this image contains text
m e m b e r l i s t i n g
f o u n d e r
metallic blood
s e n i o r s t a f f
mr. corrupti
a n s i a r t i s t s
metallic blood anselmo
mr. corruption errant angel
zen dr. kevorkian
broken machine
a s c i i a r t
metallic blood broken mach
c o d i n g
v g a a r t
members whose names are in above color indicate
a guest artist postition, who is currently in
another group full time.
if you are not on here, and think you should be
contact metallic blood, or mr. corruption the
later would be more likely to get you somewhere
on corrupted society 414.463.9556 or sin city
when it goes back up 414.246.5998 thanks
also if you are intersted in being a distribution
site, you should contact us, or use the appgen
and upload it to one of the above said boar
m e m b e r l i s t i n g
f o u n d e r
metallic blood
s e n i o r s t a f f
mr. corrupti
a n s i a r t i s t s
metallic blood anselmo
mr. corruption errant angel
zen dr. kevorkian
broken machine
a s c i i a r t
metallic blood broken mach
c o d i n g
v g a a r t
members whose names are in above color indicate
a guest artist postition, who is currently in
another group full time.
if you are not on here, and think you should be
contact metallic blood, or mr. corruption the
later would be more likely to get you somewhere
on corrupted society 414.463.9556 or sin city
when it goes back up 414.246.5998 thanks
also if you are intersted in being a distribution
site, you should contact us, or use the appgen
and upload it to one of the above said boar
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