this image contains text
/ +sD+ Textmode: Topaz Font or AFS 8Ox5O Required!
/ All works and applications by ACiD are copyright c
/ / ACiD Productionstm and protected under law.
/ / All media is for the personal use of members and the
/ / public. Unauthorized selling or distribution including
/ // but not limited to CD-ROM, commerical use, or
/ / publication without the express written permission of
/ / ACiD Productions is strictly prohibited.
You may freely distribute and copy our productions
provided that no fee is charged and the contents remain
ACiD/REMORSE in their original un-altered form, as provided by ACiD
Productions. Pay Bulletin Board Systems may, however,
. / charge their normal fee provided that no additional
/ / charge for our productions is levied. No part of our
productions may be modified, altered, reverse engineer-
ed, sold, or distributed in any form whatsoever which
. / /. would involve some sort of trade without prior written
/ permission from ACiD Productions.
Our productions are provided as is, without warranty
. / of any kind or fitness for a particular purpose, either
/ / expressed or implied, all of are hereby explicitly
disclaimed. ACiD only guarantees that our products will
occupy disk space.
. In no way can ACiD Productions or its members be made
liable for any damages that are caused by our product-
ions. You are using our productions at your own risk!
The day I charge for art is the day
Im living out of a cardboard box and eating kibble.
- Hiro Protagonist 1981.irc vO.68e 1996
:: : : :: jh
:,!b d g . .
hey buddy . . . :,,db ,d .- -
Y,, . .
,, d .: -
want to buy an ascii ? , , P .
ggg .:, -
r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
. / /wH0 . / /+dVN
/ p r e s e n t s
8o5o Amiga / . .. .... .. . .. . . --
Emulation / :..: : : : : : :. : :. :.. :.. :
/ : R-HL.TXT - 175,ooo KB - o5.11.2oo4!
// / A / / / / A / // /
cRu / rMRS / /
H O M E L E S S !
My father died when I was ten. My mother has been an alcoholic since
a year or two after his death. I have watched her slowly slip out of
life, and it has ruined me more than once as I have tried in vain to
stop her self-righteous suicide. I cannot deny her pain, nor am I
unsympathetic to it, but it has caused me more grief and anguish in
my life than anything else I have ever had to face. It is the source
of many of my own problems, and has brought an end to any hope I held
of establishing a healthy emotional relationship with my mother. It
is at the very center of my homeless existence.
As the alcohol numbed her to life, my mother slowly replaced familial
love with material possessions, and I was raised to find happiness
only in physical things, rather than in my relationships with others.
But my need for family was too great, and in time I found it
elsewhere: in the scene, in the rave culture, and in the ivory tower
of higher education. Try as I might, however, none of these could
extinguish the source of my pain, and I have more than once walked
away from them all returning to her to attempt again and again a
resuscitation of the heart. I have come, atlast, to see the futility
of my actions, and to accept this reality for what it is. I am
powerless to bring about a positive change in my mothers life, the
choice has always been hers alone to make, to live or not, as it is
with each of us in our own lives. So it is that I have spent the
last year in my life trying to decide, for myself, what it is I
truly desire of life, sliding along my way to the very bottom of the
Often in our lives it is hard to recognize the moments of change as
they happen, and it is only in hind-sight that we see with clarity
the moment for all of its dynamic value. The death of my maternal
grandmother, a year and some three months ago now, was such an event
in my life.
I grew up in an idyllic childhood, my grandparents across the street
in that small town on the edge of nowhere. Doris, my maternal
grandmother, was a wonderful influence on my young life, and I am
indebtted to her for fostering in me a love of the written word and
the desire to express myself through it. The intellect by which I
largely define myself is a product of her love and early education.
Her death did not take long, a matter of mere weeks between the first
heart attack and the last. My mother was useless during this time,
her emotional distance with the world a total barrier to sharing in
the collective grief of our family. I do not doubt that she grieved,
but it was as everything is with her: isolated and alone. And so my
sense of loss was compounded, and I grieved as much for the loss of
my mother as for my grandmother, both utterly gone from me now for
then remainder of my days in this world.
In the month following Doriss death I completed my bachelors degree
at last and was forced to acknowledge I still had no clear vision for
my own future. I felt hollowed out by the experiences of my twenties
and knew not where to turn, so in need of solace and a new beginning.
Eventually I drifted west, to the coast and the city of Victoria on
Vancouver Island, the most beautiful city in all of Canada. If I
could not find hope for the future there I knew not where else to
look. I lived with a girl, not yet really a woman, who offered what
seemed to be the comfort and compassion I required, but it was an
exchange with terms I could not accept: a mask upon my person through
which I was unable to change, a fascade behind which I could not
breathe. I had stepped from one trap and leapt right into another
and still I knew no rest, no home in which I belonged.
Time has a way of catching up to us, wether we want it to or not, and
after six months I left all of the beauty of the west coast for the
second time in my life. Again feeling the same sadness in leaving,
for it is on the coast, in the embrace of the pacific ocean, that
Ive felt the echoes of the past calling to me, welcoming me home. I
drifted back east, over the mountains and down, landing once more in
the ghettos of Saskatoon. And it was here that I found the missing
elements of my person, the love and the anger I both so desperately
After my grandmother died there was all of the remainders of her life
still left behind, the physical accumulations of time and comfort.
But aside from a single item, a family legacy she left to me, it all
felt to me to be nothing more than meaningless physicality: stuff
without true substance or purpose other than to isolate ourselves
from our true nature. I had for some time before her death been
grappling with this problem in my life, the true meaninglessness of
physical possessions, and I think Doris passing only served to
sollidify in my mind the need to extricate myself from the grips of
materialism. You cannot take it with you, and it will not bring you
any measure of real happiness, or so has said every prophet of the
the one and many named God.
Ive slept in alleyways, in hallways, on busses moving cross-country,
on borrowed couch-spaces in little west-side houses of the hood, in
the deep darkness high in the mountains, in fields under the full-on
glare of the burning prairie sun. I have slept but known no rest. I
went the better part of a year without a single dream remembered come
the light of morning, and all because I could feel no home within
myself and therefore knew no home anywhere else I looked.
So again, in the dissmal west-side ghetto of Saskatoon I found myself
with little more than the bag on my back and the smallest of
possessions within, but I knew what real riches were atlast and I
felt a happiness in my life I had not felt for many years. Stripped
bare, or atleast nearly naked, of stuff and things, I found true
companionship where before I had only turned from it. I found a
woman of heart and mind I could honour and celerate in, and I found
the courage to live life again with an open heart. I found the anger
that drives me once again to create, to stand up against that which I
find most intollerable about our world. In all of this I have found
the beginnings of the home I lost with the death of my father, and
have desired ever since.
We are conditioned by our materialistic cultures to see homelessness
only in terms of its physical realities, but in my experience it is
the spiritual reality underpinning it all that is the true horror.
We may eat, such that our bodies will continue, but if the spirit is
not fed it will wither and die, and our physicals selves surely
follow. This collection is a dedication to God, and the journey of
my life through homelessness. I would like to thank you for reading.
. . ./ V . . .
:. - V - / // .:
/ lMK:ODl
. A / ..::: . /
::::. / / / 7/ / .: .: :::
/ // / // / / .:: ::: :: :i
// :::. ::: . .ii //
/ / // / /. / :::. :: ii:: ......
/ ./ // / // /:. :::. .ii:: . ::::
// // / //:::,, ,,:iii: :. ::
/ / / / . . :::::iiii: :. :
/ // / . . ::::iiiiii:
: H . I / R . O :
. V /! / ! / V .
/ // / / / / / // / pm
R E M / O R S E 1 9 8 1 /
ns - ------------------------- //------------------------------/- -
D E V I N !
. H O M E L E S S ! /.
The idea of dropping my alias and drawing under my real name first
became prevalent in my mind during the early stages of this collection
and the further I progressed the more sense it made to me. I had been
drawing as Hiro for so long, yet the name and persona seemed very far
away from me, from my actual reality, and I knew the words necessary
for this to succeed in my own opinion could not come from behind that
mask. I needed to speak from my true person, to lay claim to the art
that had only existed for me in the shadow reality of the scene. I
picked up the alias after reading Neal Stephensons SnowCrash in
the early 9os. The book was given to me by a girl I knew from the 3o6
local, a bbs chick, and in giving it to me she described it as you in
print meaning it contained a relatively acurate portrayal of who I
was, as well as who I wished to become. Ive read that book now more
times than I can recall, but the last time I read it the story felt
worn-out a young mans story of becoming, rather than of being. In
that instance I realized it was because I had become what I was to be,
and no longer desired or needed the inspirational stories of my youth.
I was at last a real person, with only these small reminders hanging
on. I am glad to have finially severed them ... so please, call me
Devin, its my name, ok?
Remorse will be celebrating its 1o year anniversary by the time
you read this, no small feat by any measure. Im glad that life has
brought be back to the scene in time to celebrate this milestone, as
Ive been a part of the crew since the very first pack and felt shitty
enough missing ACiDs 1ooth pack. There seems to be a small ascii
revolution brewing again, what with the return of block and a general
increase in production by our membership, and I hope to keep on
keeping on right along with it. I returned to Remorse because it was
the only place I really belonged. PC was a nice attempt at bringing
back the small-crew idea, but even that couldnt stop the circling of
the drain that became the ascii blackhole of 2oo2 check it out,
hardly anyone released anything at all in o2, either side of the
scene, it was all dead everywhere. At times being in Remorse can
feel distant, because we are a such big group, but this is just the
negative flipside of having a deeply diverse and talented team backing
you up. Since Ive been back Ive talked to so many old friends, and
shared such a good vibe with everyone. It really has been wonderful.
The styles contained within this collection are original. I have
taken inspiration from other artists, as always, but these are my
creations. If you feel otherwise, fuck off - I couldnt care less
really - I did this for me, not for some kind of scene glory bullshit.
Drawing this colly has been about more than that to me, as it must be
for me to go on doing it, especially after all these years. My
respect to everyone who understands what this means, and creates with
their own original voice and individual vision. About halfway through
this production I remembered there was once a board called Homeless,
but I havent used any of their logos. That wouldnt be right, or
respectful of the artists who drew for them.
This is my 23rd collection to date. Despite losing all of my own
art and archives back in 97 I have been able to recover them all
again except for HP-KRS1.TXT, Katharsis Rules Supreme, and would
love to hear from you if you have a copy of this early work of mine.
Looking back at my own art I really dont like much of it before
R-TM.TXT, The Message, but I recognize it was all a part of the
process that got me to this point of individuality in my art, and
Ild like you all to think about your own rough beginnings before the
next time you rag on some newbie. It is important that we teach newbs
to respect others styles, but we must also forgive them for their
occasional lack of originality if the scene is to have any future
leading artists. I see collections with greets to people who havent
even drawn in this century, and I have to question what the point of
it is? A desire to be appear cool or likewise bullshit? Repetition
is murder on the creativity of the soul! The twilight of the idols
has come and gone, and it is time we all did more with our art. There
are changes coming, I can feel it growing again, somewhere at the
edges, in the fringe, somewhere out there where the newbs come from..
- Devin Davidson, a/k/a/ Hiro Protagonist ACiD/Remorse1981
email: hiro@acid.org
/ 4:2Oa / O5.11.2OO4 / 175k / 35OO lines
// / XXX -/ / : H O M E L E S S !
/ XXX / : . fAH+S!
/ : . .xXXXXXXXx. bZZ!
666demon scene raps big in japan .
panospria mindsplit dipswitch : . / .
sac mortmer twang rewind c ::::::
safari sessions 16colors cotm C40oz.
netpimpz the yard tinyz -----
mimic textmode colly logos 7
X haciend remorse --------------- -- --- -
/XXX / : i NDE X
XX/ j
.----- ------ Mt
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o1 request: the evil ones 666DEMoN infofile
::/ that is infact a juzam djinn. im a geek.
666-plastikman-closer.rar ::: . :::::
cCCCCCc. ::: :::::
+. cCCCCCCCCCCc ::: :::::
-., + ++++++ ++ cCCCCCCCCCCCCc ... :
/::::,. ., CCCCCCCCCC . .,::::
. /::::/ : CCCCCC : ::::
. /::::/ CCC ::::
, /::::/ : C . :::: ,
7 :. . . .:
/ l/ l/ l/ .:: ::::::::: / ::::: 6
: / / ::::: 6
l / 7 / / ::::: 6
... ::/ / ::::: D
::: POOR PATHETIC / ::::: E
/ ... IS AT AN END! / / ::::: o
/ ::: / / / ::::: N
::: ... 7
::: tHE EViL oNES REtURN 666DEMoN! :::
::: /dVN/ :::
::: Plastikman - Closer 256 kbit CD :::
:::........................ Released: xx.xx.O4 .........:::
Original: x CD CDr 12 Label: NovaMute
Artist / Title: Plastikman / Closer 2OO3 - NoMu 1OO CD
Release Notes: Quality: 256 kbits
Originally released October 2O, 2OO3.
O1. Ask Yourself 8:47
O2. Mind Encode 5:41
O3. Lost 4:37
O4. Disconnect 4:57
O5. Slow Poke Twilight Zone Mix 7:5O
O6. Headcase 9:55
O7. Ping Pong 9:3O
O8. Mind In Rewind 1O:21
O9. I No 3:42
1O. I Dont Know 1O:O4
Ripped by The Evil Ones
If you enjoy this release purchase it! It is impossible for
artists to continue creating music without your support!
/ / / / / / / dVN
../ 666DEMoN! ..
: : OO1. Plastikman - Closer 2OO4 256 kbit CD O9.O4 : :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o2 request: radman scene raps 2oo4
::/ its still available only on our member ftp.
.x 7 //x.
................ ............ ............. / ...... / dVN
O9-11-O4 / / ACIDRAP1.RAR / /
//. / sCENE rAPS 2OO4!
Track Artist Title Time
-------------------------------------------Total Time XX:XX-
/ 2oo4!
O1 ACIDRAP1.RAR A 1O,OOO,OOO kb ACiD Presents: Scene Raps 2OO4 o1/o1
/ // / /l
++ //dVN
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o3 boredom: tom waits im big in japan
::/ i like weird old-guy music.
,, / / / 7
.:.:.:. / / Y / / Y
/ / : // / / r81
// : / / 7 / dVN
// / / Y : / /Y
Y / / /
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o4 request: khanfuschious panospria
::/ sorry i missed hearing you play yet again!
dVN .: / : r81
.::::::: / P A N O S P R I A :::::::.
Panospria celebrates their latest release on xx.xx.2oo4! //
// Artist: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Album Title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: Release Notes: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :/
/: Format: CD MiniCD 12 Total Running Time: xx:xx :
Tracklisting: o1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //
: o2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //:
:// o3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :
// o4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx
/: o5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :
: o6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :/
o7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //
: o8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //:
:// o9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :
// 1o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx
About Panospria: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx //
// Greets: ACiD Productions NoType Brave New Waves
- -----------/----------- - dVN
//---- Panospria Infofile designed by Devin of ACiD Productions! ----
/ 7 .
7 / //
/ / / l // /
/ / :: / l .. / :: /
/ 7 / //
/ / / / / dVN
/ / / l
- -- ------- /----------- dVN /
panospria dVN
----------------------------- p a n o s p r i a ------------------------
/ 7 / /
l/ /l/
: PANOSPRIA Records Presents: xxxxxxxxxxxx :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o5 request: psg mindsplit
::/ damn, those are some big boobies.
/ / / / / dVN
/ / / / / /------------ / r81
MiNDSPLiT.NET /-- - - -----
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o6 respect: dipswitchasl dipswitch + aerosol
::/ thanks for the logos buddy! hope you like mine.
7 / / / /
/ / /- / / 7 / 7
- ------------------------------: :-------------------------dVN-- -
. V .
- ----------------------------- Y ----------------------------- -
/ / / // dVN
/ / / / / // dVN
/ / // dVN
: A E R O S O L
O1 ASL-XXXX.TXT T 1OO,OOO kb / . : dVN
l/ l/
aEROSOL!pRESENTS: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// / / / Aerosol Presents:
//o. //l /
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o7 respect: sac crew superior art creations
::/ congrats on your upcomming 1O year anniversary!
superior art creations /
: ::.. dVN / / // r81 ..:: :
O1 SACXX.ZIP A 1O,OOO,OOO kb . superior art creations!
: dVN
sac presents: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
l xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
O2 SACXX.ZIP A 1O,OOO,OOO kb .------- --- -- ----------.
:S.A.C./ / // PRESENTS :
: / / / / ART :
: / // // / PACK :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o8 respect: mortimer twang mt + divine stylers
::/ my favorite ami crew, and one of my favorite artists!
/ // l/l / /l / ll /
/ dVN . .
/ / l l l /
/ / d i v i n e ! s t y l e r s
/ /dVN :::
/ / / / / / / / / / / / dVN
d I V I N E ! S T Y L E R s //
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o9 request: dioxide rewind
::/ a prettier remix hell probably never use.. sigh
/ / // // o. / .o // //
dVN // / /X// // / // r81
REWIND! vx.xxa - dIOXIDe // ..Now Loading!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 1o request: ansichrist safari sessions
::/ your skills are incredibly deep my friend!
dVN : : / : /
7 /
7 7
: : : : r81
l- + S A F A R I + S E S S I O N S + -l
. dVN // - -------------------- -------------------------- - // r81 .
. . . dVN
A REMORSE / / / / / / / / / / /.
2OO4 / // /
7777 7:77/.
Sometimes I feel drained of all my creativity, like I cant possibly
go on drawing. Usually I just turn off the computer at this point,
but occasionally I like to look back at our packs and find strength in how
far weve all come in developing our own styles. It was at a time such
as this that I found this gem in an old Remorse pack. Somehow I
had missed seeing it before, but when I did finially find it
it came when I needed it most.
. ::::: ::: / YXX--XX7
::::: :::: // ./ Y7 / 7Y O
.wH0 ::::: ::::: / /. , o //
::: ::::: / ----.o
I .
YXXXX77XX7 . .
YXXX7 / /
Thanks Whodini, that ascii is awesome!
Its this kind of respect and love that keeps me coming back.
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 11 respect: lord scarlet sixteencolors.net
::/ nice to see someone keeping ansi history alive.
/ SiXTEENCOLORS.NET + The new home for ANSI Artwork!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 12 request: haliphax cotm board design
::/ this design is for haliphaxs exclusive use!
CotM! / Youve connected to ...
Y / / /
: x.dVN
@ ... Constipation of the Mind! Remorse USHQ! System Operator: Haliphax
BBS Name SysOp Affiliations Telnet IP Address
/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::dVN /
:. / /:: / dVN:
. 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
. 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
. 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
: 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :
:: / / // / / dVN ::
.--------/ / / / / : CotM!
/ / / / // dVN :
Which File Area Would You Like To View?
/ // dVN
/ O CotM! o / O o
/ o O / o O/
// / / dVN.
+---- - cONSTIPATIONoFtHEmINDmAINmENU! - ----+
.oOOo. .oOOo. CotM!
/ / //o :
/ / / / / / / / Y / / / / / :
o/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / :
- ---/- -/ / --o:
dVN //o / :
- --- - OOOO /--------------------:
:::::::::::::: User Configuration ::::::::::::/dVN
1 Alias: Hiro Protagonist
. 2 Email: hiro@acid.org .
3 Affiliations: ACiD/r81
. 4 Location: Middlanowhere, Canada .
. 5 Password: XXXXXXXXXX .
: 6 Menu Set: Devin/r81 :
::. 7 Emulation: ANSI .::
::. 8 Default Protocol: ZModem .::
:.:: 9 Message Editor: Full Screen ::.:
::::::::: cONSTIPATIONoFtHEMINDuSERlIST! :::::::::
User Location Affiliations Last On
/ o
/ /:./ ,, O .
// / // / dVN
: Node User Current Action Online Chat? :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 13 request: nightrain netpimpz
::/ pimpin aint easy, but you do it well my friend.
/ / / / / / dVN
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 14 respect: zaner the yard
::/ one of the prettiest boards Ive ever seen!
/ / // t H E y A R D
- tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY / aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 96O4 -
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 15 respect: tinyz tinyz + forgot about poland
::/ well always love you big poppaz!
: : / +kTS!
/ / / / / / MIA
tINYZ! / :---/ /
/ : dVN
/ // / / Motherfuckers try to
/ / / move their lips but
/ / / / // / / / / / nothing comings out
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / but a bunch of giberish
/ / / / My opponent, clearly he
/ / / / / forgot about Poland.
/ / / / / / / / / / - George H. W. Bush
/ During the 1st of the
2OO4 Presidental
/ / Debates
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / DONT FORGET /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / ABOUT POLAND! /
dVN / .
/ / and motherfuckers still
// forget about Tinyz!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 16 respect: mmc crew mimic
::/ respect? i must have been smoking the rock.
MK:OD :/ : ://
::::X / dVN M i M i C !
// :: / / :: mIMIC aSC ..
/ l / /
/ .o / l .o//
/ dVN / .o //
dVN/ r81/
Mimic Ascii Pack XX
a/k/a the Remorse farm-team!
--------- ii ! /ii ---------
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 17 boredom: anyone with use textmode
::/ at first i was like, wtf? but now i love the term.
:: / / / .. t e x t m o d e
/ :: / / / / :: / g r a p h i c s
dVN :: / // / :: /
.----------- .. --- WARNING! ----- / ------ :: ----/--------------.
.:X: This ascii art collection makes extensive use of the extended ascii :X:.
:X: character set and is best displayed using the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx font! :X:
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 18 boredom: anyone credits / greets / respect
::/ alter as required, just be sure to include my tag.
: C redits for this ascii collection ...
: G reetings to my friends ...
: R espect to my favorite artists ... ..
---------------------------------------------------- -/-----dVN----
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 19 respect: h7ds!/trsi haciend + h7
::/ big ups to one of my favorite colly makers!
: // / H A C I E N D !
/ . / / .. dVN /
:: ii : : :::.
. :: ll ::
. dVN XX .
ll h7!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 2o respect: rmrs crew remorse
::/ its nice to have a home again, thanks peeps.
ReMoRSe! // ..
/ V / /
/ / Y / : / / //
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Founders: Necromancer, Necronite Senior Staff: Nightrain, K-Spiff
Artists: Beastie, Cthulhu, Gangsta, Hiro Protagonist, Hyped,
Mephitopeles, Ogre, Omicron, Paradox, Phaser-X, Terminator2, Whodini
Global Coordinator: Martyr Resident Mop Top: Bastardiser
November, 1994
O1 R-XXXXXX.TXT T 198,1OO kb
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O2 R-XXXXXX.TXT T 19O,O81 kb REMORSE 1981 :: collectionnamehere!
/ / dVN / ::
O3 R-XXXXXX.TXT T 19O,81O kb / ..... .:.
dVN/ : /::.:: :
Remorse1981 Presents: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
O4 RMRS-XX.ZIP A 313,373 kb / /
R E M O R S E // P A C K X X
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. / : : H7/dS!
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H O M E L E S s ll
.. .: cONTACT mE! .: /
/ / ! 7 Y / 7
. /dVN /
Email: hiro@ACiD.org // Hiro Protagonist
// c/o ACiD Publishing
IRC: hiro81 remorse efnet // PO Box 24523
// San Jose, CA
BBS: The Yard, Constipation of the Mind // 95154 USA
:: / // I am pleased to take anyones
a BOUT DEVI N ::::: : request but I give priority to .
:: ::::: :: / // TRADES and ARTISTS REQUESTS!
. // / : , g .:
. / -@-@-7 :.
/ / 7 /b ::
: :::::: /Q
/ 7nM+
. / /. / / dVN
// 7 X
Tag: dVN // Name: Devin Davidson Alias: Hiro Protagonist Country: .CA
ex-hP! // Past Affiliations: Katharsis!Ascii / Trank wU! / Quad-P
// Revolt Literature / CIA / FOOD / Partners Criminals
// Current Affiliations: Remorse 1981 / ACiD Productions
:: / Drawing Ascii: Since 1989 In Scene: Since 1994 Age: 30
:: Tools: TheDraw v4.61 / PabloDraw v2.O.8 / QEdit v4 / AFS v2.O1a
/ . MicroSlave R Notepad / TrueSchool Fonts vO.7
sL/ 7 7He mH !
:: / Music: Metal, Techno, DnB, Hip Hop, Jazz, Classical. :: .
::..... Hobbies: Magic: The Gathering, Computers, My Vices..
. ... Vices: The Herb, Cigs, Women, Literature, Education.
/ / :: Favorite Artists: Ansichrist, h7, Killa Hertz,
. : / Lord Jazz, Mogue, Mortimer Twang, Shock G, Tinyz
// / and Whodini. :
::...... / // 7 ::
dVN 7
:::: :// Ansichrist, Cru, Dipswitch, Don Rapello, Fahrenheit, Haliphax //.
// h7, Necromancer, Nightrain, Nstage, Radman, Raster Burn, //.:
// Scour, Spinsane, Whodini, and Zaner. // ::
// I only greet people Ive actually talked to recently! // ::
. g REETING S ..
This collection would . not have been ...................... .. .
possible without the i love and support
l ::: My sincere thanks to all
of my woman, Kat. X Thanks baby!
.X. ::: of my talented guests!
::: X ::: :: ::: ::: dVN
/ / // / 7 :::
Primary Ascii and Design ................. Devin of Remorse dVN/r81
ACiD ............................. Speed Devil of Remorse +sD+/rMRS
RMRS ................................... Whodini of Remorse wH0/r81
Beanie Guy .............................. J.Hale of Remorse jh/rMRS
Remorse .................... Whodini Devin of Remorse wH0+dVN/r81
Homeless .................................. Cru of Remorse cRu/rMRS
Hiro ...................................... Scour of Remorse S!/r81
Remorse .............................. Polymorph of Remorse pm/rMRS
Devin ................................ Ansichrist of Remorse ns/r81
Homeless ................. Fahrenheit Scour of Remorse fAH+S!/r81
Index .................... Mortimer Twang of Divine Stylers Mt/dS!
I Love Devin ........................... Whodini of Remorse wH0/r81
Homeless .............................. H7 of Divine Stylers h7/dS!
Hippie Guy .............. Necromancer Devin of Remorse nM+dVN/r81
RMRS .................................. Kaleidas of Remorse kal/r81
Remorse ................................ Wise-K of Remorse wk!/rMRS
Remorse ............................... Paradox of Remorse pDx/rMRS
RMRS Gangsta ............................ J.Hale of Remorse jh/rMRS
Remorse FileId........... Native aka Dezibel of Aerosol n7v!/aSL
Modemland ............................. Shock G of Jedi Arts sg/jA!
::::. ::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::::::: ::::. kal
.:::::: h ISTOR Y
1 9 9 6
R-ANO.ASC Another Colly ................................. Erupt 38,676 KB
R-ASS.ASC Asshole ................................. Necromancer 88,6O6 KB
R-HEP.ASC Hepcat! ........................................ Haji 23,893 KB
R-JAGOFF.ASC Jagoff! .................................... Everlast 111,982 KB
R-MFC.ASC Muh First Colly ............................... Erupt 25,812 KB
R-OMISAN.ASC Shogun Assasin: Nostalgia ................... Omicron 48,55O KB
R-WDWGFH.ASC Where Do We Go From Here .................... Whodini 141,927 KB
1 9 9 7
R-11HOUR.TXT The 11th Hour .............................. Nitrogen 1O8,546 KB
R-BUGOTM.TXT Out The Moon .................................. Bugsy 93,447 KB
R-DEBUT.TXT The Debut .................................... Revert 23,588 KB
R-DNB.TXT Do Not Breathe ........................... Bad Spirit 13,518 KB
R-EDEN.TXT Eden ................................... Phreak Klass 27,788 KB
R-EUROT.TXT Eurotrash ...................................... Trip 17,85O KB
R-FUTURE.TXT The Future .............. Cyberkid + Hiro Protagonist 129,617 KB
R-H2C.TXT Hellraiser 2: Chernobyl ..................... Whodini 145,423 KB
R-ITC.TXT In The City ................................. Whodini 96,647 KB
R-ITMOM.TXT In The Mouth of Madness ............ Hiro Protagonist 35O,O37 KB
R-LIBERT.TXT Libertad ............................... Truman Starr 45,843 KB
R-MHZAMH.TXT Activate My Hate ........................ Megga Hertz 114,OO9 KB
R-MHZHEU.TXT Hit Em Up! ............................. Megga Hertz 1O,495 KB
R-MHZTGF.TXT The Godfather ........................... Megga Hertz 95,623 KB
R-MHZTGI.TXT Thug Immortal ........................... Megga Hertz 76,523 KB
R-MHZTKP.TXT The Kingpin ............................. Megga Hertz 112,671 KB
R-MHZTLD.TXT The Last Don ............................ Megga Hertz 88,862 KB
R-MLNNM.TXT Millennium ......................... Hiro Protagonist 95,923 KB
R-MNFGT.TXT Faget ........................................ Merlin 21,898 KB
R-MNWTSN.ASC Where The Sun Never Shines ................... Merlin 17,87O KB
R-MONEY.TXT Money .............................. Hiro Protagonist 13O,OOO KB
R-NOSOUL.TXT NoSoul ....................................... Erupt 55,574 KB
R-OMISKK.TXT Stoan Cold Killers .......................... Omicron 31,465 KB
R-STORY.TXT The Story .................................. Nitrogen 78,543 KB
R-SV.TXT Satanic Verses .................... Blindman Miasma 48,798 KB
R-TDA.TXT The Day After ........................... Megga Hertz 6O,999 KB
R-TERRA.TXT Terra Cotta ............................. Necromancer 42,751 KB
R-THE1.TXT Im The One ................................. Whodini 1OO,939 KB
R-TMI.TXT Het Morbid Inzicht ..................... Phreak Klass 23,OO6 KB
R-TRYPT.TXT Tryptical .................................... J.Hale 38,935 KB
R-TSM.TXT To Serve Man ....................... Hiro Protagonist 193,445 KB
R-VI.TXT Vision ....................................... Miasma 38,214 KB
R-VOICEZ.TXT Voicez ....................................... Miasma 39,O94 KB
1 9 9 8
R-BS.TXT Beat Surrender .............................. Whodini 111,18O KB
R-BUGANT.TXT Album Number Ten .............................. Bugsy 35,O25 KB
R-DBD.TXT Dont Back Down ............................. Whodini 73,825 KB
R-E5KTB.TXT Kick The Bong .......................... Erick Sermon 28,764 KB
R-FITTER.TXT Fitter Happier ......................... Truman Starr 85,515 KB
R-FUN.TXT Some More Fun ................................. Erupt 56,651 KB
R-IMBACK.TXT Im Back ...................................... Bugsy 36,494 KB
R-IN.TXT Inverse Nakedness ............................ Miasma 31,676 KB
R-OCKS.TXT Lust Is Entrusted Temporary Relief ........ Poskgubbe 1O2,464 KB
R-QUIKEE.TXT A Quickee ..................................... Erupt 42,615 KB
R-R-R-R.TXT Ascii Picks Up Chicks! .................... Poskgubbe 14,398 KB
R-SLEEP.TXT Sleep ......................................... Martz 36,1O7 KB
1 9 9 9
R-1999.TXT Its 1999 And Im So Fucked ................. Whodini 44,614 KB
R-CRAUNI.TXT The Crazy Unique .............................. Erupt 45,1O2 KB
R-GIRL.TXT Girl, Youre On My Mind ................... Poskgubbe 12,481 KB
R-GIRL2.TXT Girl, Ive Got the Crackrock Flu Again .... Poskgubbe 5,453 KB
R-MERPEA.TXT One World One Nation ........................... Talo 54,6O7 KB
R-MNINEA.ASC Old And Werd Stuff ............................. Talo 6,411 KB
R-OZZ81A.TXT The Newcoming ................................ Kayozz 2O,O75 KB
R-OZZ81B.TXT Cash ......................................... Kayozz 9,995 KB
R-PROS .TXT Prospero And Nuevo ........................ Poskgubbe 7,684 KB
R-STRESS.TXT Stress ........................................ Erupt 52,74O KB
R-TM.TXT The Message ........................ Hiro Protagonist 125,2OO KB
REHAB!.TXT Next Stop, Rehab! .................. Whodini + Wise-K 61,1O1 KB
2 O O O
R-ANGEL.TXT Shes An Angel .............................. Whodini 52,843 KB
R-FALLI.TXT Anonymous! ..................................... Talo 11,591 KB
R-GTM100.TXT Gimme The Mingus .............................. Pesho 88,255 KB
R-HERMAN.TXT Hermana ....................................... Pesho 11O,365 KB
R-MATEY.TXT Who Are You Guys? ......................... Poskgubbe 9,715 KB
2 O O 1
R-3DD2.TXT Three Dimension Deception Vol:2 ............ Spinsane 122,121 KB
R-MILLA.TXT Milla ..................................... Sinse One 42,O98 KB
R-NF.TXT New Forms .......................... Hiro Protagonist 6O,O1O KB
R-SUNDAY.TXT On A Sunday ................................ Tzeentch 35,988 KB
R-VDOP.TXT Vulgar Display Of Power .................... Tzeentch 35,825 KB
2 O O 2
2 O O 3
R-FOUR.TXT Four ..................................... Ansichrist 195,487 KB
R-OZZ81C.TXT Who The Fuck Is Kayozz? ...................... Kayozz 31,O38 KB
2 O O 4
R-HL.TXT Homeless ...................................... Devin 175,OOO KB
R-S1994.TXT Shambala 94 .................................. Pesho 1O3,198 KB
/pDx---------------/-- --- -- - -
. H O M E L E S S !
dVN -
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:::: l l l l l l l l :
::: / / l l / l / :
: / / // l / / / / // .
:::: Copyright c 2OO4 ACiD Publishing. All rights reserved. ::+:
/ T
jh. , , , , , - - --
-- - - - - remrse
: HOMELESS - Starring Devin ex-Hiro/hP! :
--- o5.11.2oo4 --/-- rEMORSE!198i ---
/ / / / / / -sg
Remorse WHQ
Katharsis WHQ
Quad-P WHQ
Ganja Canada HQ
i miss it still
/ +sD+ Textmode: Topaz Font or AFS 8Ox5O Required!
/ All works and applications by ACiD are copyright c
/ / ACiD Productionstm and protected under law.
/ / All media is for the personal use of members and the
/ / public. Unauthorized selling or distribution including
/ // but not limited to CD-ROM, commerical use, or
/ / publication without the express written permission of
/ / ACiD Productions is strictly prohibited.
You may freely distribute and copy our productions
provided that no fee is charged and the contents remain
ACiD/REMORSE in their original un-altered form, as provided by ACiD
Productions. Pay Bulletin Board Systems may, however,
. / charge their normal fee provided that no additional
/ / charge for our productions is levied. No part of our
productions may be modified, altered, reverse engineer-
ed, sold, or distributed in any form whatsoever which
. / /. would involve some sort of trade without prior written
/ permission from ACiD Productions.
Our productions are provided as is, without warranty
. / of any kind or fitness for a particular purpose, either
/ / expressed or implied, all of are hereby explicitly
disclaimed. ACiD only guarantees that our products will
occupy disk space.
. In no way can ACiD Productions or its members be made
liable for any damages that are caused by our product-
ions. You are using our productions at your own risk!
The day I charge for art is the day
Im living out of a cardboard box and eating kibble.
- Hiro Protagonist 1981.irc vO.68e 1996
:: : : :: jh
:,!b d g . .
hey buddy . . . :,,db ,d .- -
Y,, . .
,, d .: -
want to buy an ascii ? , , P .
ggg .:, -
r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
. / /wH0 . / /+dVN
/ p r e s e n t s
8o5o Amiga / . .. .... .. . .. . . --
Emulation / :..: : : : : : :. : :. :.. :.. :
/ : R-HL.TXT - 175,ooo KB - o5.11.2oo4!
// / A / / / / A / // /
cRu / rMRS / /
H O M E L E S S !
My father died when I was ten. My mother has been an alcoholic since
a year or two after his death. I have watched her slowly slip out of
life, and it has ruined me more than once as I have tried in vain to
stop her self-righteous suicide. I cannot deny her pain, nor am I
unsympathetic to it, but it has caused me more grief and anguish in
my life than anything else I have ever had to face. It is the source
of many of my own problems, and has brought an end to any hope I held
of establishing a healthy emotional relationship with my mother. It
is at the very center of my homeless existence.
As the alcohol numbed her to life, my mother slowly replaced familial
love with material possessions, and I was raised to find happiness
only in physical things, rather than in my relationships with others.
But my need for family was too great, and in time I found it
elsewhere: in the scene, in the rave culture, and in the ivory tower
of higher education. Try as I might, however, none of these could
extinguish the source of my pain, and I have more than once walked
away from them all returning to her to attempt again and again a
resuscitation of the heart. I have come, atlast, to see the futility
of my actions, and to accept this reality for what it is. I am
powerless to bring about a positive change in my mothers life, the
choice has always been hers alone to make, to live or not, as it is
with each of us in our own lives. So it is that I have spent the
last year in my life trying to decide, for myself, what it is I
truly desire of life, sliding along my way to the very bottom of the
Often in our lives it is hard to recognize the moments of change as
they happen, and it is only in hind-sight that we see with clarity
the moment for all of its dynamic value. The death of my maternal
grandmother, a year and some three months ago now, was such an event
in my life.
I grew up in an idyllic childhood, my grandparents across the street
in that small town on the edge of nowhere. Doris, my maternal
grandmother, was a wonderful influence on my young life, and I am
indebtted to her for fostering in me a love of the written word and
the desire to express myself through it. The intellect by which I
largely define myself is a product of her love and early education.
Her death did not take long, a matter of mere weeks between the first
heart attack and the last. My mother was useless during this time,
her emotional distance with the world a total barrier to sharing in
the collective grief of our family. I do not doubt that she grieved,
but it was as everything is with her: isolated and alone. And so my
sense of loss was compounded, and I grieved as much for the loss of
my mother as for my grandmother, both utterly gone from me now for
then remainder of my days in this world.
In the month following Doriss death I completed my bachelors degree
at last and was forced to acknowledge I still had no clear vision for
my own future. I felt hollowed out by the experiences of my twenties
and knew not where to turn, so in need of solace and a new beginning.
Eventually I drifted west, to the coast and the city of Victoria on
Vancouver Island, the most beautiful city in all of Canada. If I
could not find hope for the future there I knew not where else to
look. I lived with a girl, not yet really a woman, who offered what
seemed to be the comfort and compassion I required, but it was an
exchange with terms I could not accept: a mask upon my person through
which I was unable to change, a fascade behind which I could not
breathe. I had stepped from one trap and leapt right into another
and still I knew no rest, no home in which I belonged.
Time has a way of catching up to us, wether we want it to or not, and
after six months I left all of the beauty of the west coast for the
second time in my life. Again feeling the same sadness in leaving,
for it is on the coast, in the embrace of the pacific ocean, that
Ive felt the echoes of the past calling to me, welcoming me home. I
drifted back east, over the mountains and down, landing once more in
the ghettos of Saskatoon. And it was here that I found the missing
elements of my person, the love and the anger I both so desperately
After my grandmother died there was all of the remainders of her life
still left behind, the physical accumulations of time and comfort.
But aside from a single item, a family legacy she left to me, it all
felt to me to be nothing more than meaningless physicality: stuff
without true substance or purpose other than to isolate ourselves
from our true nature. I had for some time before her death been
grappling with this problem in my life, the true meaninglessness of
physical possessions, and I think Doris passing only served to
sollidify in my mind the need to extricate myself from the grips of
materialism. You cannot take it with you, and it will not bring you
any measure of real happiness, or so has said every prophet of the
the one and many named God.
Ive slept in alleyways, in hallways, on busses moving cross-country,
on borrowed couch-spaces in little west-side houses of the hood, in
the deep darkness high in the mountains, in fields under the full-on
glare of the burning prairie sun. I have slept but known no rest. I
went the better part of a year without a single dream remembered come
the light of morning, and all because I could feel no home within
myself and therefore knew no home anywhere else I looked.
So again, in the dissmal west-side ghetto of Saskatoon I found myself
with little more than the bag on my back and the smallest of
possessions within, but I knew what real riches were atlast and I
felt a happiness in my life I had not felt for many years. Stripped
bare, or atleast nearly naked, of stuff and things, I found true
companionship where before I had only turned from it. I found a
woman of heart and mind I could honour and celerate in, and I found
the courage to live life again with an open heart. I found the anger
that drives me once again to create, to stand up against that which I
find most intollerable about our world. In all of this I have found
the beginnings of the home I lost with the death of my father, and
have desired ever since.
We are conditioned by our materialistic cultures to see homelessness
only in terms of its physical realities, but in my experience it is
the spiritual reality underpinning it all that is the true horror.
We may eat, such that our bodies will continue, but if the spirit is
not fed it will wither and die, and our physicals selves surely
follow. This collection is a dedication to God, and the journey of
my life through homelessness. I would like to thank you for reading.
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R E M / O R S E 1 9 8 1 /
ns - ------------------------- //------------------------------/- -
D E V I N !
. H O M E L E S S ! /.
The idea of dropping my alias and drawing under my real name first
became prevalent in my mind during the early stages of this collection
and the further I progressed the more sense it made to me. I had been
drawing as Hiro for so long, yet the name and persona seemed very far
away from me, from my actual reality, and I knew the words necessary
for this to succeed in my own opinion could not come from behind that
mask. I needed to speak from my true person, to lay claim to the art
that had only existed for me in the shadow reality of the scene. I
picked up the alias after reading Neal Stephensons SnowCrash in
the early 9os. The book was given to me by a girl I knew from the 3o6
local, a bbs chick, and in giving it to me she described it as you in
print meaning it contained a relatively acurate portrayal of who I
was, as well as who I wished to become. Ive read that book now more
times than I can recall, but the last time I read it the story felt
worn-out a young mans story of becoming, rather than of being. In
that instance I realized it was because I had become what I was to be,
and no longer desired or needed the inspirational stories of my youth.
I was at last a real person, with only these small reminders hanging
on. I am glad to have finially severed them ... so please, call me
Devin, its my name, ok?
Remorse will be celebrating its 1o year anniversary by the time
you read this, no small feat by any measure. Im glad that life has
brought be back to the scene in time to celebrate this milestone, as
Ive been a part of the crew since the very first pack and felt shitty
enough missing ACiDs 1ooth pack. There seems to be a small ascii
revolution brewing again, what with the return of block and a general
increase in production by our membership, and I hope to keep on
keeping on right along with it. I returned to Remorse because it was
the only place I really belonged. PC was a nice attempt at bringing
back the small-crew idea, but even that couldnt stop the circling of
the drain that became the ascii blackhole of 2oo2 check it out,
hardly anyone released anything at all in o2, either side of the
scene, it was all dead everywhere. At times being in Remorse can
feel distant, because we are a such big group, but this is just the
negative flipside of having a deeply diverse and talented team backing
you up. Since Ive been back Ive talked to so many old friends, and
shared such a good vibe with everyone. It really has been wonderful.
The styles contained within this collection are original. I have
taken inspiration from other artists, as always, but these are my
creations. If you feel otherwise, fuck off - I couldnt care less
really - I did this for me, not for some kind of scene glory bullshit.
Drawing this colly has been about more than that to me, as it must be
for me to go on doing it, especially after all these years. My
respect to everyone who understands what this means, and creates with
their own original voice and individual vision. About halfway through
this production I remembered there was once a board called Homeless,
but I havent used any of their logos. That wouldnt be right, or
respectful of the artists who drew for them.
This is my 23rd collection to date. Despite losing all of my own
art and archives back in 97 I have been able to recover them all
again except for HP-KRS1.TXT, Katharsis Rules Supreme, and would
love to hear from you if you have a copy of this early work of mine.
Looking back at my own art I really dont like much of it before
R-TM.TXT, The Message, but I recognize it was all a part of the
process that got me to this point of individuality in my art, and
Ild like you all to think about your own rough beginnings before the
next time you rag on some newbie. It is important that we teach newbs
to respect others styles, but we must also forgive them for their
occasional lack of originality if the scene is to have any future
leading artists. I see collections with greets to people who havent
even drawn in this century, and I have to question what the point of
it is? A desire to be appear cool or likewise bullshit? Repetition
is murder on the creativity of the soul! The twilight of the idols
has come and gone, and it is time we all did more with our art. There
are changes coming, I can feel it growing again, somewhere at the
edges, in the fringe, somewhere out there where the newbs come from..
- Devin Davidson, a/k/a/ Hiro Protagonist ACiD/Remorse1981
email: hiro@acid.org
/ 4:2Oa / O5.11.2OO4 / 175k / 35OO lines
// / XXX -/ / : H O M E L E S S !
/ XXX / : . fAH+S!
/ : . .xXXXXXXXx. bZZ!
666demon scene raps big in japan .
panospria mindsplit dipswitch : . / .
sac mortmer twang rewind c ::::::
safari sessions 16colors cotm C40oz.
netpimpz the yard tinyz -----
mimic textmode colly logos 7
X haciend remorse --------------- -- --- -
/XXX / : i NDE X
XX/ j
.----- ------ Mt
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o1 request: the evil ones 666DEMoN infofile
::/ that is infact a juzam djinn. im a geek.
666-plastikman-closer.rar ::: . :::::
cCCCCCc. ::: :::::
+. cCCCCCCCCCCc ::: :::::
-., + ++++++ ++ cCCCCCCCCCCCCc ... :
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::: POOR PATHETIC / ::::: E
/ ... IS AT AN END! / / ::::: o
/ ::: / / / ::::: N
::: ... 7
::: tHE EViL oNES REtURN 666DEMoN! :::
::: /dVN/ :::
::: Plastikman - Closer 256 kbit CD :::
:::........................ Released: xx.xx.O4 .........:::
Original: x CD CDr 12 Label: NovaMute
Artist / Title: Plastikman / Closer 2OO3 - NoMu 1OO CD
Release Notes: Quality: 256 kbits
Originally released October 2O, 2OO3.
O1. Ask Yourself 8:47
O2. Mind Encode 5:41
O3. Lost 4:37
O4. Disconnect 4:57
O5. Slow Poke Twilight Zone Mix 7:5O
O6. Headcase 9:55
O7. Ping Pong 9:3O
O8. Mind In Rewind 1O:21
O9. I No 3:42
1O. I Dont Know 1O:O4
Ripped by The Evil Ones
If you enjoy this release purchase it! It is impossible for
artists to continue creating music without your support!
/ / / / / / / dVN
../ 666DEMoN! ..
: : OO1. Plastikman - Closer 2OO4 256 kbit CD O9.O4 : :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o2 request: radman scene raps 2oo4
::/ its still available only on our member ftp.
.x 7 //x.
................ ............ ............. / ...... / dVN
O9-11-O4 / / ACIDRAP1.RAR / /
//. / sCENE rAPS 2OO4!
Track Artist Title Time
-------------------------------------------Total Time XX:XX-
/ 2oo4!
O1 ACIDRAP1.RAR A 1O,OOO,OOO kb ACiD Presents: Scene Raps 2OO4 o1/o1
/ // / /l
++ //dVN
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o3 boredom: tom waits im big in japan
::/ i like weird old-guy music.
,, / / / 7
.:.:.:. / / Y / / Y
/ / : // / / r81
// : / / 7 / dVN
// / / Y : / /Y
Y / / /
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o4 request: khanfuschious panospria
::/ sorry i missed hearing you play yet again!
dVN .: / : r81
.::::::: / P A N O S P R I A :::::::.
Panospria celebrates their latest release on xx.xx.2oo4! //
// Artist: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Album Title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: Release Notes: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :/
/: Format: CD MiniCD 12 Total Running Time: xx:xx :
Tracklisting: o1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //
: o2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //:
:// o3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :
// o4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx
/: o5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :
: o6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :/
o7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //
: o8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx //:
:// o9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx :
// 1o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:xx
About Panospria: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx //
// Greets: ACiD Productions NoType Brave New Waves
- -----------/----------- - dVN
//---- Panospria Infofile designed by Devin of ACiD Productions! ----
/ 7 .
7 / //
/ / / l // /
/ / :: / l .. / :: /
/ 7 / //
/ / / / / dVN
/ / / l
- -- ------- /----------- dVN /
panospria dVN
----------------------------- p a n o s p r i a ------------------------
/ 7 / /
l/ /l/
: PANOSPRIA Records Presents: xxxxxxxxxxxx :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o5 request: psg mindsplit
::/ damn, those are some big boobies.
/ / / / / dVN
/ / / / / /------------ / r81
MiNDSPLiT.NET /-- - - -----
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o6 respect: dipswitchasl dipswitch + aerosol
::/ thanks for the logos buddy! hope you like mine.
7 / / / /
/ / /- / / 7 / 7
- ------------------------------: :-------------------------dVN-- -
. V .
- ----------------------------- Y ----------------------------- -
/ / / // dVN
/ / / / / // dVN
/ / // dVN
: A E R O S O L
O1 ASL-XXXX.TXT T 1OO,OOO kb / . : dVN
l/ l/
aEROSOL!pRESENTS: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// / / / Aerosol Presents:
//o. //l /
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o7 respect: sac crew superior art creations
::/ congrats on your upcomming 1O year anniversary!
superior art creations /
: ::.. dVN / / // r81 ..:: :
O1 SACXX.ZIP A 1O,OOO,OOO kb . superior art creations!
: dVN
sac presents: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
l xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
O2 SACXX.ZIP A 1O,OOO,OOO kb .------- --- -- ----------.
:S.A.C./ / // PRESENTS :
: / / / / ART :
: / // // / PACK :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o8 respect: mortimer twang mt + divine stylers
::/ my favorite ami crew, and one of my favorite artists!
/ // l/l / /l / ll /
/ dVN . .
/ / l l l /
/ / d i v i n e ! s t y l e r s
/ /dVN :::
/ / / / / / / / / / / / dVN
d I V I N E ! S T Y L E R s //
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ o9 request: dioxide rewind
::/ a prettier remix hell probably never use.. sigh
/ / // // o. / .o // //
dVN // / /X// // / // r81
REWIND! vx.xxa - dIOXIDe // ..Now Loading!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 1o request: ansichrist safari sessions
::/ your skills are incredibly deep my friend!
dVN : : / : /
7 /
7 7
: : : : r81
l- + S A F A R I + S E S S I O N S + -l
. dVN // - -------------------- -------------------------- - // r81 .
. . . dVN
A REMORSE / / / / / / / / / / /.
2OO4 / // /
7777 7:77/.
Sometimes I feel drained of all my creativity, like I cant possibly
go on drawing. Usually I just turn off the computer at this point,
but occasionally I like to look back at our packs and find strength in how
far weve all come in developing our own styles. It was at a time such
as this that I found this gem in an old Remorse pack. Somehow I
had missed seeing it before, but when I did finially find it
it came when I needed it most.
. ::::: ::: / YXX--XX7
::::: :::: // ./ Y7 / 7Y O
.wH0 ::::: ::::: / /. , o //
::: ::::: / ----.o
I .
YXXXX77XX7 . .
YXXX7 / /
Thanks Whodini, that ascii is awesome!
Its this kind of respect and love that keeps me coming back.
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 11 respect: lord scarlet sixteencolors.net
::/ nice to see someone keeping ansi history alive.
/ SiXTEENCOLORS.NET + The new home for ANSI Artwork!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 12 request: haliphax cotm board design
::/ this design is for haliphaxs exclusive use!
CotM! / Youve connected to ...
Y / / /
: x.dVN
@ ... Constipation of the Mind! Remorse USHQ! System Operator: Haliphax
BBS Name SysOp Affiliations Telnet IP Address
/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::dVN /
:. / /:: / dVN:
. 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
. 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
. 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
: 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :
:: / / // / / dVN ::
.--------/ / / / / : CotM!
/ / / / // dVN :
Which File Area Would You Like To View?
/ // dVN
/ O CotM! o / O o
/ o O / o O/
// / / dVN.
+---- - cONSTIPATIONoFtHEmINDmAINmENU! - ----+
.oOOo. .oOOo. CotM!
/ / //o :
/ / / / / / / / Y / / / / / :
o/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / :
- ---/- -/ / --o:
dVN //o / :
- --- - OOOO /--------------------:
:::::::::::::: User Configuration ::::::::::::/dVN
1 Alias: Hiro Protagonist
. 2 Email: hiro@acid.org .
3 Affiliations: ACiD/r81
. 4 Location: Middlanowhere, Canada .
. 5 Password: XXXXXXXXXX .
: 6 Menu Set: Devin/r81 :
::. 7 Emulation: ANSI .::
::. 8 Default Protocol: ZModem .::
:.:: 9 Message Editor: Full Screen ::.:
::::::::: cONSTIPATIONoFtHEMINDuSERlIST! :::::::::
User Location Affiliations Last On
/ o
/ /:./ ,, O .
// / // / dVN
: Node User Current Action Online Chat? :
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 13 request: nightrain netpimpz
::/ pimpin aint easy, but you do it well my friend.
/ / / / / / dVN
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 14 respect: zaner the yard
::/ one of the prettiest boards Ive ever seen!
/ / // t H E y A R D
- tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY / aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 96O4 -
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 15 respect: tinyz tinyz + forgot about poland
::/ well always love you big poppaz!
: : / +kTS!
/ / / / / / MIA
tINYZ! / :---/ /
/ : dVN
/ // / / Motherfuckers try to
/ / / move their lips but
/ / / / // / / / / / nothing comings out
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / but a bunch of giberish
/ / / / My opponent, clearly he
/ / / / / forgot about Poland.
/ / / / / / / / / / - George H. W. Bush
/ During the 1st of the
2OO4 Presidental
/ / Debates
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / DONT FORGET /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / ABOUT POLAND! /
dVN / .
/ / and motherfuckers still
// forget about Tinyz!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 16 respect: mmc crew mimic
::/ respect? i must have been smoking the rock.
MK:OD :/ : ://
::::X / dVN M i M i C !
// :: / / :: mIMIC aSC ..
/ l / /
/ .o / l .o//
/ dVN / .o //
dVN/ r81/
Mimic Ascii Pack XX
a/k/a the Remorse farm-team!
--------- ii ! /ii ---------
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 17 boredom: anyone with use textmode
::/ at first i was like, wtf? but now i love the term.
:: / / / .. t e x t m o d e
/ :: / / / / :: / g r a p h i c s
dVN :: / // / :: /
.----------- .. --- WARNING! ----- / ------ :: ----/--------------.
.:X: This ascii art collection makes extensive use of the extended ascii :X:.
:X: character set and is best displayed using the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx font! :X:
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 18 boredom: anyone credits / greets / respect
::/ alter as required, just be sure to include my tag.
: C redits for this ascii collection ...
: G reetings to my friends ...
: R espect to my favorite artists ... ..
---------------------------------------------------- -/-----dVN----
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 19 respect: h7ds!/trsi haciend + h7
::/ big ups to one of my favorite colly makers!
: // / H A C I E N D !
/ . / / .. dVN /
:: ii : : :::.
. :: ll ::
. dVN XX .
ll h7!
e /
h o m e l / s s ! /
/ -/ / / dVN
/ /:::/ 2o respect: rmrs crew remorse
::/ its nice to have a home again, thanks peeps.
ReMoRSe! // ..
/ V / /
/ / Y / : / / //
// / dVN//
:: .. .. dVN ::
:: ii .. :: ::
:: :::: XX ii ii ::
Founders: Necromancer, Necronite Senior Staff: Nightrain, K-Spiff
Artists: Beastie, Cthulhu, Gangsta, Hiro Protagonist, Hyped,
Mephitopeles, Ogre, Omicron, Paradox, Phaser-X, Terminator2, Whodini
Global Coordinator: Martyr Resident Mop Top: Bastardiser
November, 1994
O1 R-XXXXXX.TXT T 198,1OO kb
/ / // / R
/ / / / E 1
/ / / /. ..../. M 9
/ / / / / / / / .:.::.:. O 8
/ / / / / / / : ::.:: R 1
/ / / dVN E
O2 R-XXXXXX.TXT T 19O,O81 kb REMORSE 1981 :: collectionnamehere!
/ / dVN / ::
O3 R-XXXXXX.TXT T 19O,81O kb / ..... .:.
dVN/ : /::.:: :
Remorse1981 Presents: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
O4 RMRS-XX.ZIP A 313,373 kb / /
R E M O R S E // P A C K X X
. / XX h O M E L E S S
. / : : H7/dS!
ii :
H O M E L E S s ll
.. .: cONTACT mE! .: /
/ / ! 7 Y / 7
. /dVN /
Email: hiro@ACiD.org // Hiro Protagonist
// c/o ACiD Publishing
IRC: hiro81 remorse efnet // PO Box 24523
// San Jose, CA
BBS: The Yard, Constipation of the Mind // 95154 USA
:: / // I am pleased to take anyones
a BOUT DEVI N ::::: : request but I give priority to .
:: ::::: :: / // TRADES and ARTISTS REQUESTS!
. // / : , g .:
. / -@-@-7 :.
/ / 7 /b ::
: :::::: /Q
/ 7nM+
. / /. / / dVN
// 7 X
Tag: dVN // Name: Devin Davidson Alias: Hiro Protagonist Country: .CA
ex-hP! // Past Affiliations: Katharsis!Ascii / Trank wU! / Quad-P
// Revolt Literature / CIA / FOOD / Partners Criminals
// Current Affiliations: Remorse 1981 / ACiD Productions
:: / Drawing Ascii: Since 1989 In Scene: Since 1994 Age: 30
:: Tools: TheDraw v4.61 / PabloDraw v2.O.8 / QEdit v4 / AFS v2.O1a
/ . MicroSlave R Notepad / TrueSchool Fonts vO.7
sL/ 7 7He mH !
:: / Music: Metal, Techno, DnB, Hip Hop, Jazz, Classical. :: .
::..... Hobbies: Magic: The Gathering, Computers, My Vices..
. ... Vices: The Herb, Cigs, Women, Literature, Education.
/ / :: Favorite Artists: Ansichrist, h7, Killa Hertz,
. : / Lord Jazz, Mogue, Mortimer Twang, Shock G, Tinyz
// / and Whodini. :
::...... / // 7 ::
dVN 7
:::: :// Ansichrist, Cru, Dipswitch, Don Rapello, Fahrenheit, Haliphax //.
// h7, Necromancer, Nightrain, Nstage, Radman, Raster Burn, //.:
// Scour, Spinsane, Whodini, and Zaner. // ::
// I only greet people Ive actually talked to recently! // ::
. g REETING S ..
This collection would . not have been ...................... .. .
possible without the i love and support
l ::: My sincere thanks to all
of my woman, Kat. X Thanks baby!
.X. ::: of my talented guests!
::: X ::: :: ::: ::: dVN
/ / // / 7 :::
Primary Ascii and Design ................. Devin of Remorse dVN/r81
ACiD ............................. Speed Devil of Remorse +sD+/rMRS
RMRS ................................... Whodini of Remorse wH0/r81
Beanie Guy .............................. J.Hale of Remorse jh/rMRS
Remorse .................... Whodini Devin of Remorse wH0+dVN/r81
Homeless .................................. Cru of Remorse cRu/rMRS
Hiro ...................................... Scour of Remorse S!/r81
Remorse .............................. Polymorph of Remorse pm/rMRS
Devin ................................ Ansichrist of Remorse ns/r81
Homeless ................. Fahrenheit Scour of Remorse fAH+S!/r81
Index .................... Mortimer Twang of Divine Stylers Mt/dS!
I Love Devin ........................... Whodini of Remorse wH0/r81
Homeless .............................. H7 of Divine Stylers h7/dS!
Hippie Guy .............. Necromancer Devin of Remorse nM+dVN/r81
RMRS .................................. Kaleidas of Remorse kal/r81
Remorse ................................ Wise-K of Remorse wk!/rMRS
Remorse ............................... Paradox of Remorse pDx/rMRS
RMRS Gangsta ............................ J.Hale of Remorse jh/rMRS
Remorse FileId........... Native aka Dezibel of Aerosol n7v!/aSL
Modemland ............................. Shock G of Jedi Arts sg/jA!
::::. ::: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::::::: ::::. kal
.:::::: h ISTOR Y
1 9 9 6
R-ANO.ASC Another Colly ................................. Erupt 38,676 KB
R-ASS.ASC Asshole ................................. Necromancer 88,6O6 KB
R-HEP.ASC Hepcat! ........................................ Haji 23,893 KB
R-JAGOFF.ASC Jagoff! .................................... Everlast 111,982 KB
R-MFC.ASC Muh First Colly ............................... Erupt 25,812 KB
R-OMISAN.ASC Shogun Assasin: Nostalgia ................... Omicron 48,55O KB
R-WDWGFH.ASC Where Do We Go From Here .................... Whodini 141,927 KB
1 9 9 7
R-11HOUR.TXT The 11th Hour .............................. Nitrogen 1O8,546 KB
R-BUGOTM.TXT Out The Moon .................................. Bugsy 93,447 KB
R-DEBUT.TXT The Debut .................................... Revert 23,588 KB
R-DNB.TXT Do Not Breathe ........................... Bad Spirit 13,518 KB
R-EDEN.TXT Eden ................................... Phreak Klass 27,788 KB
R-EUROT.TXT Eurotrash ...................................... Trip 17,85O KB
R-FUTURE.TXT The Future .............. Cyberkid + Hiro Protagonist 129,617 KB
R-H2C.TXT Hellraiser 2: Chernobyl ..................... Whodini 145,423 KB
R-ITC.TXT In The City ................................. Whodini 96,647 KB
R-ITMOM.TXT In The Mouth of Madness ............ Hiro Protagonist 35O,O37 KB
R-LIBERT.TXT Libertad ............................... Truman Starr 45,843 KB
R-MHZAMH.TXT Activate My Hate ........................ Megga Hertz 114,OO9 KB
R-MHZHEU.TXT Hit Em Up! ............................. Megga Hertz 1O,495 KB
R-MHZTGF.TXT The Godfather ........................... Megga Hertz 95,623 KB
R-MHZTGI.TXT Thug Immortal ........................... Megga Hertz 76,523 KB
R-MHZTKP.TXT The Kingpin ............................. Megga Hertz 112,671 KB
R-MHZTLD.TXT The Last Don ............................ Megga Hertz 88,862 KB
R-MLNNM.TXT Millennium ......................... Hiro Protagonist 95,923 KB
R-MNFGT.TXT Faget ........................................ Merlin 21,898 KB
R-MNWTSN.ASC Where The Sun Never Shines ................... Merlin 17,87O KB
R-MONEY.TXT Money .............................. Hiro Protagonist 13O,OOO KB
R-NOSOUL.TXT NoSoul ....................................... Erupt 55,574 KB
R-OMISKK.TXT Stoan Cold Killers .......................... Omicron 31,465 KB
R-STORY.TXT The Story .................................. Nitrogen 78,543 KB
R-SV.TXT Satanic Verses .................... Blindman Miasma 48,798 KB
R-TDA.TXT The Day After ........................... Megga Hertz 6O,999 KB
R-TERRA.TXT Terra Cotta ............................. Necromancer 42,751 KB
R-THE1.TXT Im The One ................................. Whodini 1OO,939 KB
R-TMI.TXT Het Morbid Inzicht ..................... Phreak Klass 23,OO6 KB
R-TRYPT.TXT Tryptical .................................... J.Hale 38,935 KB
R-TSM.TXT To Serve Man ....................... Hiro Protagonist 193,445 KB
R-VI.TXT Vision ....................................... Miasma 38,214 KB
R-VOICEZ.TXT Voicez ....................................... Miasma 39,O94 KB
1 9 9 8
R-BS.TXT Beat Surrender .............................. Whodini 111,18O KB
R-BUGANT.TXT Album Number Ten .............................. Bugsy 35,O25 KB
R-DBD.TXT Dont Back Down ............................. Whodini 73,825 KB
R-E5KTB.TXT Kick The Bong .......................... Erick Sermon 28,764 KB
R-FITTER.TXT Fitter Happier ......................... Truman Starr 85,515 KB
R-FUN.TXT Some More Fun ................................. Erupt 56,651 KB
R-IMBACK.TXT Im Back ...................................... Bugsy 36,494 KB
R-IN.TXT Inverse Nakedness ............................ Miasma 31,676 KB
R-OCKS.TXT Lust Is Entrusted Temporary Relief ........ Poskgubbe 1O2,464 KB
R-QUIKEE.TXT A Quickee ..................................... Erupt 42,615 KB
R-R-R-R.TXT Ascii Picks Up Chicks! .................... Poskgubbe 14,398 KB
R-SLEEP.TXT Sleep ......................................... Martz 36,1O7 KB
1 9 9 9
R-1999.TXT Its 1999 And Im So Fucked ................. Whodini 44,614 KB
R-CRAUNI.TXT The Crazy Unique .............................. Erupt 45,1O2 KB
R-GIRL.TXT Girl, Youre On My Mind ................... Poskgubbe 12,481 KB
R-GIRL2.TXT Girl, Ive Got the Crackrock Flu Again .... Poskgubbe 5,453 KB
R-MERPEA.TXT One World One Nation ........................... Talo 54,6O7 KB
R-MNINEA.ASC Old And Werd Stuff ............................. Talo 6,411 KB
R-OZZ81A.TXT The Newcoming ................................ Kayozz 2O,O75 KB
R-OZZ81B.TXT Cash ......................................... Kayozz 9,995 KB
R-PROS .TXT Prospero And Nuevo ........................ Poskgubbe 7,684 KB
R-STRESS.TXT Stress ........................................ Erupt 52,74O KB
R-TM.TXT The Message ........................ Hiro Protagonist 125,2OO KB
REHAB!.TXT Next Stop, Rehab! .................. Whodini + Wise-K 61,1O1 KB
2 O O O
R-ANGEL.TXT Shes An Angel .............................. Whodini 52,843 KB
R-FALLI.TXT Anonymous! ..................................... Talo 11,591 KB
R-GTM100.TXT Gimme The Mingus .............................. Pesho 88,255 KB
R-HERMAN.TXT Hermana ....................................... Pesho 11O,365 KB
R-MATEY.TXT Who Are You Guys? ......................... Poskgubbe 9,715 KB
2 O O 1
R-3DD2.TXT Three Dimension Deception Vol:2 ............ Spinsane 122,121 KB
R-MILLA.TXT Milla ..................................... Sinse One 42,O98 KB
R-NF.TXT New Forms .......................... Hiro Protagonist 6O,O1O KB
R-SUNDAY.TXT On A Sunday ................................ Tzeentch 35,988 KB
R-VDOP.TXT Vulgar Display Of Power .................... Tzeentch 35,825 KB
2 O O 2
2 O O 3
R-FOUR.TXT Four ..................................... Ansichrist 195,487 KB
R-OZZ81C.TXT Who The Fuck Is Kayozz? ...................... Kayozz 31,O38 KB
2 O O 4
R-HL.TXT Homeless ...................................... Devin 175,OOO KB
R-S1994.TXT Shambala 94 .................................. Pesho 1O3,198 KB
/pDx---------------/-- --- -- - -
. H O M E L E S S !
dVN -
:... l :
:::: l l l l l l l l :
::: / / l l / l / :
: / / // l / / / / // .
:::: Copyright c 2OO4 ACiD Publishing. All rights reserved. ::+:
/ T
jh. , , , , , - - --
-- - - - - remrse
: HOMELESS - Starring Devin ex-Hiro/hP! :
--- o5.11.2oo4 --/-- rEMORSE!198i ---
/ / / / / / -sg
Remorse WHQ
Katharsis WHQ
Quad-P WHQ
Ganja Canada HQ
i miss it still
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