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@@DESCRIPT+ Editorial 2 +
Comments from The Stranger
Well welcome to our April 1995 pack, or what I like to call our
Shoot The Wad Part II: The Second Coming pack. As youve probably noticed,
this pack is huge. We are all really excited about this one. As a matter
of fact, even Mr. Flack said hes excited about this pack and he doesnt
get excited very easily. But he should be excited and so should you. More
writers, more short stories and more poems then ever before. The ever
growing Death Certificate just gets better and better. And we are now being
read in atleast 10 different states and Canada. Thats a lot to be excited
If I could get on my soap box for a second here, congress is about
to pass a bill which is called something like the Internet smut bill which
will higher people to regulate the internet and what messages/files are
transfered on it. And, anyone passing files or writing messages that some
congress person has decided is profane or vulger can be prosectued. Well
ofcourse this is a violation of our freedom of speach. But if you think
about some of the wonderful things youve read in our SAZ pack, there is
stuff that could probably be termed as vulger or profane. I can think
of some of my own poems/stories where Ive hacked up children, raped women,
and then got nasty with their dead bodies. So if this bill is passed, it
will affect all of us and could possibly regulate how or if you get your
SAZ packs. So call up your local congressman or woman, and let them know
how you feel about this bill. Right now it looks like it will pass but
hopefully we can turn the tide. Okay, down of the soapbox.
Thanks to everyone for downloading this and thanks again to all the
sysops who let us take up room on their hard drives. A personal thanks from
me to all my fellow SAZ writers and members for working so hard on the packs.
I really do appreciate it. And that reminds me, me and Mr. Flack have been
talking about some changes that may occur in SAZ soon involving how many
poems can be submitted each month. Now that we have so many members we are
thinking of lowering the amount of poems we will take. We will let you
know what we decide. Dont forget to call Where Shadows Wait and send us
a sample of your lit if youd like to be a member, or info on your board
if youd like to be a distro site. See ya in May.
The Stranger...
Comments from The Stranger
Well welcome to our April 1995 pack, or what I like to call our
Shoot The Wad Part II: The Second Coming pack. As youve probably noticed,
this pack is huge. We are all really excited about this one. As a matter
of fact, even Mr. Flack said hes excited about this pack and he doesnt
get excited very easily. But he should be excited and so should you. More
writers, more short stories and more poems then ever before. The ever
growing Death Certificate just gets better and better. And we are now being
read in atleast 10 different states and Canada. Thats a lot to be excited
If I could get on my soap box for a second here, congress is about
to pass a bill which is called something like the Internet smut bill which
will higher people to regulate the internet and what messages/files are
transfered on it. And, anyone passing files or writing messages that some
congress person has decided is profane or vulger can be prosectued. Well
ofcourse this is a violation of our freedom of speach. But if you think
about some of the wonderful things youve read in our SAZ pack, there is
stuff that could probably be termed as vulger or profane. I can think
of some of my own poems/stories where Ive hacked up children, raped women,
and then got nasty with their dead bodies. So if this bill is passed, it
will affect all of us and could possibly regulate how or if you get your
SAZ packs. So call up your local congressman or woman, and let them know
how you feel about this bill. Right now it looks like it will pass but
hopefully we can turn the tide. Okay, down of the soapbox.
Thanks to everyone for downloading this and thanks again to all the
sysops who let us take up room on their hard drives. A personal thanks from
me to all my fellow SAZ writers and members for working so hard on the packs.
I really do appreciate it. And that reminds me, me and Mr. Flack have been
talking about some changes that may occur in SAZ soon involving how many
poems can be submitted each month. Now that we have so many members we are
thinking of lowering the amount of poems we will take. We will let you
know what we decide. Dont forget to call Where Shadows Wait and send us
a sample of your lit if youd like to be a member, or info on your board
if youd like to be a distro site. See ya in May.
The Stranger...
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