this image contains text
..rune newsle
tter ish1..
well what most ppl thought would most l
ikely never
happened has.. rune has been resurrected fr
om the dead in
this first rune revival pack.. it is a very long and
story about why rune died in the first place and i would
rather not
go into it.. basically i will just say that
i was out of the scene for
about four months and then i finally came back and changed my
handle to
gunthar from sir lancelot.. i had no intention of tryin
g to get rune
going again.. basically because i pretty much figured eve
rybody wouldve
given up on it and there would be no point.. but after a
few local ppl
talked to me about it i decided to go for it.. and i was quite
at the response.. we already have twice as m
any members as we did before
and it looks like things are going to be improving from he
re.. so i will
try and stick around for a while and see where i can take
this group..
enough of this boring shit..on to the good stuff..
.. the news ..
well as you could imagine quite a few changes have taken place
since our
last release.. our top ansi artist omega red has go
tten into warez for
some unknown reason although we think it may have something to
do with
the rabid muskrat attack a while ago..he seem
s to have developed severe
mental retardation and now believes that he i
s michael jackson.. for-
tunately for us though he decided to come back to rune but
only as an
artist so he is no longer a senior member.. we did pick u
p three new
senior members however.. grashoper
is the guy who finally convinced me
to get rune going again.. he is now our internet person.. he
has been
working on a bot so we can set up a rune channel and may be ge
tting a
www page going soon as well.. he is also an easy way for ppl t
o turn in
apps or work if you have an inet account.. just attach them to
email to
him.. his address is in the mem list.. and we also got a
real coder now
with valacar who was supposed to b
e doing the app gen for this month but
we unfortunately lost contact with him these
last two weeks and could not
get it finished.. i have learned that he is
alive and well so we should
be able to expect some good coded work from him along with our
other two
coders grashoper and lord syn.. and our
latest addition to the senior
staff of rune studios is our very own cheeze monkey
.. this guy is just
so elite that we had to include him.. his job is the most
important one
of all the senior members because we get to beat the crap out o
f him
just for the hell of it.. so keep up the goo
d work cz and i hope youre
feeling better soon.. thats it for the news
this month.. some things to
watch out for in the near future are sketch-n
et the rune support net
idea emag which was originally going to be released with sin b
ut dark
shadow decided to go with rune and a rune viewer may be finish
ed some-
time within the next few months..
.. the groupe ..
i thought id use up a little space to explain a bit about
what the group
is all about.. basically rune studios is for
those artists who are sick
of putting up with all the bs you find in many of todays art g
roups.. it
is for ppl who are not in the scene just to prove their leetnes
s but for
those who want to draw just for the sake of drawing period.. i
will not
accept members into the group who have shitty attitudes or thin
k that
they are just thee greatest artist or whatever.. so if yo
u are an aspi-
ring young artist or even an experienced and talented one then
this is
the group for you : no expectations and no restrictions.. as
long as
you release fairly regularly you can do whate
ver else floats yer boat..
.. the members ..
i have been able to bring back a few of the old members from th
e original
group but most are now unreachable.. if you are an ex-run
e member and
you are still interested in the group then either get in t
ouch with me on
the whq istar see the member list for the phone number o
r if you have a
internet account then send email to grashoper address also in
the member
list.. there are also some ppl listed in th
e member list this month who
are not active members but i am releasing the
ir work in this pack because
it was supposed to be released last september.. also if yo
u are a member
of rune studios then make sure you read the member info file..
.. closing crap ..
alright thats it for this month.. check out the pac
k and stuff and see
what you think.. i just wanna thank everybody who helped m
e get this
thing out cuz otherwise you wouldnt be reading this.. and
for anybody
who actually did read the whole newsletter.. well you must
have a lot of
spare time.. go beat off or something..
..rune newsle
tter ish1..
well what most ppl thought would most l
ikely never
happened has.. rune has been resurrected fr
om the dead in
this first rune revival pack.. it is a very long and
story about why rune died in the first place and i would
rather not
go into it.. basically i will just say that
i was out of the scene for
about four months and then i finally came back and changed my
handle to
gunthar from sir lancelot.. i had no intention of tryin
g to get rune
going again.. basically because i pretty much figured eve
rybody wouldve
given up on it and there would be no point.. but after a
few local ppl
talked to me about it i decided to go for it.. and i was quite
at the response.. we already have twice as m
any members as we did before
and it looks like things are going to be improving from he
re.. so i will
try and stick around for a while and see where i can take
this group..
enough of this boring shit..on to the good stuff..
.. the news ..
well as you could imagine quite a few changes have taken place
since our
last release.. our top ansi artist omega red has go
tten into warez for
some unknown reason although we think it may have something to
do with
the rabid muskrat attack a while ago..he seem
s to have developed severe
mental retardation and now believes that he i
s michael jackson.. for-
tunately for us though he decided to come back to rune but
only as an
artist so he is no longer a senior member.. we did pick u
p three new
senior members however.. grashoper
is the guy who finally convinced me
to get rune going again.. he is now our internet person.. he
has been
working on a bot so we can set up a rune channel and may be ge
tting a
www page going soon as well.. he is also an easy way for ppl t
o turn in
apps or work if you have an inet account.. just attach them to
email to
him.. his address is in the mem list.. and we also got a
real coder now
with valacar who was supposed to b
e doing the app gen for this month but
we unfortunately lost contact with him these
last two weeks and could not
get it finished.. i have learned that he is
alive and well so we should
be able to expect some good coded work from him along with our
other two
coders grashoper and lord syn.. and our
latest addition to the senior
staff of rune studios is our very own cheeze monkey
.. this guy is just
so elite that we had to include him.. his job is the most
important one
of all the senior members because we get to beat the crap out o
f him
just for the hell of it.. so keep up the goo
d work cz and i hope youre
feeling better soon.. thats it for the news
this month.. some things to
watch out for in the near future are sketch-n
et the rune support net
idea emag which was originally going to be released with sin b
ut dark
shadow decided to go with rune and a rune viewer may be finish
ed some-
time within the next few months..
.. the groupe ..
i thought id use up a little space to explain a bit about
what the group
is all about.. basically rune studios is for
those artists who are sick
of putting up with all the bs you find in many of todays art g
roups.. it
is for ppl who are not in the scene just to prove their leetnes
s but for
those who want to draw just for the sake of drawing period.. i
will not
accept members into the group who have shitty attitudes or thin
k that
they are just thee greatest artist or whatever.. so if yo
u are an aspi-
ring young artist or even an experienced and talented one then
this is
the group for you : no expectations and no restrictions.. as
long as
you release fairly regularly you can do whate
ver else floats yer boat..
.. the members ..
i have been able to bring back a few of the old members from th
e original
group but most are now unreachable.. if you are an ex-run
e member and
you are still interested in the group then either get in t
ouch with me on
the whq istar see the member list for the phone number o
r if you have a
internet account then send email to grashoper address also in
the member
list.. there are also some ppl listed in th
e member list this month who
are not active members but i am releasing the
ir work in this pack because
it was supposed to be released last september.. also if yo
u are a member
of rune studios then make sure you read the member info file..
.. closing crap ..
alright thats it for this month.. check out the pac
k and stuff and see
what you think.. i just wanna thank everybody who helped m
e get this
thing out cuz otherwise you wouldnt be reading this.. and
for anybody
who actually did read the whole newsletter.. well you must
have a lot of
spare time.. go beat off or something..
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