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Ok knight, these asciis are for you... hope you like them, ill hook you up
with a vga soon... -Jeepee
lSs, lSs,
lsSSss, sSSS SSss, SSsSSss, ,ss
l ,l S.l b.l Ss ,SS
lsSS l ll ll l
. , . , l , s. .sS
phreakers united in northern california
, l ,, s
l ls, ls ll
phreakers united in northern california
with a vga soon... -Jeepee
lSs, lSs,
lsSSss, sSSS SSss, SSsSSss, ,ss
l ,l S.l b.l Ss ,SS
lsSS l ll ll l
. , . , l , s. .sS
phreakers united in northern california
, l ,, s
l ls, ls ll
phreakers united in northern california
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