this image contains text
db, ,d. .b. ,d.
jb. ,4St+ ,da, .aSSt+
@s40 ,s@a, .,st .d7S@4PYS7P
jY dsY d
+tj ,. jY d
j,SSs,Y S:::: 1 YS::. Y:
.PYS,jS@asd dP .7Sha,. h
iP prIz i PS h,..d.dS@tP
: :::.Y:a,. ,t::S Y ?dPYP
Y,d Y Y .aS7
s0ap october 96 YP.:: sonsofasciiprophets :@SSa::::::: :::: :: :
information formulaire 7
ok.. this month. 1096. went like this:
k , first let me get this off my chest. I Prism know that s0ap0996
was mostly a dissapointment... reasons being we didnt collect work from
alot of our members, it was rushed, and i have aids. So sorry about that,
now were trying to get shit back on schedule quality release-date wise...
its october. People are getting use to their school schedules, and
shit is less insane... we gained some good new members this month..
first up is skatter, a great pic artist, who represents well in this pack...
Next at bat, is Illwill, whom some of you may know from Trank. Illwill
has got some great styles, and freestyles, so dont step. and joining
at the end of the month, is d3mented, who is a crazy phat color-fontist..
cheg him out yo. d3mented wont be in sarkazmz comic, cuz he joined late,
but buhleeve me hell be in tha next one.
oh jeh, check out jabOn, soaps new bot. hes got madd flows. go up to him
and say trank or noname, and well see whos got game.
ughm... pariah wanted to dual with acid!ascii, so we said forget it, so hes
gone... Jeepee has been lowered to an inactive member, as hes got no time
do to other stuff. gloom/drchaos, our telecom guys, also drop to inactive
member status, due to loss of communication.
now ill let jestor drop some kn0wledge... - pRIZM barton@pangea.ca
so.. the shit is on this month. and. i have a big announcement to make.
next month is our mutha - phukkin crazy assed anniversary. yes. thats
right. 12 months of sOAP stile. the group you have followed for im
assuming 8 or so months will come back and kick the flava for the
twelfth time. eYUH.
well. whut can i say. im the prez of soap. and im the biggest slacker.
sorry. no art this month. but i never got any sorta recognition from my
work in the first place. so im sure no one really gives a shit :..
anyhow.. what can i say. were late again. but .. its usually worth the wait.
a quote from jEZTOR :
j. - they didnt make us the sONZ oF aSCII pROPHETZ foh nothing. and i
b. think thats pretty self explanitory. - jESTOR xxx@xxxxx.xx
jb. ,4St+ ,da, .aSSt+
@s40 ,s@a, .,st .d7S@4PYS7P
jY dsY d
+tj ,. jY d
j,SSs,Y S:::: 1 YS::. Y:
.PYS,jS@asd dP .7Sha,. h
iP prIz i PS h,..d.dS@tP
: :::.Y:a,. ,t::S Y ?dPYP
Y,d Y Y .aS7
s0ap october 96 YP.:: sonsofasciiprophets :@SSa::::::: :::: :: :
information formulaire 7
ok.. this month. 1096. went like this:
k , first let me get this off my chest. I Prism know that s0ap0996
was mostly a dissapointment... reasons being we didnt collect work from
alot of our members, it was rushed, and i have aids. So sorry about that,
now were trying to get shit back on schedule quality release-date wise...
its october. People are getting use to their school schedules, and
shit is less insane... we gained some good new members this month..
first up is skatter, a great pic artist, who represents well in this pack...
Next at bat, is Illwill, whom some of you may know from Trank. Illwill
has got some great styles, and freestyles, so dont step. and joining
at the end of the month, is d3mented, who is a crazy phat color-fontist..
cheg him out yo. d3mented wont be in sarkazmz comic, cuz he joined late,
but buhleeve me hell be in tha next one.
oh jeh, check out jabOn, soaps new bot. hes got madd flows. go up to him
and say trank or noname, and well see whos got game.
ughm... pariah wanted to dual with acid!ascii, so we said forget it, so hes
gone... Jeepee has been lowered to an inactive member, as hes got no time
do to other stuff. gloom/drchaos, our telecom guys, also drop to inactive
member status, due to loss of communication.
now ill let jestor drop some kn0wledge... - pRIZM barton@pangea.ca
so.. the shit is on this month. and. i have a big announcement to make.
next month is our mutha - phukkin crazy assed anniversary. yes. thats
right. 12 months of sOAP stile. the group you have followed for im
assuming 8 or so months will come back and kick the flava for the
twelfth time. eYUH.
well. whut can i say. im the prez of soap. and im the biggest slacker.
sorry. no art this month. but i never got any sorta recognition from my
work in the first place. so im sure no one really gives a shit :..
anyhow.. what can i say. were late again. but .. its usually worth the wait.
a quote from jEZTOR :
j. - they didnt make us the sONZ oF aSCII pROPHETZ foh nothing. and i
b. think thats pretty self explanitory. - jESTOR xxx@xxxxx.xx
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