this image contains text
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s a t i r e
d e g e n e r a t i o n 6 5
s t a r i n g . .
the midnight judge
tr5/ midnightjudge /
a n d f e a t u r i n g . . .
rzarector the midnight judge header
martzdeg65 dark flash joint and divider
kresiledeg65 collection name
a c o l l e c t i o n c a l l e d . .
:: : 01 cocaine 07 thc : ::
:::: 02 genius 08 trail blazin ::::
:: 03 fitter happier 09 valerie ::
. :: 04 athansia 10 ecko :: .
:: 05 oblivio 11 spoof ::
:: 06 e-mail menu 12 darkflash ::
woop my ass mother fucker
i n t r o d u c t i o n
Ive quit kwest, cause I needed a change and I didnt feel I
was still a part of it. Plus, the members got lazy and stuff.
I am now in satire, as you can see, and a part of a crew *not
a group* which is a bunch of friends sticking together. Its
called degeneration 65, and it owns.
Now, lets talk about this collection. Welp, not much style
change. I am less original than my last colly, but I dont
give a simple fuck. Neither do I like it alot, but thats da
best I could come up with, so Ill have to live with it, and
so will you.
Thanks to the satire crew, to my guests, and to the kwessyde!
Thanks to martz, d2mac-roman, and the rest of the deg65 clan.
Thanks to god, my dad, my mom, nah.. im kidding.
the midnight judgedeg65,
now, shut the fuck up and show us what ya got fuckin midnight ninja!
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: cocaine -//
requested by: discofunk
c o c a i n e //
: mjay-- :
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: genius -//
requested by: gift
g e n i u s
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: fitter happier -//
requested by: truman starr
f i t t e r :
: h a p p i e : r
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: athanasia -//
requested by: cain
: a t h a n a s i a :mjaykWEST
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: oblivio -//
requested by: sagittar
: oblivio / ..........:
. / mjay
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: e-mail menu -//
requested by: kayozz
: electronic / m a i l m e n u :
:............./......................: T H C
command line command line command line /
command line command line command line /
. ... command line command line command line /...
command line command line command line
/ / mjay
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: thc -//
requested by: kayozz
//mjay :
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: trail blazin -//
requested by: kresile
mjay /
: t r a i l b l a z i n
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: valerie -//
requested by: gift
: v a l e r i e :
i love you ..
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: ecko divider -//
requested by: kresile
++--: :------ says: ecko
/:/ for: my mate kresile
++---- /------/ -- e c k o
/ /tmj!
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: spoof -//
requested by: compo hitek
that was for a compo.. i get 0 vote.. i guess it sucks.. eh, oh well.
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: dark flash -//
requested by: god knows
ascii by mjay martz.
/ i
// / / l
/ l
d a r k - f l a s h
o u t r o d u c t i o n
An other collection done, thats cool. About time. Heres sum
Martz, d2mac, kresile, squish, c4nn, gravedancer, cain, biogen,
massmurd, black jack, serial toon, genius, ack, quest, anarkzz,
insight, ohseven, satire, degeneration 65, and the kwessyde.
I DO know I havent mentionned alot of people. But i cant member
everyone, and i cant mention just everyone..
collection list... kleen-x ultra,
sargon, my idol,
beyond the ascii scene,
aids america is dying slowly,
kleen-x ultra2,
volatile, my idol
intestinal worms
we own you
high balls with the devil
miss with a penis
woop my ass mother fucker..
..this midnight judge is DOWN
s a t i r e tmj
this is miss with a penis ascii collection
s a t i r e
d e g e n e r a t i o n 6 5
s t a r i n g . .
the midnight judge
tr5/ midnightjudge /
a n d f e a t u r i n g . . .
rzarector the midnight judge header
martzdeg65 dark flash joint and divider
kresiledeg65 collection name
a c o l l e c t i o n c a l l e d . .
:: : 01 cocaine 07 thc : ::
:::: 02 genius 08 trail blazin ::::
:: 03 fitter happier 09 valerie ::
. :: 04 athansia 10 ecko :: .
:: 05 oblivio 11 spoof ::
:: 06 e-mail menu 12 darkflash ::
woop my ass mother fucker
i n t r o d u c t i o n
Ive quit kwest, cause I needed a change and I didnt feel I
was still a part of it. Plus, the members got lazy and stuff.
I am now in satire, as you can see, and a part of a crew *not
a group* which is a bunch of friends sticking together. Its
called degeneration 65, and it owns.
Now, lets talk about this collection. Welp, not much style
change. I am less original than my last colly, but I dont
give a simple fuck. Neither do I like it alot, but thats da
best I could come up with, so Ill have to live with it, and
so will you.
Thanks to the satire crew, to my guests, and to the kwessyde!
Thanks to martz, d2mac-roman, and the rest of the deg65 clan.
Thanks to god, my dad, my mom, nah.. im kidding.
the midnight judgedeg65,
now, shut the fuck up and show us what ya got fuckin midnight ninja!
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: cocaine -//
requested by: discofunk
c o c a i n e //
: mjay-- :
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: genius -//
requested by: gift
g e n i u s
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: fitter happier -//
requested by: truman starr
f i t t e r :
: h a p p i e : r
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: athanasia -//
requested by: cain
: a t h a n a s i a :mjaykWEST
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: oblivio -//
requested by: sagittar
: oblivio / ..........:
. / mjay
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: e-mail menu -//
requested by: kayozz
: electronic / m a i l m e n u :
:............./......................: T H C
command line command line command line /
command line command line command line /
. ... command line command line command line /...
command line command line command line
/ / mjay
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: thc -//
requested by: kayozz
//mjay :
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: trail blazin -//
requested by: kresile
mjay /
: t r a i l b l a z i n
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: valerie -//
requested by: gift
: v a l e r i e :
i love you ..
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: ecko divider -//
requested by: kresile
++--: :------ says: ecko
/:/ for: my mate kresile
++---- /------/ -- e c k o
/ /tmj!
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: spoof -//
requested by: compo hitek
that was for a compo.. i get 0 vote.. i guess it sucks.. eh, oh well.
..,,..., ..,,,.... miss ...., , .
martz: wif a
deg/ / penis
65 / // // / /
/ ascii says: dark flash -//
requested by: god knows
ascii by mjay martz.
/ i
// / / l
/ l
d a r k - f l a s h
o u t r o d u c t i o n
An other collection done, thats cool. About time. Heres sum
Martz, d2mac, kresile, squish, c4nn, gravedancer, cain, biogen,
massmurd, black jack, serial toon, genius, ack, quest, anarkzz,
insight, ohseven, satire, degeneration 65, and the kwessyde.
I DO know I havent mentionned alot of people. But i cant member
everyone, and i cant mention just everyone..
collection list... kleen-x ultra,
sargon, my idol,
beyond the ascii scene,
aids america is dying slowly,
kleen-x ultra2,
volatile, my idol
intestinal worms
we own you
high balls with the devil
miss with a penis
woop my ass mother fucker..
..this midnight judge is DOWN
s a t i r e tmj
this is miss with a penis ascii collection
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