![impho-age phile by jester](/pack/s0ap0196/x1/S0AP0196.NFO.png)
this image contains text
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ss, s s s s s, ss s,, s, s s, s s, ss ,s s s s s s s s s, ss , s , s , s , s, ,s ss s ss s ss s s , , s, sss ss ss s, s, ,ssSSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS - , ,s s
yo.. jester back once again this tyme in 96 to write you all
this phunked up infoage phile ... now , ive been gettin .s
. phlak from the boyz cuz i havent drawn a new info file
s well TOO phukkin bad .. really , ive been quite busy P s
+ . but , thats all illevant .. as usual , i give my thanks
s to all the d00dlers who make the scene work and to all
: the people that are taking the time to read this info
+ file.
ok , down to the real deal. s0ap went thru a ruff time
. s. this month , rumor of merge and shiznit was going on and
. .S we had people considering leaving .. BUT , i held it
together , and the rumors went away and you see us now
releasing in 96. thank gawd .
new members for this month , well , we have spear .. s
s. coming from tetanus area code .. he apped , and well .
after thinking long an hard .. he got in.. so welcome
spear to s0ap .. and we hope to see good shit from him
in the future .. he looks to be a promising artist for .
.+ s0ap.
s we also welcome yet ANUDDa local d00dler from 2oh4 ..
phazeOne applied .. got in .. and has fine shit for this
pak , kinda incorporating his own kinda STYLE for this
month. yet another promising member for s0ap , lets hope
we see good things coming from him P
. well , that pretty much summs up this month .. as youll o
. notice , we keep raising our quality standard so that
the asckess arent so hard on our eyes :P .. so were quite
sure you wont be dissapointed in this month ..
thanks phOr reading , twas fun writin altho i was a bit
RushEd , .. but oh well , thats life as PRez..
ohya , you can reach us at soap@ungabunga.com or some of
our impressive d00dlers will be hangin on soap .. so
check it..
l8twh0rz ..
jestah prez
: s0ap : Sons 0f Asckee Prophets copyright i996 .. fewl , ,s - SSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS
yo.. jester back once again this tyme in 96 to write you all
this phunked up infoage phile ... now , ive been gettin .s
. phlak from the boyz cuz i havent drawn a new info file
s well TOO phukkin bad .. really , ive been quite busy P s
+ . but , thats all illevant .. as usual , i give my thanks
s to all the d00dlers who make the scene work and to all
: the people that are taking the time to read this info
+ file.
ok , down to the real deal. s0ap went thru a ruff time
. s. this month , rumor of merge and shiznit was going on and
. .S we had people considering leaving .. BUT , i held it
together , and the rumors went away and you see us now
releasing in 96. thank gawd .
new members for this month , well , we have spear .. s
s. coming from tetanus area code .. he apped , and well .
after thinking long an hard .. he got in.. so welcome
spear to s0ap .. and we hope to see good shit from him
in the future .. he looks to be a promising artist for .
.+ s0ap.
s we also welcome yet ANUDDa local d00dler from 2oh4 ..
phazeOne applied .. got in .. and has fine shit for this
pak , kinda incorporating his own kinda STYLE for this
month. yet another promising member for s0ap , lets hope
we see good things coming from him P
. well , that pretty much summs up this month .. as youll o
. notice , we keep raising our quality standard so that
the asckess arent so hard on our eyes :P .. so were quite
sure you wont be dissapointed in this month ..
thanks phOr reading , twas fun writin altho i was a bit
RushEd , .. but oh well , thats life as PRez..
ohya , you can reach us at soap@ungabunga.com or some of
our impressive d00dlers will be hangin on soap .. so
check it..
l8twh0rz ..
jestah prez
: s0ap : Sons 0f Asckee Prophets copyright i996 .. fewl , ,s - SSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS
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