this image contains text
.sss. .sss. .sss..sfss.
bssssss. .sssssssb
sP.,PsP,Ps sP,
bsssssssss.sssssssssssssssssssssSsssssssssssssssssd sssss
7 ,P
b 7 sS.ssssd
7 S soap uprisin in the oh-too-ninety-six S
7 d 7
, , welcome back all , as you can see , soap has made
SsssS7 its return for its fourth ascii pak , and each 7
SSY one getting better and better as we go along . 7 ,
7 . ,
b we are finally glad to see applications from , ,
Ss. , all over the world showing that our popularity SsssS7
. , has risen quite a bit , and for what started
S out as a small local group has slowly risen sS
into a more international type of group . ssS
btw: this is jester writing this once again.. . ,
S and i doo lOOOOOVe writing .nfos :
slowly but surely we are rising to bring all S
the people in the scene quality ascii to as
many people as possible , but remember , it ,
, all takes time , hopefully we will grow into a ,
, nice big prospering group. sssS
ssS7 new additions this month: 7
Ss bibette from quebec applied , hes got a nice s. ,
Sss style , and showed quite a bit of talent , so . ,
s from the moment i looked at it , i knew that
. , we would be looking at a brand new soap member s7
good job bibette P b ,
7 julian from .. uhmm.. can member applied : 7 S
S dont konw that much about him .. dont even
s think hes on the net :.. so if you want ,
, sumtin from him , jus request it thru anotha , ,
SsssS membah. SsssS
and bamboozler , another local doodler ..
applied twice , second time was a charm , an
7 S boom , he was in. just like that. should be S
interesting :
7 d 7
, , big sorry to technifix who was accepted last
SsssS7 month.. hes from tetanus area code . and 7
S had sum cool asciis to show us , so we let him 7 ,
in , simple eh? : . ,
S leaving: sS
due to our new no dualing for ascii rule ssS
we had to say goodbye to our new ascii doodler s
Sss spear. sorry to see you go man , but there was . ,
s no other way around it. . ,
new ruling: , .
SSs , 7
7 sOap will not be accepting dual groupers for 7 ,
7 ascii , seeing as we are an all ascii group we . ,
b prefer that we are ensured your best asciis . , ,
Ss. , this helps us control the quality for our group SsssS7
. , and will make sure nothing is taken away from
S your other groups. sS
phear us. s
Sss jester sOap el pr3sident3 . ,
. , and the rest of the sOap crew . cuz we are s7
the sons , sent here to carry on the prophecy b ,
SSs to produce quality asciis. S
7 7 S
S whOrd.
SsssSs. Ascii inspired by Nootroopic ... ,sSsssS
7sS . 7 ,ssS
Ss7 , . , s
b ,SsssS, , . ,
bssssss. .sssssssb
sP.,PsP,Ps sP,
bsssssssss.sssssssssssssssssssssSsssssssssssssssssd sssss
7 ,P
b 7 sS.ssssd
7 S soap uprisin in the oh-too-ninety-six S
7 d 7
, , welcome back all , as you can see , soap has made
SsssS7 its return for its fourth ascii pak , and each 7
SSY one getting better and better as we go along . 7 ,
7 . ,
b we are finally glad to see applications from , ,
Ss. , all over the world showing that our popularity SsssS7
. , has risen quite a bit , and for what started
S out as a small local group has slowly risen sS
into a more international type of group . ssS
btw: this is jester writing this once again.. . ,
S and i doo lOOOOOVe writing .nfos :
slowly but surely we are rising to bring all S
the people in the scene quality ascii to as
many people as possible , but remember , it ,
, all takes time , hopefully we will grow into a ,
, nice big prospering group. sssS
ssS7 new additions this month: 7
Ss bibette from quebec applied , hes got a nice s. ,
Sss style , and showed quite a bit of talent , so . ,
s from the moment i looked at it , i knew that
. , we would be looking at a brand new soap member s7
good job bibette P b ,
7 julian from .. uhmm.. can member applied : 7 S
S dont konw that much about him .. dont even
s think hes on the net :.. so if you want ,
, sumtin from him , jus request it thru anotha , ,
SsssS membah. SsssS
and bamboozler , another local doodler ..
applied twice , second time was a charm , an
7 S boom , he was in. just like that. should be S
interesting :
7 d 7
, , big sorry to technifix who was accepted last
SsssS7 month.. hes from tetanus area code . and 7
S had sum cool asciis to show us , so we let him 7 ,
in , simple eh? : . ,
S leaving: sS
due to our new no dualing for ascii rule ssS
we had to say goodbye to our new ascii doodler s
Sss spear. sorry to see you go man , but there was . ,
s no other way around it. . ,
new ruling: , .
SSs , 7
7 sOap will not be accepting dual groupers for 7 ,
7 ascii , seeing as we are an all ascii group we . ,
b prefer that we are ensured your best asciis . , ,
Ss. , this helps us control the quality for our group SsssS7
. , and will make sure nothing is taken away from
S your other groups. sS
phear us. s
Sss jester sOap el pr3sident3 . ,
. , and the rest of the sOap crew . cuz we are s7
the sons , sent here to carry on the prophecy b ,
SSs to produce quality asciis. S
7 7 S
S whOrd.
SsssSs. Ascii inspired by Nootroopic ... ,sSsssS
7sS . 7 ,ssS
Ss7 , . , s
b ,SsssS, , . ,
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