this image contains text
// N4.
. . goop is c 1d
to Tsk
..,,.. 8
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:.. L .! TL : :88,. !
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T. :..JF j::: :- L
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:b. b. .*888 !
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: !L :... . : . : .....: . :.. : . . . : . 8!*..g8
.....: . . .,,. .,.ii:
:....... . ------: .: ..ibdL ::
. : . :......,- jP!P .4. :
. . .. T! ooh, TF ..: : .
: !b. .d! .
:... !b. ..:: .d! .
. . .... 4b. .d! ..
:: 4bd! :
yep... we still got it. :
310 liner by ret, cmang, textmode exorcist, th0r, avg, unseen, zV, sodiumN4 Pablo semi-dedicated server joint took place over about a week and a half period. To those that participated: Thank you. To those that connected to the server and just sat around waiting to watch somebody draw something: screw you. Ill never host another big open server joint again. -ret
P.S. Mega props to avg and zV, you two were the ones that really kept this
thing going.
. . goop is c 1d
to Tsk
..,,.. 8
* .. .88. l ,B !b. .i!4L 8l !.. --, TL8. :F .F j:l : ! :LL :,8L :: b.!L...
:.. L .! TL : :88,. !
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T. :..JF j::: :- L
. 8,,,.,,i! d :1 .- T
b. *8! :: : .i :
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L : ,dF
:b. b. .*888 !
L *8: .i....., *8 :!*- *! iii,..,d !,gi88i.4 .!!F.i!4L T!*--* :.*!! 1010.!: F..iL T: .,,. :!8,. 0101.l :: :!F JF 8b.:. ! ! 1110.!. Ta. .. .P., :L:.. : 1001 ..b.!i,,. !! :F l.i l 0011 b, !!*- 4.: j. : : 0111 P.d!.d .,gF ,i.. .. : 0110 F .d!.!!: : .db b.. i 1100 :8,!: :L T! d jP.i. : : 1001 !i. TL :b.. .,diiiii: L 0100 dF ,. L i :8*! b.1001: : :: !L : ..l 7 ... . .. .*! T1011 :!F lF : :L .. .. : .: ... :.... . . . ... i*L.,d,
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: !L :... . : . : .....: . :.. : . . . : . 8!*..g8
.....: . . .,,. .,.ii:
:....... . ------: .: ..ibdL ::
. : . :......,- jP!P .4. :
. . .. T! ooh, TF ..: : .
: !b. .d! .
:... !b. ..:: .d! .
. . .... 4b. .d! ..
:: 4bd! :
yep... we still got it. :
310 liner by ret, cmang, textmode exorcist, th0r, avg, unseen, zV, sodiumN4 Pablo semi-dedicated server joint took place over about a week and a half period. To those that participated: Thank you. To those that connected to the server and just sat around waiting to watch somebody draw something: screw you. Ill never host another big open server joint again. -ret
P.S. Mega props to avg and zV, you two were the ones that really kept this
thing going.
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