this image contains text
razordemo produktion 2k3
Razor 1911 Demo Division
Sharpening The Blade
chipdisk 3 v2.00
Type ......... musicdisk
Date ......... 27-04-03
Code.......... BlackPanther
idea/design... blz
Gfx .......... Mime
.......... Joil
.......... Sprocket
Music......... dubmood
.......... ghidorah
.......... kohai
.......... blz
Friends....... Wotw
.......... Zabutom
.......... JosSs
.......... Curt Cool
.......... Vhiiula
.......... Falcon
.......... Keyg
.......... Lesnik
.......... Bliss
.......... LugOOber
intro part
Gfx .......... Mime
.......... Sprocket
Music......... blz
we dedicate this small thing to our ex members
- Marisa - Replay - Izm -
we still love you and hope yer doin ok
also, we would like to thank all our friends
who helped us with this lil thing.thanks.
special hellos fly to :
falcon, keyg lesnik - dzieki chlopaki :
- blz -
Note: Im sorry about the bugs in the previous release. We tested
it on win98 and WinXP and it did work. After we released it,
ppl got problems on Win98SE and Win2000. I worked abit on
Breakpoint03-party and found the nasty bug some days later.
Btw. bp03 ruled!!! greets to the orgas it was real nice.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this one more it has some more
song-options and optimized skins and is about 200kb smaller.
.exmortis.trsi.synrj.the silents.suspend...
.the grid.scenic.depth.hoodlum.fyllecell.s!p.
.spaceballs.spinning kids.danish gold.dcs.oii
.logofaktory.sac.addict.mad wizards.majic12..
.exceed.noice.calodox.orange juice.potion....
Razor1911 demo are
- Black Panther - Mime - Joil - Sprocket - Am -
- Slumgud - Dubmood - Xenusion - Spool - Faor -
- Stv - Ghidorah - Acet1 - Zombie - Parasight -
- Xrage - Mikl - Flames - Chotaire - Mustafa -
- Kohai - blz -
we are still looking for coders and 3d artists
contact : webmaster@razordemo.com
or blz@razordemo.com
We are always looking for skilled
coders, musicians and artists. If
you think you have what it takes
to be part of our team, feel free
to contact us.
Razor 1911 / Since 1985
Ascii by Yce
Razor 1911 Demo Division
Sharpening The Blade
chipdisk 3 v2.00
Type ......... musicdisk
Date ......... 27-04-03
Code.......... BlackPanther
idea/design... blz
Gfx .......... Mime
.......... Joil
.......... Sprocket
Music......... dubmood
.......... ghidorah
.......... kohai
.......... blz
Friends....... Wotw
.......... Zabutom
.......... JosSs
.......... Curt Cool
.......... Vhiiula
.......... Falcon
.......... Keyg
.......... Lesnik
.......... Bliss
.......... LugOOber
intro part
Gfx .......... Mime
.......... Sprocket
Music......... blz
we dedicate this small thing to our ex members
- Marisa - Replay - Izm -
we still love you and hope yer doin ok
also, we would like to thank all our friends
who helped us with this lil thing.thanks.
special hellos fly to :
falcon, keyg lesnik - dzieki chlopaki :
- blz -
Note: Im sorry about the bugs in the previous release. We tested
it on win98 and WinXP and it did work. After we released it,
ppl got problems on Win98SE and Win2000. I worked abit on
Breakpoint03-party and found the nasty bug some days later.
Btw. bp03 ruled!!! greets to the orgas it was real nice.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this one more it has some more
song-options and optimized skins and is about 200kb smaller.
.exmortis.trsi.synrj.the silents.suspend...
.the grid.scenic.depth.hoodlum.fyllecell.s!p.
.spaceballs.spinning kids.danish gold.dcs.oii
.logofaktory.sac.addict.mad wizards.majic12..
.exceed.noice.calodox.orange juice.potion....
Razor1911 demo are
- Black Panther - Mime - Joil - Sprocket - Am -
- Slumgud - Dubmood - Xenusion - Spool - Faor -
- Stv - Ghidorah - Acet1 - Zombie - Parasight -
- Xrage - Mikl - Flames - Chotaire - Mustafa -
- Kohai - blz -
we are still looking for coders and 3d artists
contact : webmaster@razordemo.com
or blz@razordemo.com
We are always looking for skilled
coders, musicians and artists. If
you think you have what it takes
to be part of our team, feel free
to contact us.
Razor 1911 / Since 1985
Ascii by Yce
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