this image contains text
r e m o r s e . n f o
W4RNiNG : WH4T Y0U 4R3 4B0U7 T0 Wi7N355, i5 5C3N3 DOMiN47i0N
r 3 M 0 R S E p R E F A C E -------------------------
Remorse drops 50!
This pack is dedicated to all the people, past and present,
who have made Remorse the single largest, longest running
PC ASCII group in the scene. Remorse, and more in general,
ACiD Productions have been a consistent presence through
the hard work of people far too numerous to name here.
Thanks are given to all the artists who have drawn with us,
guested in our packs, and provided us with some semblance
of competition in our game. Since 1994 Remorse has been
dedicated to bringing you only the BEST ASCII art and
although the days of DOS are long gone, and the focus of
low resolution computer art has changed, we are honored to
continue the tradition of our forefathers long after pack
r 3 M 0 R S E S T A P H -------------------------------
Artists and Council who made this real:
Abstrakt scottl@telus.net
AllaXul allaxul@ice.org
Asphyx asphyx@ifrance.com
aXB axb500@hotmail.com
Bornholme bornholme@um0.dk
Computer Man aka cmang cm4ng@yahoo.com
Devil Angel danwes@ihug.co.nz
Discyple Guest 1dsca@qlink.queensu.ca
Ferrex ferrex@impaled.org
Jashiin Guest jashiin@mail.ru
JRR jhv@chameleonik.com
Nightrain nightrain@netpimpz.com
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl
Nocturnal Emissions nokturnale@earthlink.net
Ohseven aka ZeroSeven mpitcher07@yahoo.com
Peps holla@inkarnate.com
Pogue Guest poguemon@thuglife.org
RaD Man radman@acid.org
Ricky Martin jhalin@ra.abo.fi
Savage Dragon scow@kracked.com
Serial Toon seanrusso@rogers.com
Sharque sharque@home.se
Spinsane spinsane@acid.org
Talo aka Merlin aka Talishka talishka@dirtysound.com.ar
Tribal tribal@owns.it
Tzeentch tn@liz.jpmoney.org
Villeret vlracd@inbox.ru
Xzip Guest xzip@asciiscene.org
Yce y8@dr.com
r 3 M 0 R S E w 0 R D 5 -------------------------------
Spoken from above:
A couple of matters of note this month. First and fore-
most is obviously RaD Mans upcoming retirement from the
scene after the pending release of ACiD-100. I would
personally like to thank RaD Man for single-handedly running
ACiD these past few years, maintaing his artpacks archives,
and being the general bastion weve needed to survive. You
will be missed and we hope you still hang to post pictures
of your anorexic ass breast feeding Radbaby. :
With RaD Mans departure, AllaXul, Bornholme and I will
continue to take care of ACiDs ASCII needs and the
packaging of releases from here on out. The Remorse
legacy is in good hands with our artist roster stronger
than ever we hope to continue bringing you the finest ASCII
art for a long time to come...
Id also like to welcome o7 OhSeven back in to the mix
from the days of old. Welcome back bro, and good luck in
Lastly, were proud to announce the return of ACiD ANSI in
Remorse packs under the guiding hand of Nokturnal Emissions
aka Skypager. nE! has been drawing ANSI since 1993 and
in addition to being a talented and dedicated artist has
also shown to be a very apt leader. We are now accepting
apps for both ANSI and ASCII o/s, n/s and block positions.
As always, were taking a variety of requests, so get in
touch with us in ACiD on EFnet and say hello. :
Personal greets to all the groups still holding it down:
First and foremost to Mimic, its been a great run of
competition. All the Amiga colly groups still doing your
thing. Pogue over at www.THUGLIFE.org and Dangermouse at
www.ACHERON.org for running such valuable services for all
us art dinosaurs. To 123 and 27 for keeping our eyes
filled with such beautiful ANSI, you all rule...
...And all you ascii4warez groups that I dont know much
about. Keep converting!
- peace, spinsane
Well, not a whole lot to say other than this ANSI is not
dead as some have assumed. Not to say that its at the
level that it once was, but many of us still enjoy drawing
it, and even more viewing it. Spinsane and I discussed
bringing in a touch of ANSI to these kick ass Remorse
archives, and everyone agreed. So, along with GREYSCALE
ANSI what some refer to as block style today, there will
be a few ANSIs in each Remorse pack. It remains to be seen
how it is received, but we like the idea. Check our ANSIs
now and in the future, we aim to cause controversy!
Anyone who is interested in joining or guesting for the ANSI
portion of Remorse can email me listed above and well
talk, or catch me on IRC in acid as always!
Take it sleazy fer now and remember, viva lansi!
- nE!
For our fiftieth episode several folks from the Remorse
blood have old have made return appearances. Welcome back
Abstrakt, Cmang, Noches, OhSeven and Serial Toon, even if
its just for this occasion. New faces on the scene include
Savage Dragon, Yce and our newly appointed ANSI coordinator
Nocturnal Emissions.
Congratulations to Ferrex for receiving 2nd place in the
Evoke03 PC ASCII compo. You deserved first.
Our eternal ACiD family is in good hands indeed. Sincerest
thanks to Spinsane for the kind words. I never could have
done it without the commitment and dedication each of you
have made over the years. All of our greatest and finest
achievements have always been made as a group.
Thank you to everyone for making this a reality. Our
competitors, community, and fans -- We love you and own you
- much love, raddo
whatever your group is planning to do, were already tired of doing it
W4RNiNG : WH4T Y0U 4R3 4B0U7 T0 Wi7N355, i5 5C3N3 DOMiN47i0N
r 3 M 0 R S E p R E F A C E -------------------------
Remorse drops 50!
This pack is dedicated to all the people, past and present,
who have made Remorse the single largest, longest running
PC ASCII group in the scene. Remorse, and more in general,
ACiD Productions have been a consistent presence through
the hard work of people far too numerous to name here.
Thanks are given to all the artists who have drawn with us,
guested in our packs, and provided us with some semblance
of competition in our game. Since 1994 Remorse has been
dedicated to bringing you only the BEST ASCII art and
although the days of DOS are long gone, and the focus of
low resolution computer art has changed, we are honored to
continue the tradition of our forefathers long after pack
r 3 M 0 R S E S T A P H -------------------------------
Artists and Council who made this real:
Abstrakt scottl@telus.net
AllaXul allaxul@ice.org
Asphyx asphyx@ifrance.com
aXB axb500@hotmail.com
Bornholme bornholme@um0.dk
Computer Man aka cmang cm4ng@yahoo.com
Devil Angel danwes@ihug.co.nz
Discyple Guest 1dsca@qlink.queensu.ca
Ferrex ferrex@impaled.org
Jashiin Guest jashiin@mail.ru
JRR jhv@chameleonik.com
Nightrain nightrain@netpimpz.com
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl
Nocturnal Emissions nokturnale@earthlink.net
Ohseven aka ZeroSeven mpitcher07@yahoo.com
Peps holla@inkarnate.com
Pogue Guest poguemon@thuglife.org
RaD Man radman@acid.org
Ricky Martin jhalin@ra.abo.fi
Savage Dragon scow@kracked.com
Serial Toon seanrusso@rogers.com
Sharque sharque@home.se
Spinsane spinsane@acid.org
Talo aka Merlin aka Talishka talishka@dirtysound.com.ar
Tribal tribal@owns.it
Tzeentch tn@liz.jpmoney.org
Villeret vlracd@inbox.ru
Xzip Guest xzip@asciiscene.org
Yce y8@dr.com
r 3 M 0 R S E w 0 R D 5 -------------------------------
Spoken from above:
A couple of matters of note this month. First and fore-
most is obviously RaD Mans upcoming retirement from the
scene after the pending release of ACiD-100. I would
personally like to thank RaD Man for single-handedly running
ACiD these past few years, maintaing his artpacks archives,
and being the general bastion weve needed to survive. You
will be missed and we hope you still hang to post pictures
of your anorexic ass breast feeding Radbaby. :
With RaD Mans departure, AllaXul, Bornholme and I will
continue to take care of ACiDs ASCII needs and the
packaging of releases from here on out. The Remorse
legacy is in good hands with our artist roster stronger
than ever we hope to continue bringing you the finest ASCII
art for a long time to come...
Id also like to welcome o7 OhSeven back in to the mix
from the days of old. Welcome back bro, and good luck in
Lastly, were proud to announce the return of ACiD ANSI in
Remorse packs under the guiding hand of Nokturnal Emissions
aka Skypager. nE! has been drawing ANSI since 1993 and
in addition to being a talented and dedicated artist has
also shown to be a very apt leader. We are now accepting
apps for both ANSI and ASCII o/s, n/s and block positions.
As always, were taking a variety of requests, so get in
touch with us in ACiD on EFnet and say hello. :
Personal greets to all the groups still holding it down:
First and foremost to Mimic, its been a great run of
competition. All the Amiga colly groups still doing your
thing. Pogue over at www.THUGLIFE.org and Dangermouse at
www.ACHERON.org for running such valuable services for all
us art dinosaurs. To 123 and 27 for keeping our eyes
filled with such beautiful ANSI, you all rule...
...And all you ascii4warez groups that I dont know much
about. Keep converting!
- peace, spinsane
Well, not a whole lot to say other than this ANSI is not
dead as some have assumed. Not to say that its at the
level that it once was, but many of us still enjoy drawing
it, and even more viewing it. Spinsane and I discussed
bringing in a touch of ANSI to these kick ass Remorse
archives, and everyone agreed. So, along with GREYSCALE
ANSI what some refer to as block style today, there will
be a few ANSIs in each Remorse pack. It remains to be seen
how it is received, but we like the idea. Check our ANSIs
now and in the future, we aim to cause controversy!
Anyone who is interested in joining or guesting for the ANSI
portion of Remorse can email me listed above and well
talk, or catch me on IRC in acid as always!
Take it sleazy fer now and remember, viva lansi!
- nE!
For our fiftieth episode several folks from the Remorse
blood have old have made return appearances. Welcome back
Abstrakt, Cmang, Noches, OhSeven and Serial Toon, even if
its just for this occasion. New faces on the scene include
Savage Dragon, Yce and our newly appointed ANSI coordinator
Nocturnal Emissions.
Congratulations to Ferrex for receiving 2nd place in the
Evoke03 PC ASCII compo. You deserved first.
Our eternal ACiD family is in good hands indeed. Sincerest
thanks to Spinsane for the kind words. I never could have
done it without the commitment and dedication each of you
have made over the years. All of our greatest and finest
achievements have always been made as a group.
Thank you to everyone for making this a reality. Our
competitors, community, and fans -- We love you and own you
- much love, raddo
whatever your group is planning to do, were already tired of doing it
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