive let my personal life, in the past, come in the
way of something few have the privelage of being
a part of.
Its amazing seeing how we everyone in the Scene
overall has shaped and molded what we see today
in the real world.Lets go back to our roots, we all
know where its begun, and lets not forget it...
....remorse81 yeah thats right.. the legend continues....
. : remorse81 , :
. : Yb,s7Y ,7Y, :
. : 7 l 7 .: Y :
. : d7 :. :
.. .... .. . ...: ,7 b,,d :... .. .. . : l d7 d7Yb : .
: : l l7 :. l . .
: b. b :. :JSs. : .
: b. Yb .: d7 : .
:. ........ ,.Yb... . s,,s7. .......pl:.
cause if you dont know now you know nigga
1 /: 9 8 : 1
. . . m0d
:God Father.. . ..
: Rad Man radman@acid.org
. .:Founders. .. . .
: Necromancer mark@smegma.net
. Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com
. . Whodini whodini@apt103.net
. ... . ..:Group Leaders. . .
: -Palmore palmore@hotmail.com- :
. Pix pix@malditainternet.com
. : Tzeentch tn@mail.acid.org
. . .. whats a cheese sandwich with out any cheese.. . : :
: :: : o0 / . .: :
: :: :. Artists /o: . : :.
: ii : : : :. : : :
: ii : : : : :: : : :
: II : : . Axb : ii : : :
: II : : AllaXul : iI : :
: ii : : cD : Ii : :
: ii : : Erupt : i: : :
: :: : : Hiro : :. : :
. : :: : : Nightrain : . : :
: . : : Modium ..: :
..: : Rik-e Martin : :
. Talishka : :
: The Absent Spinsister : :
. Truman Star
. Tum
: Yce
: ......... . . .. ........ ..Alumni . . ... ... . ...
: Empty, Enigmatic, Fahrenhit, Kaleidas, Mhz, Spinsane, Mr. Kite, Omicron
Pariah, Polymorph, Terminator 2, The Messiah, Tinyz, Whirr, Tum, Miasma .
. ..This months guests...... .. .
. ..On a side note... .. .
I have a couple of asciis collected for the first
.attempt at rmrs46 collected by previous senoirs.
.I will release these next pack with consent of the
.Also Spinsis...I have 2 of your asciis in this pack
.did you submit them? or have these been released?
.Forgive me for mistaktes I may have made, Ive been
:slammed with files and asciis since my return.
And thigs have been alil hard to manage bouncing
:between 2 PCs and a laptop and 2 email accounts.
. .Rants Raves and other.. .... ..
.Well, well, here we go..The first of many packs
.to be released under new management.
Im really proud of our current members. Theyve
came together a brought back the proud Remorse
weve al grown to love.
:As you can see weve got a couple of new members
:maybe even new faces to the ascii scene.
Its great to see fresh blood coming into the scene
.And if you have interest in joing the group
:fill out the included app and send it into one of
the Remorse leaders for review.
On a personal note, I, as well as Im sure the rest of
the ascii scene, would like to give congrats to
Mimic with a big shout out for hitting 4 years and
pack 50.. Way to kick ass Black Jack.
I would also like to say its been great being back
I enjoy seeing all the friends Ive made over the
years, and making new friends since Ive been back.
Ive let my personal life, in the past, come in the
way of something few have the privelage of being
a part of.
Its amazing seeing how we everyone in the Scene
overall has shaped and molded what we see today
in the real world.Lets go back to our roots, we all
know where its begun, and lets not forget it...
....remorse81 yeah thats right.. the legend continues....
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