this image contains text
remorse ascii nightrain
I think Remorse is going to give the remaining groups
a swift kick in the ass. - Pailhead
---- Group news ------------------------------------
Well, here it is. Happy Halloween to all you ghosts
ghouls, and gobblers errr goblins. With this, our
new-look and revolutionary Halloween pack we bring to
you, the consumer - ascii both new school and old,
block nfo files although there are people who think
that they matter to us who hate these, and of course
the controversial and triumphant return of ANSI to the
ranks of the ACiD legions. We have put a lot of effort
behind this product and know you will enjoy it.
---- Ascii news ------------------------------------
On the ascii side, the most dominate crew of badasses
just got more badasserly-badassed. Returning to the
fold is our own Finnish Phunkphenomena, Rickey Martin
aka RM-RF The Naked Army Action Figure. Also joining
is Scour, who takes time off from his busy schedule
of selling counterfeit Oakleys to doodle us up some
incredible O/S. We also welcome Zerohour to beef up
our N/S. He and other newcomer Icedevil are ready to
slang those dollar signs and bean pies. In returning
from the textmode grave news, say hello again to
Polymorph, who comes out of a 4 year hiatus to make
you cry mommy. For those who dont know, PM is one
of a handful of artists whos work was vital in the
development of N/S styles. He also draws wicked O/S,
and is a hit with the ladies. Last, but certainly
not least, warm greetings to Zoo York, one of the
reigning kings of Block. He already had a crown,
but now hes officially in the kingdom that is Remorse.
- Spinsane
---- Ansi news -------------------------------------
The past two months brought upon the mighty Remorse
crew an abundance of talent and experience in many
areas. Coming to us from Sense Imagery this month
was Sinister-X, who ROX, hes muh nigga! If you
dont know, just feast and phear! Offset joins us
from a long break and many trips to the sushi bars
and geisha clubs over in the East. If this pack is
any indication of his ownage, you all should build a
bomb shelter and grab some toilet paper! Along with
those old school ansi-gods comes Magnatop, the super
phunkmaster of godly logos most recently of Revival.
He brings to us a new/old twist upon the expression
of TRUE ART. Pretty good initial ansi involvment
in this, our first return to ansi in many years.
Stay tuned for much more from this department, I can
personally assure you that you DONT want to miss a
single moment!
- NokturnalE
---- Pack news -------------------------------------
Wed like to thank the abundance of people who showed
love for Remorse and ACiD productions this month by
supplying us with guest pieces. Thanks to Drax, Lord
Nikon, Podsi, Chrombacher and Ansichrist for their
amazing contributions. Thanks to dubmood from Razor-
Demo for the exclusive trax for this packs little
intro rmrstro.exe. A moment of silence for those
in Southern California who are too busy trying to
keep their computers from burning to draw... Theres
always next pack. And remember, check www.acid.org
for the impending pack 100 extravaganza. P.S. Thanks
to PogueImpure for the DIZ, and running asciicompo.
Youre the man. P.P.S. Damnit, forgetful. Extra
special thanks to High24/7 of HighOnAscii for making
this halloween pack adhere to the truth in advertis-
ing act.
- Remorse1981
---- Member list -----------------------------------
AllaXul allaxul@ice.org
Asphyx asphyx@ifrance.com
aXB axb500@hotmail.com
Bornholme bornholme@um0.dk
Devil Angel danwes@ihug.co.nz
Icedevil icedevil@icednet.org
JRR jhv@chameleonik.com
Magnatop magnatop@zeroday.net
Nightrain nightrain@netpimpz.com
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl
Nocturnal Emissions nok@acid.org
Offset offsetremorse@yahoo.com
Ohseven aka ZeroSeven ohseven@acid.org
Peps holla@inkarnate.com
RaD Man radman@acid.org
Ricky Martin jhalin@ra.abo.fi
Scour tateness@hotmail.com
Sharque sharque@home.se
Sinister X johnnyernest@outzonebbs.net
Spinsane spinsane@acid.org
Talo aka Merlin aka Talishka talishka@dirtysound.com.ar
Tribal tribal@owns.it
Villeret vlrrmrs@inbox.ru
Yce y8@dr.com
Zerohour pnsullivan@ualr.edu
Zooyork zooyork@videotron.ca
The Gza Mascot mascots@need.love.2.aol.com
---- Misc ------------------------------------------
WWW http://www.acid.org
IRC acid efnet
REQUESTS acid efnet
APPLY ascii/block spinsane ansi nokturnale
BBS telnet - east1999.icednet.org WHQ
outzonebbs.net Member Board
warez type nfo by nighTrain of remorse /
I think Remorse is going to give the remaining groups
a swift kick in the ass. - Pailhead
---- Group news ------------------------------------
Well, here it is. Happy Halloween to all you ghosts
ghouls, and gobblers errr goblins. With this, our
new-look and revolutionary Halloween pack we bring to
you, the consumer - ascii both new school and old,
block nfo files although there are people who think
that they matter to us who hate these, and of course
the controversial and triumphant return of ANSI to the
ranks of the ACiD legions. We have put a lot of effort
behind this product and know you will enjoy it.
---- Ascii news ------------------------------------
On the ascii side, the most dominate crew of badasses
just got more badasserly-badassed. Returning to the
fold is our own Finnish Phunkphenomena, Rickey Martin
aka RM-RF The Naked Army Action Figure. Also joining
is Scour, who takes time off from his busy schedule
of selling counterfeit Oakleys to doodle us up some
incredible O/S. We also welcome Zerohour to beef up
our N/S. He and other newcomer Icedevil are ready to
slang those dollar signs and bean pies. In returning
from the textmode grave news, say hello again to
Polymorph, who comes out of a 4 year hiatus to make
you cry mommy. For those who dont know, PM is one
of a handful of artists whos work was vital in the
development of N/S styles. He also draws wicked O/S,
and is a hit with the ladies. Last, but certainly
not least, warm greetings to Zoo York, one of the
reigning kings of Block. He already had a crown,
but now hes officially in the kingdom that is Remorse.
- Spinsane
---- Ansi news -------------------------------------
The past two months brought upon the mighty Remorse
crew an abundance of talent and experience in many
areas. Coming to us from Sense Imagery this month
was Sinister-X, who ROX, hes muh nigga! If you
dont know, just feast and phear! Offset joins us
from a long break and many trips to the sushi bars
and geisha clubs over in the East. If this pack is
any indication of his ownage, you all should build a
bomb shelter and grab some toilet paper! Along with
those old school ansi-gods comes Magnatop, the super
phunkmaster of godly logos most recently of Revival.
He brings to us a new/old twist upon the expression
of TRUE ART. Pretty good initial ansi involvment
in this, our first return to ansi in many years.
Stay tuned for much more from this department, I can
personally assure you that you DONT want to miss a
single moment!
- NokturnalE
---- Pack news -------------------------------------
Wed like to thank the abundance of people who showed
love for Remorse and ACiD productions this month by
supplying us with guest pieces. Thanks to Drax, Lord
Nikon, Podsi, Chrombacher and Ansichrist for their
amazing contributions. Thanks to dubmood from Razor-
Demo for the exclusive trax for this packs little
intro rmrstro.exe. A moment of silence for those
in Southern California who are too busy trying to
keep their computers from burning to draw... Theres
always next pack. And remember, check www.acid.org
for the impending pack 100 extravaganza. P.S. Thanks
to PogueImpure for the DIZ, and running asciicompo.
Youre the man. P.P.S. Damnit, forgetful. Extra
special thanks to High24/7 of HighOnAscii for making
this halloween pack adhere to the truth in advertis-
ing act.
- Remorse1981
---- Member list -----------------------------------
AllaXul allaxul@ice.org
Asphyx asphyx@ifrance.com
aXB axb500@hotmail.com
Bornholme bornholme@um0.dk
Devil Angel danwes@ihug.co.nz
Icedevil icedevil@icednet.org
JRR jhv@chameleonik.com
Magnatop magnatop@zeroday.net
Nightrain nightrain@netpimpz.com
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl
Nocturnal Emissions nok@acid.org
Offset offsetremorse@yahoo.com
Ohseven aka ZeroSeven ohseven@acid.org
Peps holla@inkarnate.com
RaD Man radman@acid.org
Ricky Martin jhalin@ra.abo.fi
Scour tateness@hotmail.com
Sharque sharque@home.se
Sinister X johnnyernest@outzonebbs.net
Spinsane spinsane@acid.org
Talo aka Merlin aka Talishka talishka@dirtysound.com.ar
Tribal tribal@owns.it
Villeret vlrrmrs@inbox.ru
Yce y8@dr.com
Zerohour pnsullivan@ualr.edu
Zooyork zooyork@videotron.ca
The Gza Mascot mascots@need.love.2.aol.com
---- Misc ------------------------------------------
WWW http://www.acid.org
IRC acid efnet
REQUESTS acid efnet
APPLY ascii/block spinsane ansi nokturnale
BBS telnet - east1999.icednet.org WHQ
outzonebbs.net Member Board
warez type nfo by nighTrain of remorse /
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