this image contains text
s0apmy Kollumn-- ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
, .,. endlesss0ap
Ts,. .,sP .
P YP .,sP
P ,P. , .
, , s,. i
. ,s, ,sP
i .,d,.
,s,.. . s,,ss s,.T
.,sP ,s Ts. s,. . .
YP.Ts, .,ss,. P . .,
, T .,. . .,sP
s s,.sP . . b :
,s i
T T d ,
.,s, ,b xP,s,.
T sPYs,. , .,sP
P ,s,. PxT P
. . ,s s,.,ss,. ss, . T
-- this is unc0lored b3cause it didn7 l0ok g0od c0lored --- -
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
.sss P Yb ,
s, T ,ss, ss ws ,d
--- - - ,ab s, bm, ssm --- - -
?x ,Pj x?
,s ,s,s b,. s Tss s,s
, T ,
-- hOrk! Bursing with fr0oty flayv0r -- -
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
. .,ms , s,. ,
,s,.ssss, P ssss
T b,.
endless , ssssssss ,
S0ap s.. s ,
.,sP,s,s,. TP
.,sPTs T
a, Ps,T,s,.
-- - s ,s,sT ---
, T,,
P s, T,s,
P ,. T
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
endlesss0ap s , , ,
s,. m, ., ., .,s
Ts ss sT
sss,.sT TsP .,s
ds, . .. . .d,,ss,. .,sP
T ::. :
. ..::: . . s h a - t o e
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
- - tee dee ess - - --
-- - - end!S0ap
.,s,s ,2P ,ss,T
d ,sssssss,
ss s ,T
s s,.., T TsT ,
-- s,,TsT,s,. -- .,s --
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
this is unc0lored b3cause it didn7 l0ok g0od c0lored.
: Ele3t-------------------------------------------------------Gr3eTs- i
. msd jestor cain prizm sarkazm kaledias spear pixelpusher 9 lives :
blatz ky- samnesia ellisdee wizy blackknight tre-bone flipside .
gandhi dscia fluoryou punk rocka cidica.. . theez are the p3ople
wh0 ar3 c0ol .. if I FoRg0t Y0u , im s0rRy . .. :
. msd jestor prizm sarkazm and cidica , because they humped me
: in my time of need.
i .
like it would be 1000 lines.. sheesh..
half way there.
Secret!----- - - ------ - --- --- --- -- - --- ------ ---oldschool ascii?
end! m a L I C E rival
the. // // // / //
end! 0 a s i s
Secret!----- - - ------ - --- --- --- -- - --- ------ ---oldschool ascii?
end! / / ---- /
d e c a d e s
Secret!----- - - ------ - --- --- --- -- - --- ------- ----- ----THE.end
Eye hId SecReT aScIi sKiLlS In ThE CoLlY-uM..eYe AM ELiTe!
, .,. endlesss0ap
Ts,. .,sP .
P YP .,sP
P ,P. , .
, , s,. i
. ,s, ,sP
i .,d,.
,s,.. . s,,ss s,.T
.,sP ,s Ts. s,. . .
YP.Ts, .,ss,. P . .,
, T .,. . .,sP
s s,.sP . . b :
,s i
T T d ,
.,s, ,b xP,s,.
T sPYs,. , .,sP
P ,s,. PxT P
. . ,s s,.,ss,. ss, . T
-- this is unc0lored b3cause it didn7 l0ok g0od c0lored --- -
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
.sss P Yb ,
s, T ,ss, ss ws ,d
--- - - ,ab s, bm, ssm --- - -
?x ,Pj x?
,s ,s,s b,. s Tss s,s
, T ,
-- hOrk! Bursing with fr0oty flayv0r -- -
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
. .,ms , s,. ,
,s,.ssss, P ssss
T b,.
endless , ssssssss ,
S0ap s.. s ,
.,sP,s,s,. TP
.,sPTs T
a, Ps,T,s,.
-- - s ,s,sT ---
, T,,
P s, T,s,
P ,. T
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
endlesss0ap s , , ,
s,. m, ., ., .,s
Ts ss sT
sss,.sT TsP .,s
ds, . .. . .d,,ss,. .,sP
T ::. :
. ..::: . . s h a - t o e
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
- - tee dee ess - - --
-- - - end!S0ap
.,s,s ,2P ,ss,T
d ,sssssss,
ss s ,T
s s,.., T TsT ,
-- s,,TsT,s,. -- .,s --
s0ap-------- - - ------ ---- -------- - --------- ---Sunz0fAsciiProfittZ
this is unc0lored b3cause it didn7 l0ok g0od c0lored.
: Ele3t-------------------------------------------------------Gr3eTs- i
. msd jestor cain prizm sarkazm kaledias spear pixelpusher 9 lives :
blatz ky- samnesia ellisdee wizy blackknight tre-bone flipside .
gandhi dscia fluoryou punk rocka cidica.. . theez are the p3ople
wh0 ar3 c0ol .. if I FoRg0t Y0u , im s0rRy . .. :
. msd jestor prizm sarkazm and cidica , because they humped me
: in my time of need.
i .
like it would be 1000 lines.. sheesh..
half way there.
Secret!----- - - ------ - --- --- --- -- - --- ------ ---oldschool ascii?
end! m a L I C E rival
the. // // // / //
end! 0 a s i s
Secret!----- - - ------ - --- --- --- -- - --- ------ ---oldschool ascii?
end! / / ---- /
d e c a d e s
Secret!----- - - ------ - --- --- --- -- - --- ------- ----- ----THE.end
Eye hId SecReT aScIi sKiLlS In ThE CoLlY-uM..eYe AM ELiTe!
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